The Comet IsHere Bot that wo't help a mao itt his business or struggle for existence. The Stars are here now-she stars of style in men's fashic liable attire that illutminate his presence among others and point to him as a leader. Yoo shooldl see our wiodow for the new shades in hrown. They are right dowo to NOW. "Not last year's shades." Look today. SUITS $17.00 UP J. KARL M A LCO LM 118 East Liberty St. TilE MICIIIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES H 11 r ll ar al w, --0( l ,1 1 WISCONSIN JURISTS STUDlY MIiCIGAN PRACTICE COURT. YTHEATRE The Univ ersity c I NO.10 establlish aac. tice cout01Il schoolhisiilrtohenea Foe tihe purpIose ofseeinlg lhC of tihe couret here enRc Professor'll GilmoeIC te l Thursdalfo m CIlMad1111ison Theyet tthe mornin11gi tice couret,11nder till guli1111 ill It ll c'wtiilig hard Cll 5 1,11.11 Ilil the' WIS-1 wil :-arbo ith class tiC prc- cc of tic Yw ,s K yv_ yyyy 2 .J F'. WEDNESDAY, May 25 CHARILES FRIOHMAN BILLIE BURKE ttt the Fascittating Comedy "MRS. DOT" By U'. Somlers'et iV nghiit, author oit 'Jack Strasw,''"Lady trederick '' tatd "Penelope' I lltchliln. Tile gCnlll 1CI inltcrestedtillinthjuyti condutlied boy Iro It I and I lie. StonIrCand111 ItadeC c ciiooI lwill tiC 1 li doltheC 1111bsis I)L I Ct.j cur s Granger's School of Dancing paricua cal It caderyll or leom ,46 I1 ' MORK.ILL eft Co. TYPEWRITING Ty 1w rihtiet SeWpl!(4s TYPEWRITERS 'lln Greet: RIllct ici. '1 il1tdi c 1md 1h I Dr. 11. I'. W'I' I , I Cf~ vnil .1 Thu1 nc1 in1 at 1 tic lu 7:3 11' ( 1 , in x 1 . c I t hIll We1 inak III 1 hic1clthey 1 c) i ,t "Isare ell iiaut; I c r11 ,11 S. W, MWajestic- Reserved Seats Now Selling Decoration Day Matinee 3 P. M. SP £CAL E DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Price:5Qt-75 $1-$1.50-$2 I SEIATS NOW SELLING Cumberland Cor. ltroaotw kay at 54th St., NEW YORK KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome 1 Special.JPerms for College Teams 1.lQ I Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops t, and Central Park 0 0 New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof t IC-Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rons. Send for Booklet. III( I)0 wl (i'l i\ t il" ( ('1 it Ile°ant for uii. mall next door. 11X11 t 1 l 1 ( 111toI CIepo l l II ul c p ill MV II 1' U aItl A c w' '1'1 lliai)lc~ 11 csc1' 1s \Ii1 t\If'I h1, ll cIIl. eQiI atl.' l' -lt' Z