Sprin 19 Our Sprin DESIGNS -origin COLORINGS- FABRICS- RLSULTS--Pirasin -T Suitings, Trows Now Ready for Y G, H. Wild "MAIL 311 SO. STA CLINTON -TH-E MICHIGANf DAILY. ,A a d 11f. L'iIt4' Managing Edtlor-LEE A WHIT)re f fal' pay kt m er Business Managee-CARL H. 0.ADAM. o opoetio 0EDITORS No eS1trol I UNews Editor .......Hatold Titus to expressstl Assistoot...........Harry 7.. Folzi K ecFit/ p. Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers point. it i ( Assistanst......Arthor B. Moelhsan edsWthb the g Specials Mosic and Drama....,..El V. Mooreeta rh Exehanges and Files,.. Dion S. Birney t rea and Exclusiv e EDTORIALSe Lyrnan IL. Bryson. C. S. Lasher. s u i Winthrop D. Lane. Dana E. Jonies. and ('islitrm( The Newest Arthur J. Abbott, h etIa NIGHT EDtTORS. ailit clit -Depiendsabte DB A. Hinckley. A. J, Woltlgeitot. Itiesileltell- Morris Honser. M. Mack Ryani. cii oah 1int nd armnious Fratnk Penttell. Fred Lawton. ahayoe Harry G. Myser. N-il, of the tyfO Charles H. Mylatider. M. T. Toitbue. Vetns Frank~ W. Murphy. Lorens Robinson. 1ll'e t >eringsBUSINESS STAFF C.A omn omnH il he p our Examination Myer Robin. A. R. Ditley. tic zho at KenthelsOsborit. " tilhis ^ ~~~lll Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bidg., C pa y MyadStreet. YEAR BO OfieHours: Matsaging Editor, I-2 ti- [,ORS lY manad 11:00-1130 2P t. m. Daily. Business Caae,1-,78p.m ox Carload of TE STREET cept Sutnday. Both 'photnes 96o. TIJURSD)AY, JUNE 2. 1itt. 11 ae l Nightl ditor FRiD Lnissre. we u -iItrtilt hin l/oc:l it d i l ilid . ~it- ~ ti ic i t* t r~ di dii t~t at ic rt-i al 1.ii i c t iitl- esir tia hl >t c 1;i tl teIti t w tclc t1t 1 ha %itt "t~t tr C d d it ihai )()10 i t Ics th t ii cc mIilll isi hs Clil4 iit 1.. i ii 1 )OK IS ON THE WAY Miclhiganenniaiio Comh g Today T !- -'Z; IP E ASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE J R BHAND "CLI 1NTONf" BUTTON E SIiittANDSIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINENI. BARCO SHRUNK E IULAF. AD QUARTER SIZES fC 2 for 250 02V LI RC9MAKERS. Sald in Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Stale Street l A.UO.PA.LDING & BAROS. Salding aretlielatgistm.IDR f he p fact silil is the worl °I rd¢-Mark of OFFICIALE QUIP- MF.NT,orallethtic s~OS ports and paetimee. o If youareeintterctt- nitR ec in Athietic Spoirt a i t iiul ii h aet e a p 5 f is Spilbitela Cal- attogue. Ie a complete eoeoeiitpeidia iof tittt11it tictotWhats NeweinSport Gnsaee x ee aof a i'i>tseattfee ontre- Q Pitlty. iuest. tA. SPALIDINGIra. BROS. C~x oDeterott 1 c t t t UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Jiune 2-Baseball Cause. West Vie- giia vs. Mchligan. Fterry flit, 4:0 1. Il. Jiiie 3-"lse Choice," Whiitney theraire. Jeune 3-Ssoth Eniginteer Slag paety. Jiine 3-Baseball Gaime. Notre D~amie vts. Michigais. Ferry hield, 4:035I. Mi. Judeic4-Baseball Came. Notre Damuie en. icheligani. Ferry field, 2:.3ii t. Ii. Junie 4-Seiior Liitiianiuet, Whiiltmotre Lake. 'There is a littleif regret mitingled ithl lie exultatittni eser Michigan's eel- lent soitiniig iiilIthe eaister interi coli- legiateic meet ini ihat the eencti marketd the endilof Dlirector Reeiie Fiittturick' ativse services fur Michuiganu. Wh/lile itie world isutsitde may nttiait idetleiiedl this traiieer ioftthileis w it 51 ieliigaues sulccesses oni the gritdironi, otther etiatehes, the -sttiudet lbtdylifully appreceities ibe swork swhichi lot-.beei athlletice ld. Moe thIantihlai, this a7 nit. comiiecltosely ini touieihssithlieini v idulstiutdents Ithrtighithegeerailpy sicail trainiinig work. Te e os--fotunit in im atti tpersotiality tit emuulteinotme- larte tillill ll o)hakti -t I~ again t al kl~m,-l itrait il1 It la cs hi l l lissil lto I-i Olt the alllplis Ii±r t( tl vvcat cr c m~li io i iiare f;\lI-; Frda l( 1-i i I t 1%i ci a \ icli~n~rsi~n (~li