rHE MICH{IGAN DAYlE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CA ltTA\L CTY 1A IN SV This Space ANTE'< r1 7 tl)Po. . RIeserved E 0110. -Clle ( mi o ac s gts (lrshet- I (iii (h oil FOIR Io cl i =o 1F ro 1 0111 o t nlii- <~ h raio y( I)ctroil Centrt I vestqot itt l :S ot odo I seond . ime Sam Burchf ii d 1 7 c~+_2; ic-iro: 1 11 t d ,oi (jta Thr Ia-ci (ru ais Ann Arbor's Leading Ion ~-> coil;ral TAILORS ntrin(;inI iioi l ()ct.< 106 E.](,Huron St.Y. _I.pC.;Court House F1 st et --Craoi g(\li Dtroi t enraI fi i111 100 111 it it ; authlo ioo l ois (o ) sc'nd - 'l1, i 1ittcI--2I0 seco ( toolds. J10L-(CHAPMAN, Jewelert- -Shafer ( \I tltitoito111) ALnAr o'sLeC igLOCKSfrst 79c ) (rand Rap~oids) second. AL R I L O K S 1.00- --o ilootol I7o1;osecondso J arraongingtoyour sutoo r vactonobe surethat p art f"'itatoleastisos o'tt one GetLks ti h os laatadeooialtitnAi -1adyouooowilltejoy ovryonte . Altl theimportat ports 1-1tl-: Great akareoreach teulary by thetexceltooserieoof the D. '0 0 Lie.Thoe tnlage seaers of tis let areof mo~odteeol oso' o prplet by poerfoul engines and haveo atltthe qualties oftto.',ol, t. t comor. ThooUnited WiroeoessTetlegraph Stelrvi.coedoboaro.. Wickets reading via any rail tine between Detroit anot 1300,l0,Dlt I-,ord I Clevelanid are avaitable for transportation on D. & C. Line Ste:o o' tcle direoction. The. f&IC.LakteoLinest opooora t aly tripsbetween Dtottandohllooflo, Detot"aood Cleveloond, fourootrips 'wttkly betwoen Toledoo, Detoi boo.koon Isl ot andtay ports,aototoortips ttttily betwettn Detroilt, DBay ('itoy Slot and petiot..A ClevelandtotMackionacoospeialt steamerto will beopeated - June 25 ooSeptemberoo10,oleoving ClevoaddietorMakinac, soiny. ot Dtooit eoonr toutvry tipootd at Goodericli, Ont., eotry tthortrlilp. Special daylight trips between Detroit anti Cleveland during Jtuiy an-d A. 3 2en t-etostamp forillustrated pamophet andGreat Looket map. -,do sL. G. LEWIS, G. P. A., DETROIT FP. H. MCMILLAN, PRES A. A. S-:HANTZ, GEN. :C ? ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Folty oaoanotoed Watch Repat.'rin specialty FHEt FARtMERS AND MtECHlANICS BANK MAIN AND HlURON STREIETS Capital $50,000 aurplus and Profits $100,000 geDneral Honking Buosiness. 3 poo cent pooid on Time and Savinogs D~eposits. Safety lDe- post Hooxos to root at $3.00 and upwards R. tetsno, Proos. Tit. G.. lRTTtootYMN Vic L~Y'too. H. A. WiattooASo. Cashlior tF. T. So~a I:, Asst. Tihe Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Slltoo J.50,000 Surpius $2190.00l iteouroes $21,0,000 A Genral Banking Businso Transated OrricERno Chas. E. Hiscock. Poes.; W . DI. Harriman, Vice Prens.: M . J. File. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jnoo. V. Shetoan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. F. Mitts JohHaarer Jno. Koh Proft. H. S. Carhart HentryW. Dtouooeio Chittian Martin lDan 1. At cootnto t FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, ICHot. E. tD. KI~NE. HISOtlN Soot 1.1.. Id Poes. Vito tots. S. IV. 'LAt01SOlN, Cashlier. Capital, $1ti,000. Suoplust atol Ptofits. $60,000. Gierman- melnanvnsBank Conrnnoorcia..l aund S5e+v~xigs Cot'. Main, and Liber't' Sirots~ si00001 Wali MLol i"tirsotiool I to00L 0. o~i io~ ltotot 100 ri~~ n s IIt 1 100 1I Ot 1 n 0111 \Iooio atIh lst 11101n1 1 'oo 1loo&-: aut-Ces (1'oo 'lli o 001100 SI1 . )5. ted lfor trst : too- randRapds) nd ool t Si':io5 c(I f o , t ird Il i~h -too loot. I I IIItill' st. t0. 14 od oil 1111111 11c a1 ( (,and abie ) ad ( addok ( ait Iott ot' 000 10..0 i tott~la 10000 at.e OF.OGE YEE0 Chinese Chop-Siley Restaurantj Chinese Fancooy llhs t ,. 01 to andI Otop10. AmetrcanoLuucoltto o alindttill.loot Citea0nes ot o000lot cleni lnnAroso. ' 314 S. STATE STREET Stio ro0 rcllim 'oreto. 7 it itlll & ,lotto, o tS. Stooto', 21oltoor, 126-t1. Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROVEs.Prop. I 326 N. Fifth ve 01'ollo'0i'i 011 pr1 o ttyloeo ii 'o I,1,''S tf. 010 ),r t Es 000 )i ' (1,131 CS street. :! i' ' 101.010111.17101 FIS N0 ll CII arc 10011qu rt oot' oIl kindsofo 1': ito ot, ti otor'. 0Weo havoo it sock ott r' forta lar-c000100bco r t ctr- s.Ifloo' too '1it ilt ott. 010 C,01 t. 10 oe i w i g o f al'l torll ra rli roc. '/11001XISIKI .01701)E1,01. .1001S. So' I ' St., 21 lo r 0001 o FoiIi. 00110 1ItO 1,1R . New Phoone 057 tFetlltPhonret4:1 to toroc. AT TLIVTL E & CO. <',il ro rototv100. or repaliredl oil 'Tle .Ltueni Roomi Pal:is oyal" aq Lbert St tf You can fiud a fine line of Confectiottery 1" lio'o' O: u ft r t oir 1hu- I ]1 d 010). 010 otitr&('o., Slur St. 17(012. G o to M aj or 01),1)'TO\WN CloNOIS Iolraltt1 a01ooI 1.11d0i )ai Soc t ool tl o r lot Ca',oe" Ca00 rotoalogueo Ito oan sa010 ou 'o '" o40 ' ol 101 . -ScottO, 702 5. 01niv. 010100e063. IfooeOtee m rie: I Oaonl a 65oo. galloot, $1.2,h l alnt:e ur l t ool rto, llooooo.ol iy.'tool St C. bi. too CONGOPD ET A *. TO with 1t10o0101 oottoit lootmhoto F"0IR Sf1MloS0 0' fo looke-low e oaI plenty of 000o1101 it nOt,, Do itir, X1.15 1it t l ot t t :4l. ol o 2o0 3 1oo .thi ' li ii too . 5t. 0101l . 011 so s ; yiloki &7 1. 0 l wto'h tclt 1ll - ll tilt I t '1.Ii ott lr(Yto too 1 00 f Ott' rotlor. t1ot S. Stol'c 01-if 1 i Of course you have not noticed how our shoe business has grown--but we have. We blame our .mrsiaf for the srlntd increase in our shoe sales., $4.00 and $5.00 a pair. WAGNER & CO., State St. Sign of the P{,SH1OES big white so Walk-Over's for Spring A full litne tt in lleathers atid colors, excluiveo designts acid shapes.o See windowsov for anuonrtlimited01 supply of Oxfoords antreSoet 11000mps. ®, For Men and Women o,' o o ~ o? j :. ':f , hdry '/ ,. - / 3 zr n { iib DETROIT UNITED LINESI Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and1 FRATERNITIES Jacks n - -WE0HA10.'(t 11 010000r00 0 Limite dCars ast Bound-7t:5a.sit., 1:0 SivrLns lig 4:.0 1). Ill.. i':50p. to. l e i k i g Limnited Cors WestiBound-9:o24 a. nto .:34 FScarf Pins i 1. tit., 5: .:4p. m., 8'?4p .LclC r a tBoud Dtoo, , 4> Fobs ce' w 1)1 ilant t tit . nd ' o ttttooil,.ootm. also0[0 .15ott ). oot , 10 aln).12:ly 5 l~.00a. .. M O L G 010000c. i'1o10 01 too. 01o.01a too. ' oo Sh f R OL J EWELE 010000 0 'pol~ tol. yan220 Sothi Main Streot. Loral Corn WesO Bound-54 ., 1:5a In., at ooot rtyt ttw o o ltllt too1:1 . ___I______l.____ I IFAMILY TEAE 1' Your Feel Properly Fitted Y4 Days 5 Coucertis MAY 18=19t) 211=21 Reservedl Setlo;0$4, $0 it ARTISTSo ), o n ooooo'o Iio('hot o w )Ito '0 0 a 00 0 7 Ito toa o i t oo'~ ' 0 tn Ioe,' lo ot Itto0 to ' a I,0(M c top() i iCI a . I>t riioh 000000Io' 10010000~t> Albert Stanleoy 1 r..t_. PRItNClIPAlL tIIOAI.Ilb ttdytseus and Fa00ir Ito, tOo y a limitetol 1 00001 id Walk-wOveir Shoe Co. 115 Soxth Mafia Street eii POT ridio- 319 Jiast Huron ..