Ad lExtra.. Quality Bags and Medicin Cases AT QUARRYS Si ix Si I ; 'ioN. 1' , 1cf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING V NN'i 'FD. W an/cd---Colley i ii * ic iIelt ata tlt f sIIII'I stiliet GoodVs Illi e o -tel t mIIII ('; Ii] Pull 302-1,, Ii iaddress oIi' ' al i o ~ ' i c .I.IiY7R'1t (W)E. I'.. N - H1 MIC'HIGAN DAILY {' iim l ititfro I page -). W 1,1 i'i iliii oli-si iibei lit ut ii iti 11) 1he im-tsers Ofi thei Imi.-k ii5 ic es f r t e l litn is ' ;S 1itp'i . Itia iiel l 'is' i iiiii i ND he les iereSes f 11N1 1 t ii 'IN 1."1lI'S f f5\ ' ie N') i 'asieeni ill liedli'itiei F-.- ,-es ' I. Ni l ttllisi ci panNI ~ ii iiC iii a " wdi h pc iid Hotel Whitiley The best place in tine City to dinse Service A La Carte Sundhay Dinners a Speciatty [T. C. CAPEN, Mgr. TEFAtRMEiRS AND MEICHANICS DANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS j Capital $t0,000 Surplus and Profits $t00,000 Generat Baniking Business. 3 per enit patid on Time and Savngs D~eposits. SaretyDe posit Boxes to rent at;53.00 and upwartds RI. KnEMrF, Ps-es. tt. it. I-os Es Yiss'. Vi0' -l 10. A.. WseiL~sse. Cashier P. T. 1,ilts I-. Asast. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock J5000 toil la w-ii 9it.000iii A Genneral Baxnki~ng Busiss Trlasacteud Oresciist Chias. Ei. Hi'sci'ii'i. Pres.; \V. 1). ld~urs'losn. Vice Pees.: 1i. J.u iriz'a'iier STATE SAVINGS BANK iW.:. Bthiii Jnoi. V. Siheehan \Vsm. Arnold tDe. V. C. Vaucgian Pus. t1. Waode E. tN Mitts lohe Baurer Pno. Kouit ProiP B. S. Carlii 0 HenrsyiW. Dotuiglas Christian Martin Dan IP. 'Atrneiss FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ge: ANN ARnOR, MICi. E. 1). KItNNE It IA IItIt S ii S(1,F Pres. Vice-Pre'. S. iW. liLA11KS~ON, Cuaier'. Capitol. $10t,00t. Sos-pius ait Proflit'.s i00 (ieranA medic aR~qviqgs.Baqk Con rner-cnu. l .o SMILVtrigs YOUR VCATION 19? JN araginiig si'yourssmer' 'acation besoeOlson part of' it. at least, is spent oin iteGreaLas. It itekostpleasant and econmicatrip i mr sca ad you ill ejevey nue.Alltheoimnportanpor'tseffnthc GreatLates reatcscshedl reglas'ly by thceicellentrsevce of te icD. NYC. Lake~ Lines. Thi eearetsteamsnoefnthis fleet areofmodernosteelcotricticon prpeslied by poerfull engines and havo att the qualinies of speed, afety and cmfort. The United Wi'elees Telegraphs Seice used ahboard. Tickets readting via any rail line between Detroit and Buoftalo, Detroit and Ctevseland are asiltable for transportation on D. & C. Line Steamiersto either direction. The D. &t C. Lake Lines opts-ate daily tsips betwesencoDetot and Beffale, Detoti and Cleveland, fees- trips weekly between Toledo, Deicoit, Mina'~c Islancd and vway portts, and twe trips weekly between Detroit, Gay City, Seagina acd wayporsi. ACleve'land toMackinec special seamer wilbeperaitedsfro Jene 25 teoSSeptieibhes'10,ltaving Cleveland direct lor Mackinac, .citpping at Detroit eroute estry trip and at GoderichOt., eteey othee trip. Special daylight trips hetween Detroit and Cleveland daring July and Anqatst. r Sende2-cent stampfes-illu'tratdpaspklet andGreatLakesmap. AA.'les- L. .LEWIS, G.P. A., DETROIT t'F H c'i LLANPRES.o A. A. S2HANTZ, Ges Moo. 'IIS - NA lltisica 1 . N l' is Ils i11 clt i ls i i i st >ires. 'C.3 i"'usb Sc. t . lit ii . tii rlc 1c i Si.26-tr Pro. . us~- i[ iii'-i i 1-ctt hri 1-(ii t II "i~ it ,.1I' -ii N' li "ti I V.1.1 IN'S Ii"i\ t" ..... _ r O S P11 LCXevadtsJi 1to. dtan SlateStreet NIN.I Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant ft illvel ciia -i Is 'ter .rent thn tit i s tirai's and iiiittie r. tot w iin'fr ol is- th cr li ~il3$4 S. STATE STRECET I-N !)iC i N.tiWith ii: o we's La ndr cif TH-OMBAS RO XIiV'-sp oil < n r e ll a c ci~c_ '320 N. Fifthi Ave. VOU NV'~S Nttt ie ii zi 1it i-it"I'IS )C<, F. Ti i itti'St. if I it' t)si' t} I?. I,ler ri l f I.. 1.. ii iii310 S . Sitei i1 l I7 it's t N-ti. 011)i 'N)NN( N-01"i r. iii iri..r t \v i \ te 'i ld d s iti: i s 'ithl tt irt orel iti i i c A io'wiK I i u4N its ho't is il 11 W t i t eI i nm thr w i i t ii iiCasi i nct Iethhh (Ns-w list- 45 ItBel lihoneus- it AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch I00111 You can tied a floe sone of Cosfectionery tl - i 's iLS-rsttr he Michigan atdci tutteit Otatiti Go to M f 9 TOIV its-iN I forti''olse low i' al lon, .hi25, 1Itas f iii I nd It'iti leing' tsi til. ti it' i ni N5 o 4ii / . Wi sell direcb to the ci situr 1i nt'. lo lsr o. v r,$.1iprNA %.o. . AJOR (t CO. i51: la 'Irr iftls'} r Painits~. 20 l. s b ton St. Of course you have not noticed how our shoe business has grown-but we have. We blame our .f~~r~~f for the splndi increase in our shoe sales. $4.00 and $5.00 a pair. WACNER & CO., State St. Sign of the SHOES big whit soe Walk-Over's fr Srin A.ftull line ini ll ileats-s andilcolos-s, exc.luive dcsrginsrarid sitaites- Seewitlows for snnitrirtrloi supply of Oxosind ti sr tNIPrups. - - For Men and Women : , °J ~ _; ,,: s a ,. = ' _R, ;, - ": '> :.n ' :. .. -Minn-. :": u :.. 1 . L. Your Feet Properly Fitted Detroit United Lines tOrt infottriltin to Div isinPulses i. tcntilt iA5llen, Yplsilantifthttlr~eetbi I t'itled inues by cfttcersiif Narsitor- t t-tiieeteiion Nbcfrtheioecmcitt, lbcyorn Nt tee tal~aisttofittthe 'cytilas-ses-vice', of itnyi' ittlt 501 studerteslto or' is-rmnAir .Nhs-its extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. FRATERNITIESI Silver Links Rings Fobs Scarf Pins lrestittiCLL Wrm. ARNOLD, JEELE 220 South Main Street. Carriage and Baggage For, each Coi uplei iti 1,111 isromipati es i beoe 5o'lc 1.50aftrI'ti o'is clo-ci $2.001. I~rechi Tinl. toeo titas-dorti heii 50 Cents. Drsivesisarie requtiredt tu l(tu xi i fo iara v adItP 'S'rlt0I tS'? Wt lit ,-~ .T 't MOE' ARS HOP 705 Nortls th nliresityAVts. O. A. 1%41'. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBELR SHOP GOppo.sit OLL, Pr ttnglorie r CHARLIES' BARtBEt SHOP LUnder Husoton BIilliard Parors ( o 1('1 itl I1ti ii . t taist STORE REACH Baseball GookI's, Roller Skates, and Rifles. PHO0011 Bell Phsone t610 Borne 2t2 Blue Walk-Over So o 115 South Maimn Street Portrait Studio - 319 East !cfuron tet