QUARRY'S Itf you want real big class candy, you should buy Gilberts Otsego Clcolates On the corner of Slate and N. Uni- versity at the place called QUARR~Y'S Money Loaned On Wbatchesx, Diaodsd. Law o' oks, lo ter personal ''oery. Watchesa and Jewelry repaired. Bargain, in Watches & Diiamondo Office at residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann ArbOor. Hous: S to 11:30 a. rn.. 1Ito 4:30 sand " to 9 P. tM. JOSEPH C. WATTS lilt FARMERIS AND MEC"ANiCS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,00 General [flankling Busoiness. 3ipercent pal onTine a id Savings D~eposits. Safety De neit Boxes to0 re~nt at $2.00 and upwards 1". lE0,tPi,I'Pr 1. If. l,, PRETTY AN, ir-Pr 11. A. VI0 INS C110 a .0001 I- F. T. IlOWE As. The Ann Arbor Savings Ban] Capital1 Sockd 30,00() Surplus'.9 05100 A (ienenni Banking Busines ransactuuetd urruenoSt Chas. E. Iliscock. Pres.; W.L I1 oruioman. Vice lP'es.: :. J. Frito.(lashiO STATE SAVINGS BAND Wb. J. Boeth .10o. V. Shoeehoan in. Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughan Tas. 13. Obade E. F. Mtills .John Snaarer .Jno). Kcht Ptrof. Hd. S. Carhort Ifenry OF Doeugla lirlntian Startle lDan F. Zimmenrman FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Ic ARBo ORs, MICH. K. . KINNJ.. HAIAO N Sio.dl-71.1 S. 00'. 'ALA RKSN, Cashier Capital, $1l00,000. Suorpu and 001roit, $0.00 Commercial.. s .xnud San.vtngs Cor. Ma Ins and Lubertey SOr-et THE MICH(IGAN DAILY jCL.ASSIF IE ADVERTISING WiIIII- OA N'ltEl) musi.~c aII) Zratua j [ lncd- enor and bass sooiss (or .,,.... chuch p oslitos. Apply 0 a t cea .312 Soulh Divisonl Sit. 111 i Iitf1 'dI II llliili l-i s ro I 11,1111 Im) arist / I 'ocid--erill. 1 ,24 S. Stale, ci)~Iicanumre ar-21 Sirinn _rViiii 'Ils Icuilpelcil dst ograph ellr a111 Ityle- lIIi 11 cc.Sliulils 1IIlliit 1111tsit writes)'duingo o urs11 1111 . Call ill lie IlcmlcI Ini tin CiI'ljl'rl' hall ci, fe lf 111111 li-( od 1 1ioiist "hu k i shrs11 1.111 icr ri ' echllii iihii l ''iicl I ill her' cae 11 fu b ad. Calc 0110)opdai s 5 11)1)d <).1t -rh) bus 1, S uh 1) son i. 17 m k fo .hc 1r se ha )cn ti eaiewimk,1)11111 lmtral It i a 0 11; 11 l ii 1-c i ll llidiscm ll cr us Im it1is11111 c 11 ilt-)1'is0111)1p 'i lrh i a vli r il ; t s t o rtsti 11111/yell/- lie rlit Sit t F. A l .1 i, s 11 t tIe a ts i ii tl't i, l- ot I11il n tol 1)t- II Il Ill /' i.. irrt \\-~l fr n ished lstllO V It i r1s1111t lii ' r ( I ttI lii i ,, ;i is1. 17- chl am -lcn: I 11 iat 1001 '1 11101 and111 1111 1111 11110 11)110o11101ll.1BellII2.;1. 118 00d '11015-,0. ti..i l0evryho r o 1 1r. To Ypsi- ti~tin. ' liiil'.art ill 'lclilanti. Local Cats West Bounnd-:,:4:i . z1., 0:1710. FRATERNITIES Silver Links Scarf Pins j Fobs R~ings W' MaARNOLD, CLLEG 220 Souatb Main Street. Watch for the Prospectus Season Tickets on Sale $2.50 1'I- STUDIO- lodoomL ,11r nh q. I il-li 1fl 11 jL-,W UIQ C A A I R V ON N