:r_,. .,. , _, . _. , :.~ This Space FOR Sam Burclified Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 1060E. Huron St. Opp. Court House j J. L. CAPMAN, Jeeer ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00. ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully G~uaranteed Wanteh Rogeair iaiis Specialtty THEt FARMERLS AND 'ItUBIANICS BANKs MAIN AND) HURON STREETS Capital tO0,00 Surplus and P'rofits $100,000 General IlulsIdnf Btusness. 3 percent paid on Timse and Savin-, Deposits. Safety Ge- porit Hoxs to rent at $2.00 and upwreds Ri. 151.011. lus 1. Gi. I'lul' YMAN. Vice-Foci. it. A. FF111. All.. 'aslts'r F. T. STown.. Ass. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Cupital S~tl wl .3000 'Surplus $290,000 A Clenerat Banking Busniness Transacted lirrimnus: Chlas. E. Hliscock, Pros.; W. D. iHurriman, Vice Pres.: M..1. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK VV..J. Bthl tno. V. Sheehan Frel. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan TusbI. e F. F.o Milfs Prutof. .Carhar Hiienry W. Douglas Chf lsiall Matrtin tan Fif mmnerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF .",N AROfR, MIeH. fil 1). KisN Ni- HARISON SUijLE, Ffres. Vice-Pres. S. WV. ft FA ilKSlN, Cushfier. Capital, J100,00f0. Sueilus and Profits, 000,000. ~CnAecan 1ayj1s Banik ICo rrrs-c..l enad Ss.vitrss Coc.. etss m asd Liberty Sts-e ets GIFT FOR tFJACK-F1"S(z9 (Continuefrom 11Poger1.? made'thelt stI- lesoiflitie andt l()lt 1F 11(1 fft a scll taktf 0 1f. 0s tin1c1 1Fi '1 ff01lFws11wantu toIc1mefF. i 11 fillsIts l( futtl1eof 1he1111 il f111cc Ff1'ndU'ot1111Ff thefclecsf trsiffIcha ''lt'sse thsssstsandforc a little imFIfand''stie mutst1 make stist' "lit11 tfltf F ' 'f', ~tt11Sf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WVANTED. duringnsumur. G01osFmoneyfffs or rihttme1n1. CaFF Butt 302-FL, of' addresfs or culottOi Guo. F. Browlnif fig F'. Ufni-' vurnity. gotf 'F LOST. Eaust Unfiversity,'skllpin,1Ff . ' name le 1b1tckft. Returnf 1sf12085Suts 11Ffversity orI hol' 11t)11U'1.s. tt. 171-72 FOR nAtgE - F'M-Sa1Ff-$100.00 bFsssan51almstn'w sa k ol ra t,(ts sss f 11 ef I 7F is' 's otil fcsrommoJnf'' slawp 'ait. ans'tse'fil«t~ ma\.no~ hesecredatIcwaskstti .n1 L apes.172. MtSCELLtANEOUS Senioros' caii 1111rds. Zirsuti & banef , 310 S. Stole, 211d itoor. 126-tif. Seiior-seeenflgravedF"no- gift"cad to Ff116 witti your invitais.i Zewas-sIF tki & tLlne, 310 S. Statie, andsfloor. 126-t f. FRATERNtTIES NO'TICR We 'uaesltadquarters for alltkinsis osis traltfritistaitioneryO. Weu 1a1ffin stock 1 stationfer'yforoalrge snumb er of fraser- pitfe,.to wethavet it ill stotkIreCff111 gei it. We have dtius of alFF fraterniiess.11 ZEWIADSKF ANtD tf NF,, if. 310 S. Sitaie St., 251fFfloior.l Seniors' uatliug cards.'Foil needstar- 1, tigcorstsendi witth 1111ffinlvitation11'. Wef tave a011xcellett fva'rirty u tofhoses fr111. Atso see our "110-gifi" carFs. c Calrsreadty four das Ifroffs sirster. I'easi&bn ae 1 .Sae Ifs icl l .. .. .. t.smsr Ssso........... Fl CIs' r --i Ass rc .tterertr F t~lt F11FF t{iFF:S FOi 91Ff 1?N "I' F 515me isl's 1tic' If's u se 15555 11 ss f tss i)ts' 1~'i 1 1.' is l' l t I poss i pic'S. 1F. 1it \tF>'l"t--' l'F'Ts ior F. K \ss Si. 1Its'ni phone12) its15c. J Narra~nigyour stim12 sf1t sea aud you wilt, 1.01.. Great Lukes areoreathed r,sstlr I Lines. Tthe ten tarfo sftu ff1'_ popetted by pow'erfuF engir -s comsfort. Tthe United NWfi--'. Tickets reading ia any r~ Cleveland are available for iiltfor direction. The D. &C. LakeeLines ce''I Denroit und Cleeland, fustI' Istand and way pul orsFn tv and wypnrtn. A Clevtlan June 23 no Septembseritt, s Doitlenroute eeryit i ; Special daylight trips :;. Send2-ceninsamp for'l<. .I P. H. MtMtLLAN, PRnS Hossee Phlone .3l Dt.UUUI 'ia!15F" Chinese Chop-Suey Rest aur i ChlinesetFancytDishens etcu1;4'II IIt Americull Lunchesofne iu' Sl-. 2111110firs Ft lasfor laies f'0l 5.1. CIIeatri1fFKitchen ff1Alnss If 514 S. STAT)E Sso Rowe's LaLundp; THOMAS ROWE,Prp 326 N. Fifth Avr. i'ny and August. If ZGEN. MoR. VP iyTrips Stothle Laundry? Fat lsis pentO ltiinAiner- Off00eD. &C. Lake t.el onstruction, , Detroit and _uF Soitrs in either 51 .mo and Buffalo, LII:iroMackinace -:-F CitySuginaw G' ;11 beoerated fro 2 of 01, lstopping at i I , ' jNew Phoner 51 Bell flf nt a-- >. - I '.111'v c it ll ' Is INF\V I. IAls IC. fillCI 1). C. LkF stss tshave.' puhsit AT TUTTLE & CO. ,vatr1V- ach t~iel aS'FII Lunch RooMi S.f. 'F. s c 5irlt r sf th F"'ol- You can find a fine line of Confelclilnery a 11511 F il F s e Fit s lc- .- sitisYo'()oa11w. te( Ift1which . -.511 k rit l fo th 1) & C. I ttakc 55f5 'L5V ic ss ( th s s cstssss j It will N'st s cut. mss ir Itf ! II rcr s f f1ee fisti. .N'fl1iu, ,t 5 We give sattsfaoto'n 4 I i c . E, r , it _.. 'Itss' .it _m ands (,eru---Cortts I oi s'C ' I serI tsurs. They R! -11nd ade ottars. I I ,.f S ibettirar- " ante,11 stUl~te, 8i, FILiDCLUBs 'is" ef()-\[,Y fly JF.WtERlTt1C0. Lu~~f11'. Mini lS t. F32 1. Si iST, UPSTAIRS 17<< -I, l ti rc le e Ponrueansoif see wus 211d floor. 126-if. mom I a D. HOLE PROOF Undewearsox Unajmas GOTHAM Underwenar IWAGNER & CO. StateSt. Negligee Shirts $1.00 Best Ever Nekwear ; ' -'OE' a 1k-Over's for Spring HURRY (jet a pair before they're gone. You'll like the style- You will appreciate the Snug-fit heel and no Gap ankle 0fit, and the wear will bring you back for more Walk-Over's. L~adies look in our windows for the new swell Pumps. EXPI~R REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT kCompany DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Lmited CasaEast B )und-,I'u Ill.Ini.,15 Lmited Cars West Bound-9:24atu.llf2:2I4 Local Cars East Bound-2ostDetroit, 5 In , an1511 r y foul' uto0:45 if Ill. To Vipsi- Ilnti, I5:4s5a. III. undli lf hFourytool11:15 p, n,., als 1215 .5 Ii 1., 12.310 a.11 . 1 :5 0 o a. ni. 'ho SaOi e fr, anglfe IitVYpsiluni. LocalCasWet ound-:>;4i a.,7:15 a. FRATERNITIES Silver Links Rings Fobs Scarf Pins WM. ARNOLD, JEWELE 220 Soth Main Street. j Carriage and Baggage For elclf'Couplieto'lsnf'Iss1,lI' bfore 12o' clock $i.50,uaftrt.. c,".1 $2.00. F'oreaclifTruk tossfoti doossl pricerwill be 25 Cente hIff'arde or irons up-stairs, theiceff.is I 50 Cents. Drivern ure requsiredltF fflff5t.5'ash tor 'arriage und bagf f f serl S WALKE",'-'LII'Y ItIIiFII O. ~ WV. hh. STAi If MOEVS BARBER St 706 North Uaivrsity Avce. O,.A. MOE. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER 50 hpposi fFcti 15' Flu Ii- oom GEO. V. STOLL, Proprlettu_ CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP: Under 'Huston Bill1iard Parlork iF'sfrfffrlyfIwith i 1151ry C0. If ' s ' SUt. RE Hhi t O Iome 212 Blue Portrait Studio- / 319J w; r treet