IoA x Ell hl r. The M I a n °,NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \Vl-,DNt SI -\I', ]UN i< ra. VOT- XX. No. 170. SEASON'S SUCCESS SATISFIES TEAM Election of Track Captain and Awarding of "M's" post- poned Indefinitely 1911 PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT W~ithi ani excelleint stiowing iit n the Easierni Ittercoltegiate to their credit, the Varsity track iteti returined to Anni Arbhr Saunday night satisfied with tie recaits attiained dutricng the igi0 seasoin. Several of the meit loitered] ini the ast aed diii lie) retiuii wcith tite tecacm. The electicit of a'casptain cnd tie awcardig oif the "'s" itsclihiretore, tieeii potc Itrd setm prcticalit certainc that lit ie eni wil ri ieceicve the coveteed iccsigcia. In t a sn ithsheri t cistii to isvr th N"t hose who sot. tinits ini ttce int ercotlegiate cuty atid it is ncot iki itht i this wil itt td'iettartetd froii ileicc lie fact tht trec iuacl meets waerec held citli easternc scols. Thuisuta ti'r i itte handsci ofi a cniiiii'- tee eomposc'ed if Captaini Mat, Manager Boynuton, aniii D irector Fitzptatrick, wiho i sti in th east and niosi cc actiio iwilt le takeit iiitil tis retun After theinucsigii ia v tien aiiiarided the aeeuaa ictur wiltl le takein. At this tiiie tlic kaptinaa of tic tit t em will lie selecteil. The manii iiico is sciecteid to capitain text years aggrecgaiti on wil leaiia sqttadricth liriliaiit pristiects, Ofi thi men cwhose effortis imade ichiigana contender for first hoanoirs at Philadel- " phia, three cwiii lie icc scol cxt year Craig antid ioner, cco onci the ma-i jortiy of the pint sico ered, wcill heeciii Icaiitiat o cf tie ig ti teamc. Crail proved the spteed iwonder of cue easiern iueet, onily ani ciii)riuui cte scrt prevent- inig his taiing che ceintury dcsh. ?next tear lice should 1ic a sure timstcr ini boti idcshces. It seemsc aliii ceertcaiin that te edis- cuis thcrowt ciii ice iiicluded cc te ltter- el c~te proegeami iet steasoni.~ This chiang.e ciii gcive Horner accii opporcuity cc scorce tenc poit ciinsiead f lice, ;is his supieruir urices withc ticie Greekruuissie is recogized. Illt te cchrcliii cc i ii ic c r act Philc- dacy tied wcih anotheir yecr f ccaiic aindt exsperiece wcil ccci ac mos cccii c cli icaic. G.acclii andc Rots lacc donei wiel in tlii quiccirmile evn tciihci s ccc'tsci ati ciii b cini schle aga'i next yecr. Of te iuceic cclii file toii wccil lce cc on ite ~t cca rsicty squadi, I iiilagl arni C ce shi cte mast primis iie. Botl are fr eshcccci The icformier tics cshowc cgrecat cblta iuce rucicier, hicc ast pefrac 'n lipinig secnid! fromci the crocs .c ccii rc reccired beiig es peciually noeoty iic iiC o tle, the lig cp taut ccf the frshe in eleveni ic has giver prmcie as hmm rcr er Kicic' ai sopiihoiiire, Ahoi chci iheen rncinuiig fti the first tie tliis iscason, has showcc ablitt inc thie mididcle' distacic e event. GAYLEY IS AUTHOR 00 NEW BOOK ON tO 10k' ITiIIN. Tue cucrreict cnuitcer ccifiithieciiumnc reewecs "Idleals of Ediccaciocn" bi-Ccharles M. Gayley. '75icccnow roifessore 4 f"11(ic lick literaturecat teULivceesity if Caci fcrncia. Air.Cat let' octil edcati nalcci conictiosis ccthey exist inicialmostci tll Acmericn iuiversities. Tue bhokicsedediecedi ioiPesidiet Emericus Acngellithtic'ie followiingin-i scriptionit URGES REGENTS TO APPOINT PRESIDENT c'\.I" CciXCc iFI"Rhi IJ' 1 i Editorial Writer Argues that! Definite Action be Taken t Immediately '"'" Tii' DEFENDS PRESIDENT HUTCHINS ,1] Jciii cc'cciic,t cxcvI~t Co' Nski ci.0R Me. Gaylet is best liii ccciii) lii li(ce as the author ci "Tue ellowiiand . cci "CHOICE" BITS OF HUMOR Arabian Play Promises to be rull of Good Laughs 'c Uitact, ci recil lice Nlcici" cic ci.. wialkedl ciiiof Ccciii althtl~ili icy far the YN . . ..olr-e a cfterncioc. .A\itc gin w s ca' tc ryig t t aycccii cc h oud o i icc-e' cc c uc kle.ii c ad '(wea fe -anoiitier Niichiga m ncaeiOtcfti( ibtuidincg. liii \\-cc 'i t )l ln ki, ctitceciwas l btdubeiuc 611en h i ll tiuuic p fc r ec e , c rl h c I~ studen t \ e caler 1 ", al] S \ 'te Ici theyCooeciii mnctPrp) iccv-\ ecic iht c er taiccyis in cieted-Icte ad cccx crl1 se LA ton's cmedy ccci cis to bci ci i ci fill iciticiic asi ranlfii -th sh w" askedi ie cci ice'1)i(,i le aiswctecred ct e contc et. A i thee're ueting ouic me btccch l cys ticc onl c ec roiii ciii',w el csae cciiic e coccinudai h' f- Rik ISTRAR lxAii RiA:T''i"> FROMt TOikR N1S':C1 f"u d 1) ll cc i) I ciii cl i iip - illTh cccii) -lyd c 1 l ci11 (c' i t sciii e paed wheo he inof Wesi tVirginaunii iiverity t o Lst evr iii. OctFriday snd cv i c C'NoteDe wcic ii e seeinc CLUB WILL VISIT DETROIT C' mmerce Men to Inspect Factoy and Business Systems ll1n'c ici[le om erce chu illii Ccc I ciealittecrcticein cc chiig ecrly 1 :t~c~tin tains frithe cieet Friday. trip toi iicit i sccplanccieel cncthat day ndi ill cheiin1cessiary to leave cii the x cuur ereetaie idutrial ;;at i clli iccmadeiiandiiaccfar as tis' ild wicsadfcoy systemsc will e ~pcc 1 liii c te paces viited ciii wi i, igeShe cpaiy'.Cadiliae lirt Cr c ci.i cmay reccgis' Adinig \acmc cmpany, andcithe Aihigan worksItcc iscie likey that two iia ie occciifactorescc wilie tlcedc , iii i iitcrcalii iiitc r ccuihr c k rt rp as aicispecalcrie f eighty ceitic 1,for 11eroundctrip i e aailable if 'I V yutm~cgu Rcetccrei harge d al ' v an hulcdccilie seciredl fromllmas arlyas osible. I, Te :mhiiecom~itte has acded Inc l~cp~is wer; o 'l'.iT e cmmitctee iii c, Icde i iiiiitey dlc those mceii de ;iri g i c icc b iiihccciiof the week. 'h nei of theiii'chiblasiiieeningwas >> !III Ji1. ltvS TIh BSINESS \ \AV.hi.iRShilk'OFTHiEDIL. I Aoran hll, to, as eletedi busi- i ns iu cclfheic liibiy iihe Board ,i ii Control cf tudentiiiPubcliciatins, yes- ,cir. k'iftcroo '.c'hrl i'icwimanu, '1, ccciii hi., onycciur.Botohihave iihcc ciu th uiciesicstff lice tcoiyears. o{ .A>,xia ''itorsiciecor'the AMicigan- cc i ccciecitricncinthe ccciv future. s ci'ltt ) t e h~ rd (f r la~ lt ite ii ti l in lcci t cc:)' c t is ilt)) it~i chls. M ) i ii. i''hriccll<, liiic ii 'e ~ r t'illl1 'i ' cciifro Riecistrar hI l reti iue Ic'i hcccii ciuxvcekccfibuslineswi c c snortchrnciicikany II ci i c Grayitngc'.diuring tdie ihctteri par Sa turdayccanieduclic i iiil MicinawcccCiiyan c gthrc w edi MiacclinascIln ia 'cSnowss topp~~di" c i ctte htccI.i c kedaicclle 'tictide ndccciiir t o in A i hi vr~ ' iuii' i -cc Id tisclndn, ciii~ ~~ ~~ ii ' ii ' i'.' cii cchardic 's a ii ciii iii' ir ii i l e nii i thi nn cii ii . milc ly hr wh i l> )eth I-c u i pesdet U~ r i wi m A n tliitt]"td iifli °"a e d a d catciii i o ulce iC'a v C1s-l'l -til] th c r gs a~cd c-f rms "old imlr,>ici ccc uuccxucccc'cc cIVCiHARI'YC Ncc cc Wiintircpc 1)c ii . cc ' 10--'2c1c , attendedcei cii'.cccccccI 'c i iti io Nationacl kCocferecccof Caiti 'cc Cocrrec'tuinscat Sc. I ccis lastiwcck, apuictauttechdtose, Ccci ))c ) t t assiistantseceretariiisi i cite 'nr 1 \rL Carucegic' ccc iccese'ntedC' o irnc'l situ rc'ir.cry li e'cin' oPfcco or ncewca'cemuicicalboratories. MNiiiviimt' rncin ccg. A _________________ THE 1910 MICHIGANENSIAN_________ WAIT FOR IT "A rc 20 _____________ COMING SOON