Npriit# and Summ er 1910 Our Spring Specials DE'SIOiNS -C>iinil iand Enouive COLORIIINGiS-the Ne'west FABIRICS-Deie inale -IN- Suitings, Vesitings Trowserings Now Ready for Yournc loination Ga H. Wild Comfpally TAIl LQinS 311 50 S. STATE STREET a! Jlan giii 1ditoi I ci' VV NI iE, Businest llnnger-CARL Itd0 ADAM, Nel iEditer. .,, ...lHar1(1 Titu N-sstn n' .ii .. .. .. . . . I i t . olzn i MNlusic aid Diama.I N'l . N ore 1'.\lihiin es and 1il1c.... I[)ion S. Iiirii c I~na -I rysn. f. iS. linliel. i lthineT. '\i1htt. I). . Ilinckley. iN. J, 'Niilieniit. \lorris lMouser, \l1. Mack Ryani. Ilarry (1,ilini I BUSINESS STAlFP C' . 1Bo iiim ii. NormaiiI It. [hill. NI te RinA.ii . N I illiy '\aCHa rdlStieeti ' NI'ao i.A i / i i i SI.'NIINN'.\1Ni 23, 'i. o \'i T11 I itit t NI ii Ii i .n. BUT TON 'LE I\AiETHE BRKER BRAID BITuNlild L oLYAl SiT PERFECTL" RElUU R AND QUARTER SIZES 15 2 for 2Std V1 /DP ERG2 WlAKFS Sold in Ann tArbr' by WAGNER & CO. Ste S teet A.U0.5PALDI NG & BROS. 1 ce palding r t lsre mau 'ti'radeMar iofOPICIALFn QUIP MENT,or'all thlti ®E..IS sprt'aned pstimes. Qt + ety. Ciiiin .C eic 6, A.;cE. SPALDING eta BROS.t Ia I r tii 3a a w 's Newiig ni Sr I u i i ' u e iit . 25 l "Visiting'75c Shehc) an & C$1.2 o. S Fi 111.5 S BOOKS'lOdi Cl . C ~ 1 1 \ M i 'A .1. litl'fioIm N in N1i) ha ie I)(.i in ir nl fo its ioiihr C\,IIIAi a h l iltl, ino I h i The i vt ii ki iii C h,, l'tl iflh~ a trt inChc i ii as h is tide1 s 1 i tc p is auotlil ision p he t\ - i wat ' N-ule ask ii- iis- pilc he niIliihi\ 1 .r i r it a wii i CC iar r n I' SGaniRpis)SO : S( Irn d :ii n I h a d t 'i r 52ii -i. Ci. 'C i Cnlt Arm ii ii r NIi C >n c tl " i1 c iClll C C . 7n i C C Cr~ 1 1 ; 1 12 Ii 'Ni c l a c' lll- lll"d, ty tilllc't' tIItc IiNI VFI iZIcN' (. I . 1 C i IM' i. It. II. ii 0 (iis'iti I~a '11 n 111 S]I Mi 1, Sul I~Cctliii .liii' 'C lil il t2i ' Ni7 i Nicial Cti i~s. l I'll ]d 11 in ' i iii'-1' 1 i . l< i' C 'Fl (In)L- l ih CrCs i --cA CrC ures to biilt~lii euig vts ic ate th i siiifra aslt Cctniis ifiteCo oing aniats in thiuuri a h ~ Cied.i Astepateioisadeahcn Cid t ICCs dCeri nei or' im Clf t C honsoICCrey n f edsly i C Cii o gg-sim sta his oponet, hs mehodsare lmos ceini o I h bec f ciiim This hs beendemonsrated n C i t d ieia tt r e Lii elcin ,,i i i larw-wn)" ie ar ah "M 1rt iii recur n the uture ii' i manecod do)i C 1 i ~ ll T . It)I C ',lt 'i lt'1 C \ C 1{In t > It's a Tha t's all you11nened hitonu about a l ) GLOVECS Order Now I NV 1 i en it rcivedIaiples If the laest oiid correc syles of engraving liir VISITING CARDS Yo wi ill tiedI tem eiy sonl niii , w xill beIise nto leave your order early. $1.25 to $3.50 100irands 1rm paie 75c WA ID'S University Bookstore C. [. DARIB[[[1 BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law acid Medical Dictionaries Quiz Bhoks, etc. Comiplete line New and Sec- ond-hand. Olid books takenl in Exchanige C. E. BARTHELL, 32 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Gel your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical' ~K~nDept. ie Wtc and Jewelery Repairng HIALER'S HtWELERY STORE 216 Sou~th'.Maine St. All the New Kodaks supplies 'inishilng E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. third C 'tm ' Banquets, Dances, Deceptions C C>tli Country Club Orchestra i rri. 11< W ailey L. A. Bohiocket 1467 1_ 823 xC II li' CCC rtilII t )rtic rii di 'C noWc ~ Mere isi C ile gos n 1 {liis a e lm c CC d I)Y CrittliCi Ctiiit llt)tl 1 ;1]l. r C HELLO! Yes this is He. No I won't be around to get a suitmae this Spring. I boughta Clever Clothes Suit at adw hams &C. last fall and am going back. It cured eofTilor- ites. Spring Hats and Caps. Always the right thing at the right time. Wadha s Co. CII Ci ii C C' i iC ICC i CI ~ C C I2N ahuto I RANDALL & PACK, Photographers lie 5931