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June 03, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-06-03

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The Michignalv

Vol- XX.


West Virginia Nine Leaves Town
Without Displaying Strength
on Ball Field
1ft11 011 an oce h gg regaion111
wh1ich1 1101d 1o1111 e 11 from010 the moun0tains111
of1 \Vost Vir1g1n11 to (11p111 its towes
on111 . hl~l 1 held toO 1d1p100 di1sappinted10.
The 17es0 Vignin ar11 r111 ve11 d1 ill Anna
Arb'or \Veneda ev11 nin an1110 id anxious-1
so1 that lI 1 0 loloto Itlm ountd it neoes-
sar t o al the 11111100 11ff 01111 in 1101
dat- an 11d the invader oo n th0011110eie
Afte t ep 0)111001 ofth visitorNthro
au iot es 1 u e 11110 at nio ot
tooe of heou inn tatot miglt ibe
1110) o sd 4t -1 o ts rot toonoon. Sto ox-
' cclc~t s te ss o dringoe toon te
loctol hld b1 r del pit t~-o h e lot' a t-d «
p r t heoo. lmli in excellnt 0100111
tod ill he1 r00a01 f+rue 1ssona h

a chanice. Smthosthe maionsttoyof
the (ontoeatrio intheRioseasontandoli1s s1ill
pitclthig exoollenti bail.I 1Camplhas l
oevelopedol aottirfttl ince heoirst tp
peareod on tte Vorsitto squad1antoolis
ltooklottloy asogodas Smithttli n(tthit
sortit iton o d lbt to-ta-tooprcoolin((a
toe gamnetoill depeotheelectioontofa
twirler fott(he hitltubhisttertonoon.b
Chorles LI /mnmr(i ithe leageottar
odoys gonettoby, oil 1101 rot k~c
lant to t utttirtr 1he o tss
SPANISoHt 1- 0(1110 (POSTOlN10000
Thelin teto s ereg(01110th
weaother otitivhd t leatsffcetla
Stottl littotkep th ot 10c0111ngent ot 010
thrnoonatfiveho'locki '1-~st
htatl. Officoros wilIto lectedl at 0(11001
fttg whitth otilItbe tohelod otsometen est0
Printers anud Freight to Blame For
Sale Postpontment
Tito ga tebioihiois 0 oltttooto 001 ii 0(00
Ch fiato anod oA1111t arbi~'tot. - oot booa-
alger s h tooldei itely anor. cediot
tho yoetr itootk 00w 1i obe ttm sale- .17 lo ooa
If te ratiroadolcomnie101t0 e
orittO to-t couooldl Ite titovetd attdi10001 10 toO
lo10 as othe -tdittoo tlors se t t uc
01010 ritt (t anot o neinto m thsNer
rtil 000111 e whatkinoofta lifC100C
hav 1100ken 1111.

n tn1I oo-o 00 llt ot to l 's atlootit roilms
S nappiness Characterizes Final{ olilt toogoo- f lt-jlo(o' Z -01 t jisooo' a
Dress Rehearsals of the from00tie0e01erc000s7con°tlO mto lol
New Comedy ln\ l 00 Of til0e1100 t er 11llr1 mneil the otoot>Y -toorila r'tI
( at1 teno cll c e \v0l0dies i
STAGE SETTINGS ARE EXCELLENT t the il o 1 0000 ve lk]int~.
17looo' tololoell lasotnight at0 tho Jaconl onooooooooA n~(I c
1711010000Ilcy to-ootreo- a00i l t- 00010 o lo 000010000i T ft ida il t
ro-oaoy 'Ill- speciaf un 10otit' -01ittr f o D l o%.et rh01 al lo Ito he a(
-tg~ 0 etlo ar '001 1 01001 0 100 01000 oy' e- i bot Ito o o 00 a sht Itl (10000
tai. his cie, o t at oo too ooolil t1 1'° '
FInot hiot-Iioloitotioe lo oilgo" oo CHEMISTS OFF ONL TOUI
;, bb oo~ o'1 too 7in iot"'otnodrama-tTechnology Classowill Inspect Detro
tic il tle ftur. H ss _',aceLitle- and Canadian Plants
10t0art i l ics lo d - oiss oMuth
s (tar tti 110001010050000MI 00a 001000~clo o
lbitf s ver lo to itn - -clli Ilt

iBeauty of Instrument will More
Than Compensate Loyal Tars
For Long Wait
It 717 i oaooolaooor\o 00 o theotglo (haltoi
u- '00 boot thosaiers (If theOlbttlesI hat
000"N 00000 ,II" wiloarr00 e001) iooo rbor.at
--i it wi l oool 0000 olo neii dayItooti no
i, will be sc ll lto ooic s o rs. hile her
in the Stotoisreetooteol 10s
the 000 oiin thelinoooilgo of thoebugle.
R 0000 0 ioncv oc, n ootnoery slowtly-, atno
011000' 000could1ob Io nmt Il (toe onecessary
0 000 ltfs etue. i ott b gle wth
t 0000000''rimmings 0woottdosired ootoog froon
<i slk imie an ble crd. No ouaoter
10001 ioooi utcc M t oo itsoab oetoooroply
it was ooooloo-ci ooooito oihoooe oit tadeto
he .?hersoooooool ta wtek
Elal- "Id o t oo-ilooth toll
10000000010 00 !ppc i oll o t oo d-wiltlh
th~f TO l " "ill too lo titlel
lit ~ the ogi ttoi Keene
b0 . 00000 0 oplmitoootd oto loon ln o l
(Contined on Pangen3.)


. t

il l 1)c 7l
tollt -1"11 o
o S11'oilito
ioolii 1.

al00 i %it he Cth olic
Nor aeimtheott ingleo
l (d erics ere o the(ir
00the 1efor toto tak.] ol (t
Wehoe hoot uk an ot
th h aIta yoear
c~l~an Was SA~mllc il thei
0010 0' te toosirs onlyto
100h s10wi'llot heso for id
10(0010's hey weeuthe

".II .:
IZ.11'\iil\U ?7f}:i [";\I)] tZtl :i:.

1,yolea-~ t110 01 :10: 00 010000 C
rl the1p rty0'- l rach 00101 0 00 n~
and illspedo teoa000010 1in\7oo'i
the' 10-00-0 t''t't a 000 W rigt'00-00 000
00rr oil o 0 lotfat~y wi
the ("au-1il l (To i l) W isev C ,

> 1'

too 10(1 a toonith e too 010t0 of te to-tb to R1611'0o.otdt1)'cfclldIc l <lt''os1Al1. theo'\abo
toIn ll of thiub ren'-i nfooulo o rmatooooionoo laolos-0' ) ibs's titlod o tlo andaoI'IIoIs rI Il
01n0 for tIto tor toais oto aI lioooloo - The tloot ort ac toofo tVII~d t'd t
noraneeof Whathas(no]pitoo oI'oooot 11000an ott a~l'pe't)'i1;iCCi
11 th (0001 0000ear.0001000
Large sinl aeot'" plce nlol llb ' t001 Will1100in-c t h
loaiilo ardsoto andtwtoot (to mvt cro wl W hitI '1171c100 I'('I17 I 711 im i l oSat te
____lacd i ____ __ ols Nace, 1710'tlc- (iluck
l)(Ir'i th s nit I () h


it to11 aito t atolo tr rc 1!
too io'ooooo -- of the dc

t l

00000000tm to toot to--t oipoooioo' lot
(tootc wl loot i 0 0000 is s t0his men 000
1( tei oilcl~ abili ootoy.ii
000000 nd th i 0oto 0ca h s tolt
0li toli ll00ar' 1000000 fa oio ts 1700i
01000fo di000I1 h Wr huh V r

Qr-h'ir inoto alv00011 ~ de T a t~
loots ntot pr100000 boo t noghc ~r
tn o yoil rfrmo eng i
One(0 ((f4t e loot sex oo thettoct 10p00005
;no, theto rrnt s bei ltto Intestth l
lode ,out thtoli 11 onott it o ito a tt' '
tislo nc lo- s wcaitc-tet e rples \1
what1 direnchedoo cks.i
As7 te reoto rotgazdad;apd h tcmps m i-althoolastoot man10
s00igtsI ittoildayturedacd ad,-T at

000 stt10oit Ito

tm otoo''the oo (o-1s lotito M- inethr of teltt let 00010'
;: d tl e C dillac 0Motr 00sar 0tus to k este 1s c g a y
tlts wil e istcc. ftr i~cde t o to deo ur the 0 lt' too
'W(1 theMichigan Stove woks. 0aretoo lo e n h t
0hil1 1c 000 000000 eat~ o hnnar th olo-fsbobntoo inoo 000000 10)
N III 1 1 if i s l e er ooooipat o f 'a lockt . F ''I
(vctr hiiwilhdi- itselfto a01 i~ rageool 10
'. tt~ M~ orilo111. dukgeahotoothrilte °tr "cti'alla-(enslmu heAsenlyant' o 1o o jt'C

e°ii. I?

insoheitd"U1Ooaotl.two lbooboo rootms,
,t 0 00l ~ Ih inoll -btaloo keop t(li e ornt
X115o"ot toth of
'I~ lmd -s~f eclrvvteounderdI on
arc: toolt boll 1(diwothoalod:bec, eloctric
I0'a0lig t ", (000ing 00wer oa pritog booartd,
andf ad : Han wth nce hibleohowxer
red all) t ) v as offin, t taonk is fitfoor
OW a kilt.;,otoi(wenta ((0001
ac~n it hcti watr i the lea tt " iA0lithe
to a " rpm-ea a it-e pobol a o few
WI 'cifindiidu ls se toter d o tmntti
u a 1txlicl 11eir n me (o1ot 00
:ana Thuc ar spe tootarge looers, a uduel
. ott.As t, om o f t00 hot'.' wh

'-0 00

tohaodly se-etsoright"


THE EVENT OF THE YEAR Seat Sale Today, at Whitney
T14mhe ChoiceThar
Whitney Theatre Friday Eve., June 3
Michigan's Greaest Production P ie :7 c 0 , 5

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