THE MICHIGAN DAILY Extra. Quzalty Bags and Medicine Cases AT ,._ QUARRYS Hotel Wihitiley The best place in the City to dine Service A La Carte Sunday Dinners a Specialty T. C. CAPEN, Mgr. THE FARMNERS AND MECH1ANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,090 Surplus and Proflls$lOS,0SO 11 isusral Bansking Buosiness. a percent paid] +r on Timie and Sacings IDeposits. Safety D~e- posit Boxes so rent as 53.00 and upwards tR. ttossrs-.Prs. 11. G. IlsssrcsTssNT AN, t-tiio 1H. A. WILLIASo Cashiers11. T. S-co)st, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock J50500 Suplo stittil0l0i Resoucecs $'2-I .015) A (Jennani Banking Busnessa Transnacted Urrscngsg: Chas. E. Itiscock. Pses.; W. D. Harrimaan, Vice Pros.: t. . Pritz. Cashilee STATE SAVINGS BANK 1W. .1. B aslt V. Siselias- Wt. Arnold Drs. V. C.'Vaughian los. H. W~adc E. IP. Mills tohs lancer too. tKoch Prof- H. S (arPu 5 tHenry W.rDoglas Christian Martin Dan P immerttsm cmt FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or Ass ARBOo, MICH. P. I). IINNE, IARIlSONSSiOtLI- _ Precs. Cc-Ps-cs. S. IW. CLA RKtSON, Calticsr. ,Capital, $100..Soutlts andIProits,. 46,000. (jellal-A enaod~n~ dank Connercia . o and Sanvinags tCon-. Mes.Im .annd Liberty s- Sr-ee0s CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I'Futtcd Coli-C iert t a t as I-. tI durin summr. God lint fI lit men C,01CeI ;0 L ouaddes ii riad ii bit. i ii .1 t ii I\ C~t ihti tecove ted "C " ae t a thir oipportnity Saturdayit ti ti nt fiis ii a lapii ittt l the Ferrli i ei i t i s l l progress.i liT he cr)lt C)Lilt " I ;- t) I J)?. i5 OVice curseitWichiltititflulr Miles1 c I li t Ii .ttti he it '(Irs '.'' o iiI~ .~~f-l w ic1,111i-il ii i th 1111,-it (l r Illta' ~ Ilfl , 1 \ 1ii II -;t1. _ IIt i andt scci t l -lug(. r i -ittfrslit 1I c i ,i i tril, i t . (1. I,,, I ,. .-1 it1. l-j()-101. 5 Il at l . f , it I icall ',1 tlt. 1 tlt. 11 I ic 1 I 11o 1111 11" t~ :I,- i 11cr c 1 .1 II t l l c 1r iIY (. , I iiII i1( tR c l ilX 11 A ii ii t 11111111 tit,1 111 )l 11 tc 1Iui Ii it I cs ,r t (s ac 1.r c 1 tip t{ i iJ h lilt t tit ato s reh i llad hld ini i'ttittr i ill lill. AtiaimI tingrctiit hif irti orslot 11it(r IIti so i0 pit ii tN ll it" r 1 ' 1 11 ti. kitit Sit I I if atN II'S Ni)T 1.I s. I iweh 3N10 ti- ll kindsi oci iiiavit isto I itw of frat inn ill t el.i w , Ct a fill Irteirnitirs I) , 1ii, Io Sit-21 1 f1 (l- c(iiitit ' crlilirocs. Yousneecal-r ei ha c i all'\i ll l lltityltcills- Wardis rectltfouriid11.1 fromti trder. /It ti clli &N L e Iciii -,it S. ;iatie, 211d litr. I2 if. 332 S. STATE ST., L 0S lAIRZS You ca-n. get Swcitl'ct-t -ill intoitV shope os' V'-tst VYotut'flenc ietor suiting-Dry -iiclte Youriital Is tupdyid (Age'y Peters, ctttl Insigiat.umeras-tl, cooed Ooc 00111. -ietc Nr kit iii pndtt- u leanied ii u-hit-an ttpi lio3nnliii- of all oph1 ci-i-til We give satisfaction Come ankd see soe ' are very desirable this season--We have them in the different shad ColoredCrasn ouil ins and qualties at $28.00 and up---All work is made ine ouronsp _______, WAGNER & CO., Tailors Carriage and Baggage biefore tto'cluuck $1.50, aisci it.- oclocki $2.00. lForeachlTrI-ulkto oicfits-iortutu pricecoill bec25Cents. Ifci euitio or fromti up-stairste pcrcwill tbe SO Cents. Divlersti-se s-quiredtololt ctashr fiir carriaand biiaggaeoi-viec. IVA lKI-tl 11 l-It IftOBINSO.N & C)ii. W. H. STA l.iii Those Trained Roosters TONIGHT 5 Big Acts Holiday Matinee D~ecoration Day Monday, Mny 30th ESUNDAY MAY 22, 1910 iKtitiiii t-uti} TO TB'ROIT 60c Detroit United Lines On infitorm sat ion to Div tisnSueii teiilsctiAlls-s1 Ypsilanti, of the Dltoto UiltediLlietb5>hicerus-iof VasSity- lit-ations iofii'ttstooemntbeondit theecaaiicitIithesregutlarservceoi-fi atity rpsii s otuett sos-r f-situ A rt Arbori extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. ' FRATERNITIES SilVer Liniks Rings Fobs Srf Pins WM. AI{NOLD, JIELE1R 221) SoustisMan Stree. 4 Days 5 Coalcerts MAY 1I=-19-201-21 Reserved Seats .$4, 5,6-_i AR 11515'- 121111 5 - ite cs , attt - -l t.'~ -ssil 11111l iii i ct - ali it 7i f' Ilktiyt Is- i.- , I l nd, i . t rt < AisStassis t T in-,Lener, i ni Lt t tj i ii-, hierNewssLifs- St"s O)dyss eune ait )uls-IIss - i lawaAgI SVWMEMMUDE sp i t ii t 110 ri sic 1 .t. F r0 Michigan Central i I' WAW- Portrait Studio - 319 East Huron Stre;