Sriimg and Summiter 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Oriinal ad Exclusive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS- Pleasi gand Piarnmonious - IN - Snitingst Veslings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Exanination Wild Comupally TAILORS 311= S0. STATE STREET CLINTON- c J O-°o Tis 3I EASY"! BU"'TON HOLE MAKES THE BUT7ON Ei4RILY ANID S IT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK ROULAR AND QlUARTER SIZES I 150 2 for 250 kA/~\~VF~ 2 MAKERS. Sold in Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. State Street TiE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Edior-LE A WuITE. Buisineso Manager-CAnT. H. 0. ADAM. EDITOno. Neos Editor........... Harold Titus' Assiotat......... .... Hariy Z. Fole Atlhletic Editor...Walter K. Towters Assistant......Arthur B. Moellni Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchangrs and Files.... Dion S. Birniey EDITORIALS. Lymiana L.,Bryson. C. S. Lasher. Winthrop D. Lane. Daiia E. Jones. Arthur J. Abbott. NIGHT EDIToO. D. A. Hinckley. A. J, Wohlgeioalh. Morris Houser. M. Mark Ryaii. Frank Fennell. Fred Lawtont. Marry C. Myoer. nREPOTEnS. Charles H. Mylander. M. T. Toalme. Fraiik W. Murphy. Lorein Robinisoni. Harold McGee. BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowman. Norman H. Hill. Myer Robin. A. K. Dilicy. Kenneth Osborni. Addres: MICHIGAN DAILY, Frets Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managinlg Editor, I-2 1. in. and II '50-Il :3o p. It. Daily. Business Manager, I-2, 7-8 p. mn. Ex- cept Sunday. Both 'phones 960. SATURDSAY, JUNE 4, 1910 Aight Edior-HARRY G. hlsi UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Jiiie 3-"The Choice," Whitlney theatre. Junie 3-Baseball Gamie. Notre Damei vs. Michiganl. Ferry field, 4:05 p. Il. Junie 4-Basebiall Gamea. Notre Daiiii as. lMichigan. Ferry field, 2:30 PI. Ill. Jiioe 4-Senioir Lit Banqul~et, Vhitmnore Lake. 4iii 1 1 (' 1 1 1G ,1 llll !i t Ira lst ix sc ifsheMy s o , di I Am ulmn Iiie i 191 tly det ml i ot Cpbekfmnlit 1to1.1111 1 l I-,t c 'dt1, lh 1: 1s4 11llcti uliesl Ia vt ,' 'd+)1t de lle s tff t i Ik klt~. l assurng th o,-1ml )ls 11,11 ik c n iue plit, t ill I. 9 1 1C.9 of ,i lent tt Icorrect styles of enqraviag fori a:ai xvi bt w i se. to1:leave your order early. 75c University Bookstore I> > J s -) I 1 I Clearng Sale ce-tarls to- .11110 4 -1 A.OU.5PALDING & BROS. lie pnal fartrertlin the world Tw~ada-Mark of OFFFICIALEU QUIP- MlUNTfoanlalstiac O~s. Ft sports and pastimes.. Chluin Athlo Visiting s $br Cares. SENIORS Ordler youtr visitinlg Cards lotw too id IIdelay. Plate and zo1o11 cards fromll$1.25 to $3.00. o0 atrIs from plate 75c. Sheehan & CO. S i-I)NTS BOOKSTORE The staff of the Dmti, corts. critic- 1i11. Ialts members 1do11not1pretell t stvit college joullrnatlisml. 'lot te' 1) ,,I 11111nottake linlylsto .sr(elingit'con-1 itmatol of itself fromthIte facutlty oc oiter soulrces, whlicha coilncc. moreo spilcenan111 of judetlgcl. Now, first, the. 14 il an Riin educ d respnil oa0' ai Associek Of'ation sins $ taing lasieVas nt4,res gto redicorigial frsotarigepit la otne tobedngte fMichigispeeta atrN~ slllot se a d Thestrlik~Ierall cl alenesape:s,-preenhtste lest1 KnighroandLadiestof h M ichden Csel'haccahee g aingTnP3and4eturangItretac oig inlal stlartingstaringtplno 11late illn midnight. Jug~tne11,0ol fMichiganCeta a11 ll 11 1100fle g' M9 [, t 101 11ll W 11 1 t H 1 l a e1(7 1 1 1 I , - j } 1 } : 1 11111 11111121i, :c3 1 "th ,'nte. 1ll 1 . 11 ll( 1 111 III t( [t1 C 1 1 ' , E i ~ 111 l1 ' l' I 1 . 11' th rl \rril tlll' It ,11 1 \c: cI 1' 1 l! : wl 11 1:t <1 w-11c e :1 d m-1 S( rl I I1 c .rl1r til 1 1 1,1 1711 , c PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST. ex91, o1., rIl tsbo l ~i~ i HI TS F 1-,10 ",Madame Sherry," Sky lark,'"Love urc, "Bright IEys" and ther late opcr'a - Exclusive Agency for (AIFVON MAN 1)O1'iNS Th°f ii Ann-. Arbor'.-Leadil EIELTh 1IEDI 1 Vt e T' EA RE Positively all thelateIst Iif n ir roducions~ t_ o v t. A AboMiha i R.1E. JOLLY'S _3a% ' A T STREET LuchsTohhacoCigarsand lltI hae oa k 'A 5 - 10 1 324 S. 16,Druggist 32 .State St. 121 Was hlngtaou . RANI LL& PACK ,-Ph otograph ers "I bone 59l