- _ . : Extr; ., Quzality Bags and Medicine Cases AT {QUARRY'S Hotel Whitney The best place in the City to dine Service A La Carte Sunday Dinners a Specialty T. C. CAPEN, Mgr. THE FAtRMERlS ANtD MECHANICS BANKf MAIN AND HUJRON STREETS Capital $t0,000 Surplus ani Profits $100,000 General Banikiiig Business. 3 percent patd on Timie and Sasvlngs Deposits. Safety De- posit Bones to rest at 12.00 and upwards R. KEMPP. Prs. 11. (G. 'LiciTTMAN. Vice-Pres. tH. A. WLiM,,o' C'ashier F. T. SrOWn. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stok JA.i 000 Surplus $2990,000 Resour ces $2,103,000 A General Btanking Business Transated Orrtcnuts: Chas. IE. IHiscock, Pres.; W. Dl. Harriwan, Vice Pres.: Mt. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK tW. J. Booth Jnio. V. Sheehan Wm.Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jas. B. Wade E. tF. Mills John Hlaarer leno. Koch Prot. H. S. Carlti rt Benry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zilmmerman FIRST NATIONAL (BANK Oi1 ANN. ARORc, MIen. lees. Vice-Prens. S. NV. CLAIIKtON, Cashier. Capital, $001.000. Srurlus and Profits, $60,000. \ATE DIIOFJ.T tPICNIC IDEPEND',',ON \VEA~lTIER MAN.0 Wit lblttpreparationlsvmile hbyilii coittilee, tie girl- asked, tie s-' iwiches decidedvii, tie all-Neessry ciaci fore deditied from thle June altoiwaitte by the J. lii "foster"-votiing is vialh ingDiii a jte siinshiiiefrothe itweat- 'The J. lit ctass picnic promvises it'0t," said CliairimaiiLasher ustierdli, "all we ask is a change froiii tie presetl sweather ciiditionurswthubt whi i clithe affairimus 1tihe calledif.XYcs indeedi,a coule affair-hli oetiiist.bliis ter tickt anii slitfurisheslailunctiiiskilet for tutu lto riy. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED. Itf'oiud <'ottege miiiiito oct is agetiIs duriiig slimmer. Goodrtniey for righttmen. Catt Betl 302-L, or attiress or cott on Geo. F. Brownu, 619 E. Uiii- versity. gotf LOST. Looltdoatuitay,.bten Maci 14c ineS. ait East Unisersity, skil itt n,11.ot icr' illict oni back. Retiirii toi1208 iiiiih University iir pthoie 1213 BeIll. 171-72 FOR DALE 01111 Sail-$100.00 biiys anilmost n lew staolti'lraniticatiiSliii io's litk Stoe. 16911 17. MISCELLANEOUS Seniors' colling cards. Zewaodski & banie, 310 S. State, 2nd floor. 126-tii. Seiiors-see engraved "nogift" cardts to send with your inivitations. Zeioits- ki & Lane, 3i0 S. Stote, rid floor. 126-tIf . FRATERNITIES NOTICE We are theadqtuarters for all kiiiis of f raternity stationery. W~e tove ini stock sttioinery for o large numiber of frater- nities. If we hovet it ini tock Ste caii get it. We hove dies of att frateriiities. ZEWADSKI AND LANE, tf. 310 S. State St., 2nid floor. Seniors' caltiing cardosX'dtu iced cat- hung cacits to scudswitt yoor invitatioiis. Vie hate on excetlenit variety to ctioose roct. Also see our "no-gift" carids. F dsready font days friiii orider. e~ski & tLaiie Lanue, 310 S. Stole, fd'foor. ' n26-tf. S MUSIC AND DRAMA fcI tda.i 1 f s i at :30oreloctk .1111 1111011 ini CUiversity hll, .1111 I.., N'V ii tllt R(,lii r, ct rlto11, iWill ,: eie't i I-,,tfl' lo"111lliiPro It.am 'l:Ale "trimpSonitai.'. . ......Pru'ui Anal e Scahiu . l ht-~na Mitt' llehrr Sonata 11nfC. imiolO i o.Rtl :Il i CIoret NtisrilProp ritot- CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Hluston iBilliard Pai-tor. (Formerly th Harry &'uu 5 ,h tli s' AneKILIN S RA H Base I GodsRoller k sandltiles. l~ch 'llli 160 Homne 212 Blue ....,r.....- Studio - L 319 lEast THunron ,,."treet