aka +bW Y J a a+. ict log loffWW The M Vol. XX. cNN ARBOR, lh'ICdIHIGAN, c V:Dg Lh T.c CAPITAL CITY LADS th ed.tte t,1MI 0dn tLli ELECTION METHODS th ctp w s rea c ch . III the third TAKE LEAD IN 'MEET re 'ellisi ceiti cc 81s1thei COME UNDER FIRE and ciccic i iiwih a Incicci' 1spint ci Lansing in Front Rank But Toildo ~ciiboh ccc eatan 1:e One of the Candidates for 1. Shelby Threatens tecci iccsetc ack ayadciii ,cofAdvertising Setr h 'eb pe ms loteTRACK CONDITION IS EXCELLENT placed. 11he .semi-fnlsf hetB> UNPSC.HU HAS HIS DEFENDERS c s ticecccycyarid cls ccwill ihc cicecicc i s ii' ______ Mc. 1 "(11 moricccici.(vCraofDciiroit hi': By tossiig te weigihts far 1 ccc cisliiSacffer the Aiii ciic worcccc comcpetitors,Koler of Lcnsig fI ghsoehsiciiiii't ier thec sticksa school coitributiecl fifteeic poictsc t isc"stingirayscciur'ccto cieciccic tetitis tolsiacid ealedlit tic tkie te'oldcimri val ii s cmeiii ilthci lead i the first l's comptietitionic citte 'li'he irst event iiin thefinal Interscholastic cmeet oi Fecr fes'lcciFri ciaredcc 't iie 'cck is c day. A tie foe third pace iii the high an cciicfiie cciiinte ls i jumcp raised the score of tciteamciiifroiciivlice encci cked. te capital cit to c6 1-. io c ciec ls-(Tilc ts It was lie Shley5 aggregcitionc, oii- Firist 1heai-Rcelife (Gan exer, shichicshotesu erpriincg stregh. I' ec ut iec (iD. UiS i seeo The cupstaerssirang ciiio thletice--to -scns promcinence iy gcaiig acceaI ofi twiSci on heit-cc ~t ii(Gra poicnts over lchue s f roccm I csicicc, ic rt: Sutrc ISlby) liii c whco were raed fccvorie. ICle o'scns scoricig' heaily' ic inte feld ecc t e ii Thii ird 1 e t i, tcii l, Shelby ctletes shcowcdxexccetciialiAirsi (din od i speed oc the track anciiigvie promciie oi econs mcore points to folowin cct in lshis d Foucciithi leat-ci Sicci T le morning. ccim ith bci cr)scmd The sancdig of the1choolsccciiisc h c -ii scondii s tookpintcis iinte eects dcciiIcci]Fiay sarciiduali aftercncon follow: c aning to 1-, ircst leat-i 'V cciii e Shelby 14, Muskegocci cc, Detrot niccc t C Shlb) ccc. i versty 'school 5 GrandcciRpids 3, ToIdcuecsic do Central 3, Scginacit12 eodhalArs(di Detroit University'schoolcloci itsis (cciii chaccee of ieing a eic enderi forfirIIst o-a dcsh ( ridha ) honors wsenciToucce cwcas ccc cplld rt et-Iyte hlii to drop outacfter plcie' inc i s ccticl ci mlce lii>3 > ( cciiGrand ii' heat ic i c e huncdered'carciidaisic 'Phii steedy D ietriteritwas ledciuponicas cn et-otr(hl a sure w 'inne r ici c e tic cctic ciiias 1Io ' ( os el ecnd wel as ic inte cicetryrun.cc Ilei caei i Ic sii i ' cct 1o AtticAnrciteihowevircctarc t thrdFcc c cct(Gan mcedicali adviice, 'ccciiafce un)te'tirst;cicre, (iAdr ian ) cc cl shorter cdistaceccocncec'haccloccbicassisted 3cions fromith ie igroundccs a ciiiforfeiteiiihis 44ii-iard1 cun- , ssi ti iiau place i i c e semti-fnl. i rs: t. rd (C occ cci i itO ticA:AnnccAiib'r)ii t ccci The CentracilHigh choocccil fiTledo, scns was representedi iyc acsrocciccciwelliiibali- aIceedteam, its c reprectatcie s hlii fis.ibii.r~ i promcinent inc cciist cf (citee tts ion rgiclco hid i ella, the Oioansti' spitr ,crshi cchim- ands. self to ie cclpcit wininc ie Iicc'l ThIirdi heat Soutir'5 iii capturinig ilt hets ini the ithundrie-iardcii i th ( Ins in ;"o d dash icc fastitiie. ( eri atri b i Despite the heaviy risout ia scns mornititg tie trackc c was i cii ood cmb..ii oyr i; h rls ( c 1ticc acid cas the afternoonciccworcaon ,ii cchet- chffr" lie heyctiouccdcs cecrdlawacci(:i' u it cl (o~o od liesweather ccditiocs excleniict Nocrc}-' 'iiin h reccrdcswere tireceedicihowiieveriaf se thoughtcomttietilncciccas kefnl eiis;c:cah(G~ i sats were secured ccn all te fiid events cciie 4ii i'siccicci except the' ruincccg roacdcjumpcictie po i %iinvhrde--~i limnaries of whichitwerec d ci.Tiii (Cntcccaed o Psea3a trial has hicl c ie sorerelrun cs cccii alo -- -- decided. NINE INVADES EAST The icile vcattt cccis espec liiy well lingo~a ven rucial Schedule of GamesO contetedc. Afer itricgi ci fenonwt e termis throucghc lie grecatr c ticcic Aferoo wthci lie afternoonic, Broniof1).cc .Sccl ml Cptiai cin cccrthlead Cross ccf Muskegoncigv i ieu te cctisc rists ci int te easi this tancdlremacciedt iii ot'firt plce, Thli Twliiic' c'u'cs accccpi edcci' GrandtciRapids, 'cccdiCcciii iaovrte:\rAlormlot autu ficishic eni ccigroundscicc ing T e'' f i ll f cc cihe for thirdiplice. Scnro , u heite:cii CapcinI c cc 'cc shccwedcthlicestcc formi c i c'in the i Iliii i J . C cici i tcci anc eiiltiy iesedcis I ptic nts.iii I cc iat ic l 'lie triclsi nitceliii actermle r- Camphcic and ciii ccci stitedinccthe irettiet rc ' ici h fe- 1 w esteicliied ii a noonit. NewmanccfcDcclIS., oo heo Ot'sw gm s," iiiCoa cad cin the first rccecan hedcii moti\icarcto acesom iofth ccl the wcyty cci ecxiitoc c h ii'isteng''t iric c oui ri lc m aid lthree men ccicci nosecd i c c chcireouii a eccixep in lii good allctoi llccc citinig finishi. Bacsset ccl GcandcRaids, hei iit ii cihi.lay whccikupt iihcimef cccllccin adctlo"trwna c a cOio, twittca xcll ctime inii a ciid iiinhe ii 99 es fat t cc' hi first. The pace cmccker woccite secnic cnicc. ,itrac an 1lcc leta 9 A cHccc~est is restilticic froccicthe cccii1 cci an ccinto ilii li i"iiigclIIcl-onicecoflthe'i1cii0 i cclii' tlheii iecrtl I cc prcesidecyccthe c' Ad MIS tdy Is iiIibe nclri Ic ii r \,II bol for cc whi c ciiccurs i cc ipcrit Ball to dacy. Icecic ciii o) otic :ciiocuk The ilmi cc Ccc cccccccccccc'ctiis ic'ccici hlc the lat~ cst cvc iciciiciccici ithe tccii cl icicleis. liir ccc ccf _\i cJ~cci i ii ci ti.1((i :lt- EN ALHA RERS i;Crowded House Interrupts with cc Bursts of Applause at Work dt 1 i iii'iof Artists I i f 1(i , ci ii cttt>( > 1 !(m1GAMPANARI SINGS "TOREADOR" lit!it, I. l__t)_t i t to S(il't cii iI cc l. Ccii crsc alm;i ',!fSuper t1 t 'i S1,=". -i<: cti 1 cct_ r. I.. .. st c c c y t( r o 1:1t ,,!c fr hi idicgre tes ar ist n i i (f il i c .C cc 5 ': 1 ) l icMS s 'c w l f eV',M c 'tic i is l ii i1 It 1) S~kii t~vt ilk 11:1 i i a cc pi ed i iic ciii i iii r t a cc la c i iii ''i iii ci."l- rttl " )I'lcc. +Iitt (ric id \Ir 1ic St k,) r d h ls f v l tr t t ccipioi I tl 11t l t) l) r s ll ' to a t 11w m I s f cii' _,c~c Wcc Ls cucccc ~itfl )-h trl iciii l hlr el c siii Itli, lIII1 R: Ilp iii her Ic cs() I iil ltcaii c ctrd\ oftr lljci i c Xs ia i I < c 1 ic \ct ii sh I is ciit Jo r,'zo'I , vccIop byi ic is ccx ( Ii T lcii cil" l