A rule in Buying clothes When you're buying clothes spend all you can afford bat be sure you're tiettiig /051our5011( t/- wvorthz. STXEIN-B LOCR SMART CLOTHES represent the biggest values to be had in clothes- dom. You can find here a STResx-BrIocu suit at the price you can afford to pay-it will be the utmost in flue tailoring, fine fit and suaterial to be had tor thsat particular amount ot money. We court comparisons. Lindenselimiti, Apfel &CO. T1tsfi MlrCis1t'.AN DAlI 'e UNIxESITY cTICE R1 lllal arr'(1i"C'li1C' ift , { sta'_; diltncr 11111st 1w iluo 11C'S( 1aV. 111 IlCk _ ',, ltltl "hat "1111('. 11 ()11] dw T > \fCU ml, I)ati(>hci-i , I wck Ad who1 h; rc h c>ii c ii- t Our up-to-date line of Men's Fur= n ish in gs to be sold at cost. SALE NOW ON Special bargains to all students Vr1d11 *-I \I 1 3111 .[SI-LNTSi m d 11)hu wi]1 1w1w 11l1 h 1-1 11 S Y 11)pta \ r - al \iii Und 1( ( a . 1 1c1 \l r tcI,. l. \'a - -1 )11 f - Seril "11 (i e t I i :i't a tIll! 1lc1111'11 1111cl, : 1-1 EN RY & CO. 709,-711 North Urdiversity Ave. snociety Bran d liiw 1III 1 CLOTHESi pp r -I~' ll < t ll.l-I1Mi \ I 1 Ci11 It11 r f< r-rc<1 t l c I Reule, Gonlin & Fiegel 1ttta lcIIcxt srttr- t'i hf nt1 i 1111111 1 Iitiit - Senors' caim, - citds. ]II cast11send1-wit1 {rout. 11. ser011 11 -tt! -illa, .x\Ii b t" URAl ENElrlflS NTICt -rterity stalilt ry c a e l Itf. 3102 .S teSt,21 -,ltcr- :: call lltiCs. MEXICAN INDIAN BLANKETS SILK SCARFS tilt,; \ EtESItIlING for11your1 ColI geRoom111. Dell, - TB., ' UI ,1It>ary or 311,10 ic Rom;lfor Canl~o, 1102',. Cch ~tICoi scarfl.Malle 1of finest 111111~ GORGElOtUS LR EFFECTS! BEUTFULDESItNS! (COLORS:l 1011111. CreamIl, 71t. Sin. x 311.101n........ - - $ 5.00 11'l'1Theatre l', 01110D1)nce, 611. i. x 31t. 41n......... - - 3.50 1or1113 I tllol2 WF-ar. 51t. 41n. x 21t. Sin.. . ...... 2.50 Set ofthre one ofleachsize) 10.00 PRICE $10.00 SENT ANY WHERE. CARRIAGE PREPAID, ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. Order Today. Money Back it You Want It. iErXICAN BLANKET CO., AGUASCALIENTES. MEXICO. New for S"pring We are showing an extensive line ot Woolens tor Spring. The asso~rtmuelt comprises everythling that is new a ia nob-)y in desigit, color anod quality. We can say without exaggeration outr stock tis year is the 1mo0- handtsomte we h~ave ever sholwnl, andl w.ill reiaily appeal 1o tihe mtost particttlar patron. W. E. DIETERLE Varsitty Tailor 117 E, Libety St. b~anquets, Dances, Receptions Country Club Orchestra W. Dailey L. A. Bolhacket 1467 L 823 5*~- - 0,01. I F OR photographic film , and printing paper,il cameras, pure cihemi- cals and supplies of alkinds, come to this tore and you will he certain of depend- able quality. Weasell the 1, which makes truer, better- j balanced negatives, and Cyko Paper for deeper, softer, clearer prints. Let us ahow you our splendid assortment of cameras. Pure chemicals, j all photographic supplies. Developing and printing dote. Reasonable charges. . E.JI SCHMIIDT t 314.,'St'e(, wt. I Pholw Bell 3.-) NI3W I-ATSrs ~f 1t JrF * d f A . iO n l y F o u r W e e k s M o r e h a ' Vaudeville Ends June18 COMMENC[NG TONIGHT A GREAT BILL HEADE'D BY Fl I Si alrowils EXP IISI'I XI2ONISN lS OFl MULSIC.i Playing Organ. Chimes, Xylophones, Celts, Cotret. Trombones and the largest Saxaphlotle on ellrt i. MISS EL Con MR. and MI ,osf gifga CyclonoDuo A tRMA SWAIN & OSTMAN itralto Bomps and Falls 35. FEROSOPNTEDANCING FOUR 4sz Dancing Thats All rTICE TCO T ' RNS Any Senors 1not having ('1112s1a11 Cw~a p s the 'I 101101or11111m11cemlenlt 'an stitll cre them1111here't.-W a lo .)prepalred tI) take- 111 loil1101 lt-I-- MACK tR' CO. The regular Va e s oeswill close in four wreeks. Some of the priseatest acts in vaudeville will appear here shortly. Reserv DEDAY Matinee at Your Seals Menda y May 30th 3 Pi M. ,5' I 67 1 ALWAYS AHIEAD IN MILEATillETAOFRINER