U~VRIYNTCS SATURDAY, MAY 21 mighti o m t a n Sun 1 hil ~l,.IIJNItY B. HARRIS PRESENTS ThnCo m et Itin ii,.t , i lcf l THE THIRD DEGREE M \itlh Iit; I i ill~ P rices Matneee 5S-SOc-75c-$1 PictsNight 3550-75-$-$.50 Is H ere atA"I11 iini - f ; SEATIS NOWSELING w dri : r,,t, lait . TeIrii TUESDAY NIGHT, MAY 24th . s T~c u es iv ct~ FildDakCillbeFREDJERICK THOMPSON PRESENTS VieBut that won't help a man its his business or struggle for existentce FOLLY OF' THE GIRCIf aS T eStars are here now-the stars of style itnsmes's fasie able attire 1 c mrn tbiIt<_.> that iluminate Iis presessce amnsg otihers asse poist to hmes as a leader 0i i i Pics:3-1}Z -$-$ 5 SatSle Saura Von shsould see or wisdow for thsesew shades iss broos. Tihey are V,;kRn sc l rIt fIn right down to NOW. 'Not last year's shades.' Look tod'ay. hiigaN:0 "1cI- Mi WEDNESDAY NIGHT, MAY 25th SUITS $17.00 UP ii t VS. HI it hi 1. i J. KARL MALCOL M 118 East Liberty St.' I' Uranger's .school of Dancing Theregular Tuedyevening pogameStotoo'clock wilcotine through aSummieSchool.Privats~e len ien b a~pointnitt Ir pritt ar cal trny or ptiiii St : i i ] I)t "I hc CHARLES FROHMAN PRESENTS BILLIE BURKE IN 1THE' ASC.INATING COMEDIY "MRS. DOT" Price:: 5-115-$'-$1.5t1}-$2WC0 SLAT SAL OPENS MNA ___ __ _ ___ ___ __MORNING O N A el umberland S. XX Cor Broadwaty, at .1 Ith St. NEW YORK ,11 (in ll(ili . . FA MORR.LL (.o. TYPEWRITING t'p Iiieciii Ii.. s TY PEWRITERS 1N61AVIG *DESIGNI 6. JOURNAL BUILDING DETRITR IN ''lWe ar a lh-,fo ciii. laitr I (\it N Nlcrs.t i. teansenn with yoir i-iil LOIS YOU1NG'S N'.I (Noni c ltt(er ina1 Spiriig sty lesnow iready, 11ItN S ('15)1 111,5S The.i SntorccorSir 1i MOE'S BARBER h 1 skil il , fillard 1.6 tf. ks KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special FIerms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Trainsient Kates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. I hc to iu u All Arbor's, Leading Psitively all the latest in picture productons NDE4 R THE MANAGEMENT OF EI1, Harry P. Stsori, foirmterly sittttotel tItprrial. N1,1t -St.i R.. J. tmg .3L m, formterly with Hotel Woodward 51. SHOP 20 for 15 cts. TI AWRIDE. Night air sn tppY. i Pll Moon. Jolly party. ;c So g, laughter and Fatitma S- Cigarettes. nn'ei i (),arette with a characteris- deksn tic dco that pleases and sat isfies. ~ 'ic l"fets {sly I[AendedI. Melowed and cured for two years. 51. Smooth adsatisfy in . 1115- AN EllICAN '0')11 (..O )CO. ( i 4;,n 705 Narth Unversity Av'e. 0. A. MOE. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP (p o t 1Ic I ic i ~nii i li GEO. V. STOLL, ProprI etolr CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Hluston Blilliard Parlor~s F OR photographic film F and printinsg paper,, cameras, Pt.re chemi - cals and supplies of all kinds. come to this store and youv. wvill be certain of depend. L able quality. We sell the which mnakes truer, better- balanced negatives, and Cyko Paper for deerpc.., softer, clearer prints. Lius show yous our splendid as so rrrte nut of camear. Puee ciss l all photographc surtf d's. Developing and ~v dotrie. Reasonable chargs. _ E. J. SCHMIDl - , r. r _ u -.i ''{ eTraining Table Niy is SIIRED)DED WHEAT BISCUIT on the Its, 1issg table (If nearly every college and university 4s'HC e csied States? Because it supplies the r.e ttest ' :t!I st of mucde-building, strength-giving a stesi il ,t ih the least tam upon the digestive organs. ticatn an btrind the perfect human body out of ur r sern-ons. Shredded Wheat is the favorite i d o(f athletes and invalids. A food to study 0119, to N'v(rk on, to play on. Always clean, always putsr, always wholesome. GI), tz sQ / K ea o teGolden Wheat :.IREDEDWHEAT COMPANY ANrIAR FALLS, N. Y. I ..MAYS AHEAD IN .%TVI L a fir,, } T H E . T Tilt: BEST OF EVERY SiIING IN TATLORIN i 4JF Axe , , a