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June 07, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-06-07

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The Michig _____
.NN ARBOR,'0MICHIGAN , E DM E1901)AJit .00.


Varsity First Baseman will Lead
Next Year's Baseball '
N ormano lill wilt leadtho Narsttt tall
tadiig te sprin00g of 1g9t. Thte
vteratnt lIttt 1aea wasti 00 eectetd to Thle
tootunc of ntt 'seaon' Saggregatont
met at litsctO Itt orto the annuoal pc-
Ott'x w tr 1Fai too thiteen of tlhe
f meltt wot haI plae O ottn thtie 'Varsty
sudtis esn the folotittg ooeore
y gien he ttsi 'ia totoetotol, Walsh,
Hill J.t Catmtpbell, MNIrlio, Lothtrott,
00 It tot Hays, MitchllI lDrake, Sttitlt,
of ~ ~ ~ t tt oznottwl oh n cootttexttyeatt
strongestt tt t ttt ha ever t rep eo'tedte
maizea tttttueto te tttmond t itl
Itt o 01s ttt tnooo)an ttttt t ytte
wast 0000 00f to matttto st of theo toeat.
too ot ito'r tttttoot,ot 'ro roototo o
fetoot ot tho tototo oooiw~ a1totto on,
tto tital sor ttog 112t' too o. Ott Tttot-
loot after0000oot te tootcs wil pla ty thte
]t.if thoe 'attot' teamt ttinst tho tttt-
versityottt thminhpwl o to toot
frss e t its loto thta sw l
0000 tS . . ..23 1 0 0 0 to w.o .
H O ttc p . . . .. 0 0 0 0 0-- 0
Potootter to of Ln Fishr; toeon
1 oN It mstt Olier Umpire
NI\lt I) 1F1R lll RVI0101T10N.
toot It tot the t to ttot snoat or
0000 lttt'tt'''ttoo' toot trn n o to for tto
otffaitr 0000 0000010000010etd toot '000if enoegy
tte 00000toot sociat funton 0000f too yeato
and 1 tohngwllh loft unone.to IExltn
'0000 ev0 r otooto tolbe m d toO gve'
0000000lsinn foota appearanceOot0'.
000000000 wOill too I inttto The too . beoto o
00000001 0000 fro t comitt eet'. tttoo'te''
00000011a 000000 funihIls Ito000000.
Ino ral Ir0 oloa 00000 styto'. twenoty toti-
tootit Gle 000000vste hesroi
ly toot di00 goo 00 tings too eoat boot
thegir,, ad repredfoot theomt.



te foitoshinogtooooloo otoo his otoison-\ to
day decidingteoll ottiott hadto ot00
tooed te aowa'rditog of 0000rlotv
trophtoes of te pep schtoolmt.000To
toitotscoreod ooy Sfee0of M'sttont
00000 allowed to tatndt Intonelac
Koher of 1L000000i 000Ottge 010s tecp o toot
o too otidualottonotetntlsct oitheOt
greeatest onumbloeof 000000ttootnd t olul-
goot seoureseo to0010foro te00000a100anding0
too secodtplae inthe itg 1000000
fee's etolobilty tootbtoot topet o-to -o
tiftedobytootie OMusokeonotfatocult to, 1000
0e01 hotlod heoloeiedotn tio taor.00 tt
footlurte of theoteostng scools o~o~too 00001
lhir ojtot in0000ttt p00100a000000001000
Ohey knew altte facts~t(cs n
htaolatmotle ttoeopportntytoo take earl}10ac-
toot 00s000 n000 ot anO~ttfacttor toll 0reach-o
tg te d~etsiono.
Michiganensian are in (reat Demand
at Campus [Moth
Sot toohtool neytotoo c00000 0000nov t
cout er ooo of oltie io,'iogato 000000 10000 to
toesterdaoy' tht t I0 t e 'ttto to,''t 0 007'too
0got cotw00ntoot 00 o t ig' MacktoSoot'
age 'tooto t ro lveroooo'' otto o'oott't'o 1it
iti to00tIrospetivetootbOtto.
0Toese s1 tarteooit intO th aotototot
at toove, 0minutes00 to t I d, to 00 0 ttoo
fifteenooominuotesovtoo' o '00 0 'oot' 0 ot
ottt o ive-ool'oto eveon-Oto sott ieotto aret 0 too
totod oo toll tcp ,thrledof,o''''''''
ArkansasITo ra0veleto, ototoot e 0oo(01000000
the01i00000o0whFetheio aid too ou,
lat bttonotoldofndItill tht }-to am"1,000100
bo toon froototof too, OdotChemtoolto t otbo ot
ingcalle ty tto fife, tnotdruot t twto
$1,038 doteposioodoin tbn."Ih ~a
00000 er sottdtdurtntoot''atto o 00000ytt;-
Olyooty40c00000i otst oftcltttt of i.too000
realy remaitootoooe too d eie k
otoooste g'ventoolbrresto n x
chaonge, r'uonintoto to a faoot80
0to, t tttoo0) 11 m.toda n fa } r
remainin tooe 00boo0 t vilh otm
o n' etdnosdty' It 00 thon00000''Otter
toat t oo w l tbe Oothe t d .otto Iltlt pale
10001000006fromthet apdiOtfto's e
tiNoQrT. UNITE'011S 11O Il
0011)1 0000'T 01,t'llIONtt.
Iolandowasto to oo las't Ot 0 0000000100
tte o10010 t 00010ottof wUl~st
held tthr t anual00000at0li
cipalt ot of ttoe ototni000'' to tat o f
0000tht tOi00t000000f tiompatr00001
'osat er 000000 K oooos t 0 t ottoled 01000n
MessrsoI D tttotomb o it ortto 00,100 1 01000
O tt d it t fewto 0 0 0
too fouor so rs to of teo 00''0000''otttot

WOLVERINE OFFERS IO'1001) i lilt 1
JOBS FOR SCRIBES ilc tr;11itn r1;r

Meeting of Applicants for Work'
on summer School Paper
is Today
Mtoilootottot too to to wtork o Oetto 0
00000, c su im r cot oloot -weekly,
tttor01cte(tot seet the n 00000n
edittor to t theoitti c o f tile\t l 00 j00001
00 I..ths ftr oo t liretroot o cl to
;00t1o 0010000t oth00000 l0000010 oott
'0cop' the S ttod v pr o t'o onin''ciw1-
00000 t to 0000000shtot aIthe neoo
Otto 00 tcl "isOtt udents00000 el0000f000 n

<tl 1 00000tt 11( 51
toI-0 to ott ,x),(1to 1c l la
0000000011 00l 11,1 tl
olcl toot lc~i( h O
"Phis0 001111,,000000000001010
00000000" - .ott 11ths )
\l( 1 0 1the 0 o0t00 000000
00100010Itt 0100' ''00000 tltt


Cast of Senior Girls' Play is
to Have Special Scenery
0000rangemen'oots haveto' teo t 00000 to l
oo'ot''o'tt'Soorah ato t' lotto,'t Ototll haoll tWill
0000t0s) 'e tneot' c0o't't0't too add11 to th
ott tooolt'tt a y toto'. OIngivinthei
pla thtse io ogirs tove tiidtit 000000-
0 0to hve n d~ rets tta
th senry ma e nd wilott toit to
te otto '1'00000 ft r t het play.0 oo
~'e fel thatOne ort tt i toscene
ttom yyto'he Ix Ine by' eing'ot
0them 0'00tt ottour seey tan 0i 0007y0other
sad i mme i , tt000000rman
-0000000 o t i e I a d t{)Oett rstst00
000000000 ' ach iIt tettadoldtd Itan
not0 ay00 0 t h tt wilO o lott n01010000
ott0000 of -t 0 0000000
"01, C 00 oo"' \ It oO 11H to oll 1
ITO IOP 01A11Y 1lINi

Fi zpatrick's Method tisoEmployed
by Varsity 'Track "Teams
\\to' t' 'o tot ot' (t' tho'oo l'to 0000 ' t 1 . 0 toot 0000
0000:10l)E tl dk ' S ' ot Ot to ex00 th'l010000'


So Surveyor is Forced to Return
Minus the Gjarment
t)IIt oti \ t 0 tt a-ntc lis tiC a
oOd andOtagodto Ott to 006hangs 0
tli010le ~ t went oa the ocot was tolefttaone.to
Ah g cam a kigh of he toadto.
100riey 0ssa 001 ottlotbac ito 000he0
0000001the0to000000he 0o 0 a 0cd tem.t
0000000a01 - cec: ookto the i t he
ef (rY s on to atot t he 00000 'b000
The 'll 1m<1 00111 exatly T ore1 0 itsN
lrctlc esso ha(1c()y ~ 'ed ttootd
r: _0 'rhat e , te bo stot 010'a0000ef0
,y ilc ro dsid : an bac: tootowe Icam
the0 00000100000e to otts
As0 tl It f00 tin000 000 to ott totu
000a001 000001000crclass ttgirs o 0 th 't0, 00-
00000001or 0000000 Ne betoo hallottay
tottoo:totot 0000001

t o toob l )r )
sc 00.t 000000 ~ cict
100000000 0100 1 111!(,100000

000 ttol
0 c~ "to r

ill(ll'c :Ills illiwe
trt't5 llck It) ll
C I;tIIcc5 t?1 <Ili '
11 t r c I I I I )tIs tI*:lI
71111 ti 111.
t Ic IIItcrc ItI
llllltlz ) lc [I'
)tIt I\ccliC' 1'Iti
fit) r.ct 1lli .' It' l
'lltcr tll<tll loll
l Jlc (IIsc.lII I111_Wt

thelot'letdotto tot tat> oo'ooof,
d00000 toc o mn t re tclo to
re0 long' 000''thoe0(1inims t 1100'
to c" ood,Presi1000000

0S 10 11
tootC '' tot 0
00 1000g 1
t It ~1



oTt E T I 1Itt [?'I
camo s il o 0000 l

.l.1C'o\117 I

li 00z101
toos thte
i1 tot to

0 0010000 1000100 otto' Wth iott000
to -10, btot"000100000 tolot'
ltc ~ fic aI Id t o'oo1fulltt7'
het rcooircoooo 11otoootot0. 1100%\oI

E Olto

(0' 11tt


tC .AT 00011 ''NOltItt 10kk'


to are las oo toc oslt
0 0 0 0 0e s 0t o o ut t h It w i c o m ptt i0000
1wc t.tao t 0 si000xty olott t
to otot

s the ' 'ttt sa untion bef10010000
t~0 thtoo b-lte~r\ l o t lootito
I I ''tand 'ene al 1 001t0hit
00' tO thc ill too down00 to00 10000 0f01
last 0t0me 000001 toor
tor Wll roturnoto Otoo Otttlr0Itt


Ottin P cktso' t for te til

Going Some Have You Gotta Price $2.00
700 copies Only 500
sold 1910 Michiganensian Left

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