. ? K loomm x q AO ( o "ere 4i But that won't help a moan in his business or struggle for existence. Tihe Stars are here uow-the stars of style in men's fashionable attire thit illuminate his presence among others and point to him as a leader. You should sce our window for the new shades in hr own. They are right downisto~ NOW. "Not last year's shades." Look today. SUITS $17.00 UP JKAL MALCOLM 118 East Liberty St. Uranger's School of Dancing Th r~eeguar Tueday even.ing progame8 to 10 olock will continue throuago Summer School. Private lessons given by appoin.tme.nt. tar r I i MOVING PACKING rnn'nSHIPPING Iu ra C. E. Godf rey' Phone 82. Office and Warehous~ 410 North 4th Ave. s A1j :,cjj, ee eGosWawait!BLUESREAK MESSENGER (),t:onz3 (all msst s andprel i vereditoaanypart of thcit y. Opeinetie c vriri . ot o We cal fo, pessand i vesin ts ori a uart er. Stdett an ageiwti;. hom 6(1. 40 out a S ateupsairs. J UNIVERSITY NOICEiS "1 id ii \I '' Jii~ ' 11 ikl is ' '' 1 ~ it ']' cl ck i o i l l 1' l hand -st id. ]0 -i xc s r i T Te PEWIl RITING 7c Iu 1,c i ie 1. 'VS 1 l rv. 1 lt I" u l h TYPsujecW1RiI TE oI jB 34 S Sca, S . i s' i i . TI ae ram:su pci" i i colaand upples o ou DETF . whic ho k sto rarphic e alsancd sunleg -aieswri coePaperis tot cniyoc rotter, Clearerdpriu. 3 Lct us show i c splendid Ss o-rt~~' cami rat. Pue c lI Photorpie ' Develoin doE, RaoI hcc a J. I____ ill 'i e ~~e osng utour entir stock of Men's Furnishings and Hats. EVERYTHING GOES REGARDLESS OFCST g ..._ r rih L° xi