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October 24, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-24

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The Michigan -Daily
ANN NRBOR, MICHIGANNx( \i\ I I 05t'1 ix 4, 1909.

Vol-. X.

Nox. i8.

In a Trying (lfame, the Varsity
Defeats tie rquette by a Close
( r(x St t x'irr~ c ix xxix i )
2\iIwak xxxiii 0C1 N ;3-xxxhi an
W011 NIc~ xxxiit t 0 o ;,ech sd
scarin a tolichd wn in the. is h lf
(ilicricx-e wii the (ilkxii by kickxingx gti
Slichixi an ,-a xxiiiila e at n 4 -
lxixiv and il dfn i ii( a nd llxxiixx
lxxxn~' w s h iit' lxxinp that savedxx
MIichiganx f r-im (ix lxx
ixlixiia stuc nixxi iiii it) old-fash-
xinedi fotbll bu lxiii utt re
lthe iximri passi lxxx iii xit 11vi three
N11(, .ixciga \xi xi li xhe i ill ilixth
lxin xAIlii lxiie xx xla I W xxlx lxii; tlhx
breakxx xxxi th i<i1hr ao h
tximx anxi onixdei lkxik fell xin lix NN ixxx
-xxocs hand xWitinx the \ixrqixett iie--
xlr lie lFiii tlix Sil xx x Ni link xxvas
if adamant and oii l y ()1ti thi e hi rd trxi al
4xexix xlii NV ilviii ali to) lxuxi lxxx-
tt>1t ~ ~ ~ ~ i xlixss iiir xx (x)a.xxiiutt o
=i fete xxiiit i te lxiii cani ax third ix i
lxxxiii _ Nll ix xxi f nlxii andi tlix, hall
we t o x l Itet 4mx Nie ixji Mi-xi iii li lx 011ix-
lxn- ine. "[lice the Cathicsxlx ixil at
ce tr fw 1 r in, but, iin th tird~i at -

Miller R.x.iMee
ix\s~tn xx ixilixix Shalle'r
I~wtn Clarikxi F. ix ;. S c dxer
Stahl l lii s.ix Fi i ju ge-x iikiixix

JOURNALISYITO BEto xx nrui uc acouse
TAUGHT IN COLLEGE' I> ece rt mr~~~5rgr
i>h xxxenia.It x isx x e rlxxi thl atxx
Prof. F. N. Scott Reviews the nixxiil xxxife ix fuvcsiyQetin- ihia ionex oae(seiayix xi xxxix n th
in Journalism. xnliilx C

I '

l . . 1l,,Ix 'iii xx fii xxi ix lil i lx i xxx's}II~
SCkI S IN\ S.XT hl): lAS xII Iii~iIi xxat iii x inithelastl fewi cars.
Fi. NT ll',AL, 'A F. P xaix vry ii w lxxxi are xxwarxx-()f
Ma-xxxi(x, ',xaiixxxxx,j(). iilxixi xxxilxi xlxx i
CrvI lxit i cxic o. allxa( Iiks Of coursesxx wiclxxii xix forii lxi
1'crii~ln o, C~rxxiito
xCixxioixi Il Nxcly 18. il li lxxii (Nixixi.In xilllsls
v rlllr ; lIi. 1. chief 'txxiintcI. fi t.x-x i tsx xli ixn xi;(ilcdito
1licxx'II(, ll-il II.I cm, ;ix lii-x ixxixxxx there. xxiiiiiii lxxxriii-
M . Ai lxx. o \Si(x-xxxixl 11x0i . xii il)f l i lxiMid liii xiii, M\_ ' , lx iiiii' ii
"DIDN'T KNOW, YOU KNOW" INix l(lxix ixelix.. lxiii xIxxxxx (lfxli
'lxxx N xxoxkNWxxxixi

t lxi, Sd rtcxxii ' wxIsxpisiild coxI

1li - xx Iilix-l tlxxtie ll lxx xxxiwheixixixilx
auiicaxipt tcxxxii xxiii lti<1. Ilirix1x3c tiCoach Yost and Others Comment onI

rest of thelxlustihalf te bllii xxx e
ini the imiileix the lAdd. I n the li xx xii
owls filed. iaiiiuiii ii ili neari i t i
xxiii idixxx whenx Iii lxx grabbeidiliil ler-i
!lls xixx x llii lxiihuti1, larx xiiiiilatexIi

the fiane.
1iixxixxixi xMI, ai xi( xxiiist, ligliixg
xiin di l )i to .)i tt3Cixl iii hi ng) 13('14" xx i i ll xx-
I iid liter to lmvii halx liii itry xie
liii xiii lass I xilliii i s ill th ii xs xxoii
'Tinn he dxidn't, yolxxxii cxxiixiii
xxichs md srme t~nta
captaini xxxiii xcii : -Michigan ,olii xxbi


c Ir i- .ixixi-ii xi-lc h l r]te t 1trc biixix xit 3 l>i x ix-- \ sca b ll i te-ist fex1111
W.Ly xiii xxiI d x-)'ithliii. .ixixxiii'i io-ixil I -'x -Wkxaewel x ii icc.

I' l. ,.. ,xx .i ..ii ... .. ii .4.... t
li iinxe. iix Sheller .l a (Ie' I x iii xx lx i xxxi
ing Imt a xnd i Iaw fnm 1- o xi 20x yard
tii ackling,.x xix
ix xiiigc' xixe~s w lxii a lix)s xi-
pri'la l n Nla iiio) ix is thex onl
l ixli was iixxc 'li tlii sNiippiryixfurnish-x-
ing lil x iii xxxiid Ixwl lix iwas thede
brei ngil~ lxxxix g thexii iii u tt lixi lie re-
lix telx c. i llxii i i xxixi
\ixilqli who) iix il ug xxe enire i ne as
Nhrigh l i reeaedy Ni e N ailed tI o
\ ~ ~ ~ I va lxxiii kxxxivr y~

(xooihiJ iiiii :i"Itx asiaiiaxdl game
r le.eac ii xxiiwhen weishoulxx have
ic xx lii iiThe glicixioieI toiisioiiiihat
MarqNNuette xi axsxxixasianyxteamxin
ix lxxxisxliI iii sor x- xxxiiix. l xiiic
slIxxxind er niixxni txxigamiiii but
xiiihaveia Ni xxx ]flatxx ]nN1a id o
Capain fannxxiii g :ii "Weiiixixiixdxhaveii
lxim thexgNixxibxxtxxth luc x wouldxnot
ltii > l ii i ial f'ii- I x iii i x wasi xx ottiei
Garg-xxxx-lx x lxliiis g liii-or nfi-iiiiii lit i-
xxiii - lixixix umoiss, artst, grrts
and "a ." sxixrs. Inl fct xit. wants
t" xx r II txxx sevi cesixix f lx lxi(,NI m ha
had iw waxntsiixx maain xience.
Omti xiixxgxoth xxrxxixn c Qth
Nxovemberiixixxxii xx ruxslx hin by i Why.xi li
'l st]]iii sxx Ixixii xx anii x jlxkiislx li-liih-
ie of Oregoniixtandi\,Viasingiitonxihaxvx
immuY anllintercoIleg 'xitexidehaxingiic
lxxxnc 1"'iii x ii xii tesxx lx il l ixelixig
betweenxtliiiwoxnixveitiesbegxinnlx xiii
ltis faxll. xx ixi-xilxx 1i-iiii

ce tt i, a l tfti c ~ s s \IIlI Ii iii
c ~ II- c lxxxeIii . t" hafxii lxx i ll (MI
wich a nciii ililix ill isi clldx 11)1
txxi ii xxix h rc reiii x pa il cxixi xxxi
ic i nI-ixiixx iiix I i lira nlx iiii iixx I ll
xxxI.xIIIi xx lac.ii tclxIx I' sWi)1
ixct are t)iiirii i n p iiiiiiii Al l l a
pat-hca (1 i a s xxd n ciii nii-
a tt itan p l-l i icals t erix a
liic (xxiii .11111xii lliii li dl1iii i;iixiix lul
m- pal xix11(111 an teachersas t l th
xiin ()f xi11 lxi i c i s xix Iii i
lxxit i rcii l stdei tsxorxihi
111"XR IN N\111 ixh 1111111I?. lxitii '

Underclass T earn Protect Their
Uoal Line.
tw lii-i 111 liii s t~l h tii li. tl
ill ''ii I iilixm l FcrvFle(1 wixlxxxeliiili
th ir x 1 r llttac Ii lixwmk )
lxft ii l xxiii xxi xlix]v - l x(lix. Iii a xlago;
nliiiSn' lxxii x Ii c xxxiii- xxiii - s a
after I xi 1_1r xtilack-(> iii an itxxix II t
1(m)k i ii a l(kiii I I heiii I I -xx I tIi l e x
xx xxx 11~vI lxx lxxI iii xiii xI i xliii iI
xxixl xxx' i ( itlh('i ' (i,1)1i x ii li ii lixixixi li ;tllil
xiiir 11J . Tlcxr xll ix tiedl ( l lii
xut l xiihi l l i ll s ifi lkv il "( (1
C"ar lix xlii-lassiftills u1 (,l
ttl :; ;' xxiixxx x x i lt'ixixi xx f:;tix1 '+i
Itil i 'xxxws( (r.iiiistlte 6
ulac ,l ix ; i rdxixi I st'n - nl
,-I~ n; Ilxiii)f glt. I( iltxixii
lint mr(1;md ick(d aml Mased xiii1
- - e da- n11.Nixixxxxastald c(t
II ilIlte xixsul x
'liii ix xi x xli:
xRx SI 1lxxil11,x'xxl

Mmne. Schumann-Hieink Comes
in Choral Union Series With
Notable Program.
_AtNixxiiix-Sd xxxxxxxxx-- Ihieixt, iwhoixsixngx
tomrro lihtil Uixvxxxity hliin
thei Chra xil cncr serixx, cixnes
xxiih a recordi o fwhiiiifew xinxgerx canx
!)o st Tht it xx-cl imianxauiii nce xx
xx xxlxx 1)v x few O ii lxia xxixts xlxxxxsho n
pi IwNcet ls xiiilix inightixi li
lxxx li-i h llNI xxiCh xiicago xin cixtixtig
MxI the concert xli Sithe i "Mu ialIx xxiii
sal(l: it as veita l xixve xfxaitiof
xiii ilixix iaitists xxxechiinii her
-csect~ wavixix hadxi i attained gxxxinexxx
"N icc il avlxixte xii ito lxx
lxxxiii lxxx -(ix xxii ofii theixii i-l Kxiing xand
-ii nc u i \cl. It xxasx xix xmoii
heat ii aliii xi tnlx narratxiveixxvxxr
xxx~l byxxixa.xatxsxin ethill.
I'h cxiixx xtluorrow nxiiiiight xeginxx
xIx ii lix xxix i 'll ll x noii peii sxi nxx iilxi
W admitiiiidiiduriiiii thelx rendxxiiionxioxla
ill il'iiii xii
in ts airdandRich SorPreak.Bforhe
ling ineering Society.
xxIx xx xii - xxxxxixg s xxetylieilditsxfixrsxi
:llnla sokr tiformax recpionixxx
Il 1 lsilleillxi studentsii xx th'" advantax gesixiicf
lxxsitcetc lixchilpursxxits.i l
Tile nwo ii wsi ndx iai veig ofxitruexx
.1. x'. xii was xn xadiai x d xix-
lixse( xiixxaiiii slete slyi of
I humorousl ixii x CXe ix x wiiixx ihe xx h as xia
xxt thxtu et io h xl ix xxccxxg
1 i department.i Ni=Mr. i i c a facvxxitxe xxn-
stuco in xxe-urv xin depai tmextii i,
1 xa ieelcd] h audicexiwitix a
spiit -i x l biii peakx ofI kixndnxiss 'xnd
1 , lliea ion o i e part. ofi Mr.Six Rixh
.1s instructorxx. IS x- xxxii," xxayxs ix14.
i Rch " us 1e live- to his xopportuxities
- xxxIii i ic ri ctli ix i liigrityi n i alxiiof liii
cxxiii lxorsx


vl R , Ix I 1 xxxx NW xrdi () ill d'x )I iii I I
N1I inIiiii )IIi i iii iiiiix i tli 1 iilllx in i
lxc IxIxixI S)IIxII.
N t> 'xxi Ixixxxxix Stixiiiix dixixxixxi-
xixxxix b".ilrxNi. I cx txi. siixjixx, " lid
R-1,1 I ()fiCild Lalxxixx
0:;x id ii S I. I. . iictiixi.

nlxx 1,ii l 1).o : fin l, xix1xiicn 2.4
i.\ S. xxax( . Sa ey hlial
-I la . im oN lx q m n s
Wai c Ca'u-u j . iha ibe I lti x
catin f w Voexix-u n o lh
team. Illisxsaid w iIw laxfst ili ac
alld a srolxputer


AI .

ltr loxx admonxx xx itxxiol ay tli heli pres-
t., l~rixci tic xlix l toxii iii xxxiii xx xii-
-- ii lxxihg lterinatii edixi y i n x-
1*111t- in efr xsh iits xnd ixogx cxi
the l11iixl lxii.

The lxcx'xiiprxx I of xiCalixxrxiaxhas
lxixorimed axclubi xxihoxsexipurposex iis met
l xxxiii a dxxconv'xxseiin Jxapnscx. It is
intendedito'cre xxxia iterx'xinlxOxient-
rd ri - es

McMillan A. W. STALKER, D.D. Tonight
Hall "A Modern (Definition of Man" 6:30

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