1111.0 1,F.0 MtI~4GN~AL 10.5Pf. ' l61 Iii ...I cc 1 4 Bags an Medicinme Cases AT ;} jt iic+r " i'1"i'ltl e t< t-zl't t tioi lii i- ,,, i rr is ili (' tl . °l rt <1 irc ;i lc lt, 1( :lilti(lli ; IQUARRY~S Hotel Whitney The best place in the City to dine Service A La Carte Sunday Dinners a Specialty '1 [ -1 6 11 (Coninued from Pare 1.? tll half mile run finishing second I" 'atoll, Pennsyllauia's peerless distance rllrrer, 1, covcring the distance i i i P,01111SHCk and Sastoll failed o place. I hulgell did nc;t mrile np to ex- pcctatitms over the high sticks as hr did not sccnrc 1 place in the 1-111,15. Hwsidc the men xvho clnaliicd ill thn 1 i ds this of temumm three other- "Ib er- incs will havc an ci;porlalnity to dis- play their ability Saturday. 'I m ar will i >e th< only- wcslerncr to Colnpetc in the mile. last year he finished in tllir,,l Iliac- and the critics expect kiln tl) di, fully rti we11 this season. Captaill :Ala-, and I cardslcy- are sehcdnled to c) )mpctc ill the 1(wt ,,er grind. The weather conditi)mm today wcrc 1,1v m-aldc al',d the track east. The tern I ,t rattir(' was co111parativcly° 1()w It ild t sir, ng hree/l 1 c\v across i is 10t 1111 de1111 the sprinters ill tile I!llrd:-(,(! i)ln airily them in the lomg-er spl-i , which was run in the opposite dirt°;VA. 'C 1 N N I S M A"ITC 111? S S"h.AI T WIT IU,-AST T(MY\Y. i1tiillty-s cn %\iclders ()f the racgilcl :, k, c lilorcd 1,,1- the var-ity tcllis ,(mr illwn, The drawings have iwai ill1 1 111 al < x lt < ' 7 ic 111c 1() tic CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING _ IT. C. CAPEN, Mgr. C E FARMERS AND MtECHANICS BIANK MAIN AND tiURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Scepter and Proits $t00,000 General Banking Busieess. 3 peercet paid on Time and SavtiggsIDeposits. Safety De- posits Boxes to rent at Silt0 and upwards R. tENItt'cPrees.it. (G. PttiTeexTrcA. Vice-Pes 11. A. WttLLIrMS,.CsieF. T. SOWEsst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank CapitaslSteokeX5,000Sil ecple, $20,00 Rtesoucres',0).0001 A UieneertltBnnking BustinessTtransacted t)rrtcnol1 Chas. E. Hisock. tree.;xv. tc. Hdarrima, .Vice Pres.: MS. J.Fritz. Cashier right111c . ('all I,1.. ~y 'c itc 11 l. ()cIf) .- t ;1i oot f III1] to11111 ii r lI. I tloS Rowe's Laundri: lac: nxr lcu' o ~ci THIOMAS ROWE, Pcrip. 011111 u,141 :. -fllr . 26'N. Fifth Are. New Phoeee45?Ell1Vlctcrnt° 1. Pri c A. 1 ccvd Ilmit11,1 kc,111C AT TUTTLE & CO. ii l.itellicclllcl cc. Lunch J ooiii STATE SAVINGS BANK i. J., Bothrr J n. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughcan - PT. R. Wade E. t. xiiis John Haarer Jnc. K~ochi Peel. H. S. Carlert leery W. Ioleegi Chrititan Martin lDan F. Zimerman'cr FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oie ANe ARBOc, MICH.rt E. tr. ISNNE, ltAttttISO S1111,1Ic A tres. Vice-Pres. S. W. CL~AltlSON, Cashier. Capital, $100,000. Surrioc end tellfits. 5100.000. lgemuan-Aeicani ainl Bask Comm.ceroae..I a . n d Savnwg Cne. Mu,..te w~.d lberOw Streeats 1 c~l I . icc l 14C1 211d.dLtccii26c f Mat, ii 1'f 1601. 126-ii. PDR SUM~t0 looks-lowur co1.,' ictdtity o4D g'f>Emiii - OLD is reps cC":1 3 cosalfo C "0' NV -c cc 702S tcl *rc tie cfirstKlach I is played11. N;A A , 11,: O cI''. c V 1 li ia lcin1 th1 e oftlil 1. 0 tn S& n 1 11111ke cicci (c a n Yoa ran find a line tree of Confectionery P ci 61,. 18- i6 cd. Go to major' s vt my ' Walli '711111 7 c il/c. an d c'il Binii'cO c t c we 1cca 111..viccyoucillm i 2 o 119 0sld ire111'ctto the. 1 galn I$.5c hl a l i .kc1quart 3ic. C"I MAOJOR !49CO malfcI 'lcro Iih Gr, lie Paiits. 203 1A0. _l _ece to, I ciiiccc. fii,211c 1 1 .j 1. t. ' .. ....e.... .. Of course you have not noticed how our shoe business has grown-but we have. We blame our' for the splcendi. increase in our shoe sales. $4.00 and $5.00 a pair. WAGNER & CO., State St. Sign of theP(, SOE bi white ho. Walk-Over's for ring. HURRY (Get n pair beforre they're gorne.Ytull like the style- You will appreciate the Snug-lit heel and neo (ap ankle fit, and the wear will brink youu hark forr mocre Walk-Over's. Ladies look in our windowscfor thie newx swell Irumps. > XPI:RT REPilAIR~S WHI~LE YOUI WAIl" Wbalk-Over :, 1 Company DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Limitret Curslast B'on-r :50 ra.ctit,15 1Limtited Cure West Bound-9c24 a. tcc..2:9 ILecantCarsEateBound--,'eroi tceic.aic la 'cce'" :: c.1.tit. i c(] h l Ic Ill. 1113p1I:., lsc o 21 .li t l., 12::3il0a. ll. 1. 1: 0a. tit. iTo "cillc.c'lcccccgeatcYti lantiicc. LecantCuresWestt Bond-net4 a . 111., 7:15Ic FRATERNITIES Silver Links Rings Fobs Scarf Pins 'lice s hot'ldt W M. A RNOLIP EWLE 220 South Matte Street. Carriage and aggg licr 11111o'c o ei,$5.50l. acter. 0 cck $2.011. 'Il cicccItTlttodr feomlcoorifcce c orc ft-in'1 up-tai rscl'. iei ef:31i w'llibe 511 Cents. RIA I tlc 1.&CC. 1 ot NV 15. II.1PdK 111111 F I'' 1t. 110 MOE'SBARB ER SHIOP 706 utrUnverretty Ave.r O. A. MOIE, ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP G OppV.sit LL, Pc aiircRiem r CEO V HARLIES' BARBER SHOP Uneder H ustortililiardt Patlors I'orecccce ccci Ic i ce iz .c ('1ciri c',s° Baseball Goo, 1(.'e Skates, andP cc Bell Phiotte1610 Hie"w: id I piot, jo 3.19 Last Huron .1.c