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June 02, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-06-02

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No. r71.



Continued Wet Weather -Pre- a
vents Preparations for g
the Contest
Persisitnt ict water has tire tell I,
Coatch Ricey pttingtt. the Varsity hal
men tiro It terpcsi reparationl hi
for the ital gamtes of the 910 sestont
the first o f twhitch is schedultled for this
afternon iA int tromt the mountainsr
wtill appea'r on IFerry hied this afternoon. i
the Whst iNtrginia nitt isoi tam bin fg
the 'attracion
ittilt is lintswt of te prstsess of is-
1 lysvsittors. ITey Itave madtie an en-
siatile rectori this seasotn, tav ig wont
the ittajttotrity of thtrir eontersts easily.
As iithe have brns comtttiin it tease
hitth is isutuit of tuei it ailityit 'Tte
tams in iers past andt toter today
iead til ivte the Vairsitys a losetle.i
Alhough itehle We st Vtirinttis are. ttt
&prscat i feattd te toac wnsill wth ituoli
dlays sintuts ttwit tcttsitderale axiet.
Ott the stowing madit te toa' iii tdependt
the psersonuel ot f it niniet whitieh till facee
the Notire Dam ]'Maysteers ott Fridaty andi
Sattirul.t' i th last suites if the year.
Thimpot tssibiility if regtila ritatie
sitter thr it retitrnid frotmt the eaitt
haspreentd tecachseeurinti ani
acurte ire ut ite ptirsent abilits of
his taggregaion
VERii sl)' s~u ii 7R TODAY .iitinl
Neii rw sill appta itni the ftrtg liue
- this slternottitnd sit sh w i ll lon ther
bi it. Th rinr sio1sf the linieup
hut there esstt little sdstits tat thte
intea t tip. Drake Stult andt
Bteardisley of the ilayeirs itho suet ntl
accsompan isitte team oiseti rs elier tin-t
to ispslaiy thir itil it a t oppottuites
offt rs,
The Wci estirgit ilte till litteupl si
'llws: un sMrill of Wyat ci,
Vadel Iakr rfie cf Kee tsr lits
''1 c nst ii hiniil atC
Theart xhib i il a thig oi th paisti
aits's r ha u .irlr its ever
still his wei ll iii tsii theuc Pacit
ers were' kep b' e s alls dayit yessttilts
g the ~ ~ i tilte itsd itr shirt
Tdyti~ ,lls its emorsht il hal uait
bare, ~ ~ ttu soiatn sinl it shits isitt-
Iis silt s lis of isiosllr its atitici
ithetisi ii' neist. It ii proabl ht
art galty trill bei tititl itos tit' nictalt
roomsis ini thes Nississrisi hall.i

Membhers of the sentior literaritslas
ire busytrteheairsinthplyiiwithtc
radii tittipgirls still pisensiit nissiil nd
teitg of comtmincemtensiit weks itsSairah
nasaeli Augelili hal li e us'lay g i
lift timteis sit anual fteatsresofthi
insistating texercines atnd tilt'necstir
for this ytar'tsIpre sttiotn is fliser
Golsithss"VusitrsitNNkield. hh
play' iprodutedi list ye'ar si'u Iilsiers
Titers' are someitett'citsastrs in
lie plitlie leaing ro tlts osticistil
be takentblithelsfishltt'itg:' lsthi iir,
Luey HairionitithleSVicair'sswieis ih
Tasylor;flisiaifeReetca Sitslic- Tho5s-
till. Jsespine 11sihitkinSpilt'I sne
Nheeer: itirtheill Illie uni Stuce
Fanniie iiiggs is chtitrman iofst itt7n
tiltte ini chasrte iatINi rs.Jastils bird i
Novel Advertising Stunts Attractl
Nh'IIs shot the deili
Stubshsie's a ii -ahia e
Ptsker's uietpatei o lyo
hiat wat thets relegrs gi
Citers, tht'saretyis ves.i
if ,seoeo lie'sbov cabt' sti
seten'ties tagedst iits'n iofy'ourt' frienss
shnt Iitgist thatlie is tiepain11t

MET f .C.SNI Sif\ S IOits\"INii
WITH IRON HAND ;lli5 Sitthesls fwhics tl c
Lit Faculty Disciplines Erring isssiiuica1 si. he n oca srte
iit'ti srli aiteru adlts n I'l, so
Students in Protracted citiolt is its touh ist ll thei ii
M eeting sY.titisC.l A i S t he iiis''sssss :nuh lN\ii t
--sur itma al I tu li St.iiI' lil, i n- tl
LIT-DENT COURSE IS APPROVED tlie xptresssspurpssse of' iii l" c l
- i' liltiiis5 inltouhur itls i i i ll its.
Thiiii lithe teiitiilitiii s a- i ici em
liii c~imis li t dntl cure liii ' sc( y h fc aastssrsyear, lll ii.
nlctn lat ve in'silth lcse intre sliredto' o s is tiosss init e '<ii
rctire ii'etnts f()liii ie\ c n s V'1l gs' is to he pulishedt thissit'ki'si
c+ii . 'hiater\ i l e i(s' iltl toii ___________________
thc Ir)ir rf 'r~ils t tsnC1 ic iu (1Dru t 1ND (1Nv C A iP TTQ's


I ) liii i\i;I
1 isis


'1. Of 'Zmeisvills.- -
str illclemstr Druids Will Hold P'ublic Initiation
Ca) ii sissdistil- Next Week

ill, 555 sit

L. t lidi


wasrd. Just reverse tse p'steboadi a1nd1 __
Yoll oseirise tis hee' a eaIn Fire tinder FlooringI
It is lust anostrprodttis ofi stheits i leNick ofT 'im
briati of te ries 'agent. n l tm<-ithush c p
Chisie" turnsy hia si t erris'ut's 'si llsn' rcd1," ighiniii
Toily ai i rt-w o t 1l Swl e lnntints isiss the'st ri'
set sointg troutightther si sl tissiotuls lTni° l~t. ItI)-
tug t fac tthii le Y 1 .A o ey rud t l lisev
selh rsetda he1 iiyihP m)c sruhdt i ruthay snih.fu htthe irt Invs'
'Thus'posteersadventisius" this'shoi s nii? 1)'-u 1 i 'll
sell n a a an u st td upituss ain Art ilt i nd, s i hil Of s t er s lut t
tesets Itis u te selok s it ~Nisss ha-iss sl'11eig vw
thug ithoss pitulires itasit aptitareus i 11 hmlull i
this Garpoti n d ssi'susom n reust,5 1 i'l's Chien ihe itelephoniidlfo
ten ests r titu ts fusetha svtrit1usrssh ir ll s hit lls
tittidritdihivitt ein plcdos einthe ~si itisI is ni sit ch''ss thei
Statessutrt stiles. its s 11 os units
Fraetis' leIissue'wlshuts cmii t's'loosi t hat ee d htedto thes
isis fuseroadshow sis gic''''' l -
hue shay user Fri'dayti'iii' 'ht.
NNhut tiCrluiset o SnS e f tiiia
'sines sof te shut s a us I his w ususszss's:
!' ead titu ae ps .i th Ifthis i
lit thus aritia t h i f st 11lw ly tt fr'
'17c isiwel wsiht se l 5'''
ittc e t ssale s b ensuiss'<l .
bill:'sie i 'us 11,11this' us a e ili
'hs'Ia i tlise. T h sae w ll C itr al
'tilts's ent' su fom -1-,undss"rciits;
it te ittuet u sitn
i'h 'tin s- uttum lh r \'ns t
thus' issu tus s f ts td te tw lv il
t t s'Concenin'sus heu Ma ttuseo i( )- l'; 3
this lasiiiauttulast e l i wiltt t

s-ili1111 ilttits1 ii' ii'
t'ltetsly Setatn. tsocths' uidt' sl t iii
hissuldes(it thes'lsuitsits rot fiss ii-
:auc ien s) snilt ockbeiteswhic'' ill bt his'~
eatlithislas isn ok, t'vh(A' ic loftie s acr i rs'
is nameslillsholi this'e ancient Ditisss
Tiihts ethi rs it t e gniait. a
sits flsly stti iiti i ist ilidth u t s o HItCli ani-
LL1i BLAZE;~IID siett ss'luist us thus'' t iutu us tha
lte 5151itu fthe isoit t ry tilt us'typicasl.
tDiscoverd in ANpuict iitiat iotut ill lh hls1
ne ev'n' n.' nextweek,555 D tid iis
wtiltlist sitMorn iiiitti lus ith ofthills
I 5a si u i re li s«-o ill Iii tush sinstllm r
I isi N ft t I Dthe tck, yite lint
thi a Iint o dissio Int tiN heinord'.
suit ittiit'si sit

Subscriptions Being Taken in
All Departments for Gift
to Director
Kene is I itp fi sts usill sit's b'ttwco
uu- wes a i sco f Mihian's
Hoii hstfll IPictnlcsts ebo hsast
ofa stl tic dietorssi suitsis rnedss
lutiit its a n f h e t usnSmeria.
'ew' svY issuoend t zpaI' tr~siiek i lii
hal isnusteeunyersi sof sone at
Mihi n kwhsch hasisproducsed
N ssso .\ eica's groeates sattetes.
\\ ill, this excepiitn f stilty'''u'' Yale
l'sn tit Fitzrchkiii its blin tr inutip
hhushi us tasi shnt t89. I th
utssimehs usou Distlace seconditounote
in thithlists ous s i t s i'''smsen.
Th t ion sitofithis Situdenst fCo unil s
the rcttlt o a strlls' setm ntssou the
pr of shuts stss sun 5tssuitbleirretmtm-u
'rret itzluteick.rut'"Wewsntulto
iso ii lsts u It shell sh t'sh tsre aueswith
luist wlit sCttCr he "ues sialt ete for
it, ,Il this tissets h LiiCh tls W itt-
isoefi., sudtsien utt s i t . ''hW e swant
to' shuts luist suits ppreiatsitio of the
Isrk hut hissdonlusts esuit thtwe i''houe
lust ts ithe ed i heee years at.
its sit ithe tissuo e bis .
'hl i ttuoptitiio n stillFitezpatrikhshs
aux oilthsss tN e trumum" ssai athiesuau
coucilan 'he ucessofoilirtuemst
has eenlargtc ue o f issue hessutu
lmis tuits hut'' i hts .it sie wtiug imr't
to. thihn p tis h iss's'we ks'tt t oNh's istuhlist
[hat \\'ciwa tshutshhuts
its i hi t si anltist o e hiut hi
usmed suion t usu srhis listswhit
sontl a psresiateisthin iiork Kieene
has ~ tnc A4' wan thegift hishhun
real n ssui hitniof this tutuetnttionii ands
hrtiue os ithig''u5s sudhetsNhWe
wtouldt h av sareia ubiptl i n t
'usmim ofthit Year1 nessswen srthougsht
its nulls i~en'sls st t laie i sworth
nhcipii lists''ine'bitupatssedh
hisug sie''1 as. he.s' r starsittedl
sei o tid isiit 'tiiiscis' tuti tilt.
c' so 'tclt Mah it' it'll tiic it esceelt il
1 ;ra dearn~llwh retnt sie isori:
siiiis iidsit
ds ofinstl 111itll Intl
tsp e ii'lo Hls. n''t ofJ thes'Ia'sied'-
tartm nt, h s jus iuis ned ifom ite
a s trp ill tu tu .i udg''i' e 'sln t
Nt -I[h e Ge s J i tuuAsse m l o f t h ut
Si escian tul ' sit hAt las ns ttis Cisi'
'h'V . ~iitii'r.,u'forierlytittt
f ut 'Is' 'ionhTituiD h lts'stiis y'th i soh t
; I iir c liii' tit' whos'i ilsuy' lis's alsitup'

iic iihti

e ii rern duat cn stitdi tltheiis slisrai
to r ilb illed out l cai oth
the ( ,J)"rtililliti aflite
usf ut ti rgtls t au'dpt the i' pan
S c /uuuhaic1 i"icr wll t c
' S J slisi. Te course,'iItinlil l 55w5a
f _ l~
tornteN eletive, ill h enlared 5'

ctest iin livittt-thuti eti
l e~t t-~ wittcitld 1 v th1?s tcs v'1 l~c n ct d ill

r' iii c riii'

T % I:\'
( w} rc 11
will speak
111e11 ,)1'(MII11
tllc 1i:cetin ;_

17 T(i S111" \ K 1'l"Fl
ru u T(m.1's( ud.
;it;tl r f scl :.?Or
before the TO
?etit ill 1)(Jiltirti

71i NI

<l i i I
cl cl

MISS ins isisuutssut'h's i~n'CIi'C sin i sic I
dirctr, uII eetsainutheis' ilisus's I
the Womanssuus's Athltic Asst'itiiti sit
picnic onit's hilt'.

_ -

.. /

, w wsse

"The Clhoice
Whitney Theatre Friday Eve., June 3
Michigan's Greatest Production

eat Sale Today, at Wahr's
4 to 6
Friday, all day, at Whitney
Prices: 75c, 50c, 35c




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