Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Spcials DISIGNS-Gr1, 10 andEootiuaov COLORINS 'l Nwest FABRICS-Dpndabe REULTS-I'hasnaond Hamniouso --- Suitings, Vemings Trowserings Now Rea dy foriour Esamiuation GH. Wild Comfpany 311; SO. STATE STREET CLINTON BUTTON NLE MAKES THE BKER BRAND BUTTON EASILY AD SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF Llsos. BARCOD SXRUNK REGULAR AND OUQLARTES ZS 15 , 2 ncr 25% Sld in An Arbor by . WAGNER & CO. Stat Stret A. .5PALDING & BROS. he( Spaldug acurrri te worl Tr-w.de-M~rk of OFF ICIALE QUIP M ENT,orat llathleti pL INa spot and psties. p If toouri ntert- d !^ r~l in Atleic 0Sport 4 h lPu 0000110hate 11 ipiy~ p w t of rrCte Saloot t lt a tooI what' Nn'in Sport O e. rante of c o6is .Soot fr'toto0- Qaooflity. ()nst. A. G. SPALDING 9CA BROS. Chgca¢.n Detr-oit Visiting Cares.... SENIORS Oier yo ur Visittig C(atIS 11100 tot 10c 1 lt1 Aa . Plate , I z} ar1d 1011111$1.25 to $300. ioo ards f0111plate 75c. She.hn- & Co. kS-i )E-NUS BOOKSTORE THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 11mut ogffdtr 1110 '1 It 111' Boosines 'IAltnager-CARL I. (. . DIt 0. New oo 0I~ljtor .......1 aoltI ittts Athltici1lditor.... Vltr K. fo~rr . siotot.t.'I...rthttt' B. lohltoatt Mutsic andl Dramta .....I'rI V. oor' Itttttroo :satttlefs...Iitti S.1ir111o INma 1111I. Brysonot. G. S Lolr. WNinttthrtot1. latte Dlaa IE.Jottes. ,Arttur JAbott D. . N Hinckly. A. J, Wollgemttl. MIoritouseotor .11. Macl ant. FraiOtl: Ponell led lot tttt. Hlarry G. i~yor. Carleso 11. Iyltndr T. T. 'otiltit 1ra11.1. NIMurphy. 1.orobltlison . BUSINESS STAFF C. A. lodcmooat. No1rman If 1. Hill. Kelttetlt Osbor. NotrmanttttVtcot. Mooer Rb. N- R. Diie,. Iddreoss: Mieomc ia 1D.uv,o'Prso l BsI., M\lattard Street. Office 1110111: Mnagooing 1Editor, 1t2 a it. tttto 11:001130 1. m. Daily Buiness Mantloagr, 1t2a7- P. Ill. Co oept Sotnday litBt'thoes196. UNIVERSITY 'CAL1END~AR 2It t111101 TSholasic Nect at Fcrrv fi ld. IFintals itt l 'ento,8 :t . It. NIa a21atV',011111to Leao' Ifcc~tin lI_ I ttlttti . m t o .Ill i t N1at , 1 D . I.1 I' e tn c I), NI tt 28 - lectiofIi ttt t f ic ro f~r Muti cal Clbs 01 06- ils F t101 i, aI n f,,r th oilg ica\illl ~oc FLAY! L ICK UP < F..PSH OFFERINGI k Annual l-ladgearBonfire Draws Thousands of People to Sep olw tl INTERESTING SPEECHES GIVEN ii 1aC-( l iin 00 t " te in i t t'tol"cttoi as 'ittilt ntl, I n 11tototc'i. 11man .\m ' 1 ii tit l o)n t c . 11' t1 r Im ntli tIi tot, tt1 i l 'i(s 1i . i l t n 1 .)1 tIi i 0 l0i o~ )t(1, 1 T(h rii Iis l 'iitth ii crsit, I mm t m ry c riceli ()'a 1 F\It.111,II otOWII1T V l\ 11.1. .flot.a innr tth aihaitUniin ill tozd~r it l t il l i tio inirs tI tlit 1 111, ilh g 1l cll o ,I io' l(t iii.v011 Order Now We i 1 jlmv ut re0cvd samoples of 01e latest Intl correct styles of engraving lfor VISITING CARDS NYo w1ill needl thern eery so0n. 11110 it will )(> nise to leave your order early. 1P111t1,with 110otards $1.25 to $3.50 111010 rdhfornplate 75c WAIIR'S University Bookstore 1111111 d ,1- 11 ;I )I I 1 l Id . lT111 (.1I ilt I,7 l I(Io ii- lit tttn't'i tittim00 111 ith 1 Jr he lrol t l)i i I cI l 111100ditiere a t re*o clc e ellm lh t rt m 1 C l' Ilk, 0001ls se ' ' 1o . url .. . .. . .. . 1 to\, . M I u F i,11 1 ir g u . ..1 . l a lc tic n limhlnh T crllitc ['rce.. ... .. .. \\ II1). 1110lrk .. IN. lot' Y 1'11' 111 iicie 11,f ik l rt i ll the t liii I ii 1 1 IcNi I .._. IK11. (NI. aI Ii ,lIIo 1111 'ol to11:AkRS Ill . lc lc 1 \ ll gti lx l ll whch, aldcd ttoa r oil l ih rilg ll th h il wt I lllillt~ltr (f~;t rctal toil l h t ol ck >l Oi< t liMabx lkrl I' l ,,toi a i oto. T i 'l'o ~ 'ol cott I. ''0 t isid -Cw~t i NIhitic, 'Ii k n lt1.«t r's 01' 0 1,111rt 1 11 ,ll~llit alo N. It. Janliciu~ to itt. >t 10 IIIBanquets, Dances, Receptions I)t ,a 1 Country Club Orchestra 11 W. Dailey L. A. Bohoacket } 7tilo l t 146 L823 It doesn't cost you any more for Bette Pictures Better Flashlights Better Developing Better Printing Better Enlargements Better Photo Supplies BAILEY & EDMUNDS 0111 ihnni'ckeand Ammun11t00n Iey 11itt a specialty E. Liberty St. An Arbor, Michgan R. E. JOLLN',S 308 S. STATE STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars and Cigarettes. B-B-13B PIPE All the New Kodaks Supplies Finishing Enlarging E, E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. III I ii tldCl 0 Nilt h NI toN ltcli'ait. ilit I(o id Itoh' Iiso uis otot ttsoet ii ito 01l1101 0 ins aillitiesillfltelawii ltli 011 iIItONI 1.111I Ie01)0 iIIn. : toth I:, c It