Vii . rnlCiIII>cN ) A ryule in Buying clothes When you're buying clothes spend all you can afford but he sure you'r~e getting your- money's wlorth. STEIN-BL OCR SMART CL OTZHE S represent the biggest values to be had in clothes- dom1. You can find here a STEIIN-BLOCH suit at the price you can afford to pay-it will be the utmost in finie tailoring, fine fit and material to be had for that particular amount of money. - We court comparisons. Lidellsoliffitt, Afl&Co. U N iVIJUsR S si VIt lt II(, c I >> L;lc c V 'lili 1"1cry11 i0 Weare closing out our entire stock of MerasFurnishings and Hats. Io EVER;:,-YTHING GOES REGARDLESS OF COSY ~~1 orh Jx~ve~~yAve. MOVING PACKING hIIWPING C. O.(odfre Phone 82. Office and Warehouase 410n Osr+i41Ath.Ae. I ~ SIE X ~ UR Reule, Conlin & Fiegel I IC I It t1 t I rs T Y P E W W Vor ale ;., aand"sup coeo t, wiii be certain able qualityWe i which makes trur, balanced Cyko Paiote'c * Let u usplendid a ss,or cameras. Pur..e& all pho~ogr ap j')a Developn'. N FoA.~~ . SIWI. MEXICAN INDIAN BLANKETS SILK SCARFS TII," F\VE I IlIINGforyor Cllge oo, Dn, THlEMOST BEALUTIl' I, ill Nry ll EsIiNo;for Cae oleg, Couhlien, MexicnIland-Drawn hail IA ary141 iiIan illla fo ('ane, laga (2cl', (oe- Scarf' Made of fiestipure GORG~EOUS4 2010R EFFECTS! BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS! COLORiS:;Wite,(Ceam1,, '01,1 ("1 I' Yo I AVIIIITI balckground COLOR1: B1ce, lied, liac'k o'alny spcialicolor desired. 111111n. lu, i, 1Gre11n, Whit, ,B1la11k1The Ioely P11010V14 T II 1511 71t. Sin. x 311. 101n.., ........ .$ 5.00 for Theatre, Opera, i~ac,, Lit. Sin. x 31t. 4in.......... 3.50 or any Evertingi, Wear. 511. tin. x 21t. Sin. ..... ... 2.50 Set ot three (one of each size) 10.00 PRICE $10.00 SENT ANYWHERE, CARRIAGE PREPAD, ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. Order Today. Money Baek It Yen Want It. ISBEXICAN BLANKET CO., AGVASCAkLBENTES. MEXICO. Weewfor Spr*n' Weareshaowing an extensive line of Woolens for Spring. 'Tie assortmnt comprises everything that is new and na)bby in design, coloir andt quality. We cana say without -exaggeration our stock this yealr is the uao. t handsome we lasvo ever shown, a~ld will readtily appeal +,o the most particular pct-or. W. E. DIETE RLE Ve.asity Tailor 157 E. Libor-ty St. " P01 )Itings of every Midd Blo set escription' NotiIille's11111r- nor moreauivrsaillecminlg-than these sccm-eiMiddy 01 oes w I I a ' ,11$ ygi 'r se he sers of new con'o that hare just archved- a 111aie 11bue.dtar1ts1, and(1white'oneaseih collars if red, nary,hblakor cadet bl :1111m. 110thI the t(1r imslittle .dikey,"with ccrcwihout tie ,'salrcidlred Ic <( l,+ 1, ' ' c 1 1 ( Il" 1.tt2tw~ 1 / .. .^ y 'E , H 1 7 w ;' . r 1 , e . O 144 . e ri j1 t1 1 1 1 HI LSIOPEVERY yHN IN TAILORINQJ All at the two prices $1.00 and $1.50 Mack & Co. { ..>Z1 i'ti 1)t'-- 1 ........-- e _ ..._... / ®1 ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES