VOL.X,.-N ARBO0R, M1ICHIGAN, SATU2RDA7', MAY 28, rc)10. VOL. XX. FIVE WOLVERINES PLACE IN FINALS Michigan Runners Contest Final Meet with Easterners this Afternoon t(Yalt ) j f,3 f c '1,11c)12' 1 t_ t,'11 ; 1c 111111'> a'll ilc Ii a c:VARSITY HUMBLES hr'a 11p 'plall ORANGEMEN AGAIN, 122. The2' ' 1 -11 121 - o11t21 11111122 12 1211111 Wretched Fielding and Failure', S2(821 '1-t 1])III half l to Hit Campbell Fatal to 1112 lc i lkldrlSyracuse ch~~le i'llhi-;NINE MEETS ITHACANS TODAY .2' 2121ar1y1221222 12122 "21 N.22 V.. AMl 27. M12l 11l 12121 21111 11111 222211~ f'2 111121120 112la , 2 211122221 s 011212am CRAIG IS BEST OF SPRINTERS 12, M Deroi 27 P112 1111212 222222012 11111100 Field, 11111d2221i 711122 10222 121 21111 121.F~ athete 1211in 11t1112 12111 122 maiz mid) Dieo122 ~ ouh hi wa1 itoth11 nasatth1anul1itr 221le1111 mee \ ths1 1112 n on 1112 121122 °111 111111 rie 1112' contes11 n111 1 12011211 the nave pr s 1 O1 12211 rti race i1n the finas1 121. Saturda1y.111212 in two of111 thel field/ 12221ts 12 il'inr 1111s great 212ss212 Of 1the wester11 1111221s 122211tim2on)22 1we11 112 22a ; ]'li b1g1112 I 1111221121 2122222 l de nl 11121 ent 12111111' es 21f Y1a21, coverin12 the 2d11111122 i1n 12 1 ,--A 1111111112'of onetnsi thsc n o 1111122211 of licA th112 s I k 'The 1220 junio repate thi 221 ~ h11s 11111 11211 1112e of11111 stsho l sow2ing mal e 11 l11 l1 1eia' chace 21111 f'222 11121e22. 12211 1121 eih1111 ro m p 211111112 121 1 he sh112 e runs221122 < 2'diahc ' sh1112111 in111122111111 11a1 1111 2111 elim11111122 2112 - th ftr 12212'11100i ree 22112' 2\221' Th 111 221222111' -,vill 2221111121 in the 1un red11r221,l (nS tud11C ai Mi112121 ),2221 kaIs 11 ditll 1212 nd 1 -ily noi . o l '221u o 1 ')'212 MW i2oun22 as (Ilmir ) 121 rt 21 (212 11 1111es) cl y AMCb). 11221 2122112 12111 22]) up 121121s2aion 1it1211 h1ig 1210 . 111 1 -e c t 212 12(11 11111112 1p11l o220 W ~i W le t; (121()11 ' 21c. 1-2rl 111wla 1 222II 6, 1 11 12212t 2222lsill501- (2a1 2~O21222222t way 2MITte I1" I GOAT JOINS FRATERiNITY Miss Nanny Sent to -Local Student Iby IExpress "\1i1(21 122 11' t 22 Zi~c (tl~l( (1:1v2 (211 1 1 (.( 1 ).21221 s I. - c122. l I s 222x( (5' , c11 7 1 l ii_ i r tc ll 1112 2222 2 222112 a ( I ;1211- } 1i 221 11S1rac1220112202and 1122'i 1-1)()11.2 111222"isle 1\a 2he12 11 SENIO2' OC'118'l'\'I 7KITES "M22'dd8to'chiN 'll T12.7a 772s' T211 a '1'0ol 11y 112pi1c'ic l Jo-- eoit gro11111r1 attnd 121 nnul o21 fsho1d2 ici1 Is 'al ljm 1ned 1bing 'LARGE PRIZE IS OFFERED Philosophical Society Devi2 res Essays cn Treaty-making 122' 12222 1e2'a e durint he y21222 1 0112. 1,22222 um2I212112 he 2nds (of he comm11 ee21 fore2 he1 lu t ofJanuary,1' 1221 011122122121on hic esay 'The Ill 1'1 Y1sh1112122112ol mor than2or hunchd thou 22221122211ex c'ln(rn noes. S ch noes, 2i a1ly sh~ul he kpt se~rra 12as n 11ppndix l II 1t3(I ''rtCapbll 12i11part2(1n1 1112 ('2He anne1,12' (('22 11i1 h 2111to ''itch rc It'll to wil 12220211121 1220111mispI 211d th2 clst sor2wie :I :!;: sIAR W I T I \\I[, 1( 1 (1 111221 e~iil or epct 22 22111212111 lso)(20112(2" a c. M12011 2 (''u1 fer121 fr2m2 a of rttls, e" 1 err r; 1ein 112ins t12em212T212' se12(2(11 (1222 ,"Il shitingdecdedthe7721~c 12222 lau(2(21 22(12(11(2 r dri\es,2 nd2 ive acrficehit. SENIORS PREPARE FOR FINAL RITES Graduating Exercises Open with Baccalaureate Addresses on June 26 PROGRAMS WILL BE ELABORATE As (21 l te o'2221t222'21 l'lloIp"ograms havet o t1111 e1021 12'finil la n11 d,201 bu t judtgingfrom otrit tioun'ob222'1tained22t tito 212221112's ofIfithe 111' ercises2tils 1year 2promise 22 1(o 21e 2212122st 11l1a2orate (2(2n221(1(2 Jn 2261a2 7 ' clock. 221 Ititlt 11221212121 th22rauateof a l I tt- meat1(12 It twill be2 1el11 i12U2221221222 Ial is 12suatl. Ja 21122 at1 2 20p1. 01 12211 1112 1122dti 1122rtet o lds 22 1xecis 2sii 111212 It hil.T here 1wll (1c(ald 2r 111(an orti s byt differe 11222(22 211f 11he clns I he c2't' g,' t S:' 1830 1112e 221n1(r g'irls 'till 112222211111d1am111z12t112122 (11222 7 11112icar2111kehe 112i Saraht Ca2sttell 721 lll. Tl clo promenade2221 illt be 11 eIttit i ll(2221(2212 a1t t t tetttme 11212 Telitra222112111211112 it 21220s222x21222e 22111d2r111112122 Oak oil 212e 22212n1221g tOf Jttt - Pr12'n (G11(221 tht cla122221ill dlve2 n d (12222, 121212 till 1be' 222111(122by20 222221 1121r 21pe122221222 11t'r2220112101112212At :30 o '21 am eei 1,th sor21 e-2 cep'tion h}11' 21h 2222graduates'2 1(1of l (1lo 21111" 11222(22 is 2sche'duledtto ll 2tk l at' c1111 at 7722122121 11 0(1122112122 Th nineers'1122' 212 t'tt rcises 77 2'lt2'51 mecu' , at 2211122l"t22 engulIe122'co 0211121's 120e01111'' at1 22212 'lc-< h homeopth~1ti t e 11a12tmet ha e in l te111222n2122 (2222' 1222 1121117r2212112122h112o11112111 However, 1W77111212122 wtll he ttmaIth 122 111211 tlay Th 1211121 h ld f ll 012122222thetap2211(111222 imeend in20 a1t the "ge1er1l1m1eting 112 ' i 'toti'l 1(111.2At 22221111122ht 21ferno 11th 22'isit L1 121ld a l 1122e tlti) 1hold2a co1c2rt onlOW1camp21.2The111211112e- 221221(122 l W222111(g2121112m1a 8:o o'clock'the 1sain '' 222111 w i tt' op211o211 it-'l u "2111gadutes andt~l fr122111 2221012 2121tet lay Ito' per12111 22 huts- day, 2Ju1121230 l T o 2'1112212121 t 11221 222! 13p m s ed in tt 7 111(111 g0'7'1 i um11 Tikets2ill b 11212212t an11111 2 1w eu e t Il ertr ' 11012. M11S1CI1NS7PI,}11 V 771' C1ROWD1)7WITHI I1\tI'O1100(1 77 'Te 22n2222211y 1111111altraced an1 212 1.,l 2222 2large 22ro 1d t it t t'id 1221' 'idcne tt c122 ng.T he mI it 1111222 re1powledto 1this 1t211re 21 111in 2er - 'lIThey 1222121 itti r 11t2i2' h12222 11221 1121112s 'I"Trelt' 12211 ich22 e G~cr copeled o rpea-111211 ls 22122112221th112 ''1 lters o i 22122 o 2212 22112lt t 1111noadmiraboile 1222111112 (()111;(,!1It t2 nc t 121 ti teVto itt' ys(sI'llc >>I 202212122 for- 11 Ihe 2111222- M1 Fl tell' hi III [I'll ;lt itl;; he Fllatle . He was far fn >W("V'Cr art(l hip te tv 5harc of t i>> Wll "Lill dw ( ilc'' X1122 1 (2222 (ill1 I". PIcl , P I I.: 112221 ,. 'IC "tO (' 2 11' . . . . . . . . . 1 {) 4 Ismom22:' r~tc>i ase hit 1 122112' mP Ocrihm his -('ags,21al 2e 2 ill! \ash. tc~cl ases lli 0022"'l -? o. 2111121 c II lit 12(2w v .1 ~1 l 221 i 2}-a ttaed tt lope, ti '221tittitt 112dml 2th 21ou 2221(111221 tt' mttto' 1, nrtr 221dapt 1d1f1211e es 1a ' 1211 Ici~ cl np t, 1 1121212' 2, 21212, 1112,2to c'1 lit 1o11 fiv2 e 221 1112 ito 2122' al l~s a s m y Iw writt 2 i 2Entisht, Iet 1n lsl ut he21121 lp i e 1121 ,'o 2tre 1tis itor essay 'sh llt tent(tle t{ (2221' 2112 'tt h e p ize2t112as2ee his 12('121'2'2l 21102112 s : i2' c I ltt I 1122tc ' 20I i3 . show 's1a1dec ied 2122221 p e 1'c v>t ia th 1nm lad (1M 7lotg t i' 4 3 foo , '3 tit y Af '1 g 11dw WAIT FOR IT .. THE 1910 MICHIGANENSIAN COMING SOON Price $2.00 ..