~ZMC~ANPAT, ___.._______ - x- wo G. HI Wild Comfpally :MERCHANT TAILORS ; We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- iu gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make I zll Dress Suits a Specialty CALI, AND 0SN 150 311 SO. STATE STREET At theie Storea G, HI Wild Comipally BA RKER COLLARS Warranted all linen. [lade in 1-4 sizes s . , [HEiL MICHIGAN DAILA V.. "Now*= W . '- .Mlanaging tEdior tt,.stigsCF E. P teniWE, BsinesoVManager CAtrL H. O0 ADAM. Adidress: Sltetitett DuetProsst Blg., Miaynard Street. Ofice (tours: Managing Editor, 8-1 pIlBusiness ;Manager, 1t2,7-8 p.n. txept Snday. Both phones. > TI,' tAFT.OCTOBER 23, 19(. Ltit ' ny---'Rts'sO-t. I. J is. Sittvi lr ii (Cotler, witthipssie sno tdrte's .N orteast wind. ('Nt V~iS(TY lC \tENIIAI. Oct. 2 Siciuini .Miarqttetrat let 23--licigain trestitieti is. Fliti Mtess at SiAn Aettrr ((icy;"Th}'I ied a lassie," Xe-,s Whiney Theatre Oct. 2 1'. . C.iAtand . W. C. Si anrna rrice tii t frestmin. Neiber Oc. D 'ii r. Stattker at Mcill~ttat i. 2 --Scutittittt-i leinlo i Cora UinSeties Fititrsity thtt. ((i. 2;-FraiikFJ. MSitIiy re i "'li It is chung Satistiati" lt N'-w Wlitoy. Oct. 2- Senitor I[it eleciouns, FUiier- O(ct. *t3o-.iciganis. Syracuse at 'erry lField. (I ichugati' roiii Sn atiiodays lFreh- tin-lt'itigte is .expeedi'itoiisrtass i(ttuerto ti iiiiiiaatty'tells ito pr~ii the t. Utversiy this yea re tladu tie maiter iii deaiting,wilhe !hr. timetsest ir itit sciety tpritiniaris isnli tosweiks ass it 'I'l, Iucsionforthis ye'ar's idetate with .Chica go titid Noritwe'stenis , '(RusolieThitatiithe eperiece f tte 'tiftitai tes ha s ~ishown that a ptruet- iv .1 taittsold conlittiitueito be lt'the' t, ti tisstilt wi ich tils suggested y CIiago,,liandIftil thatht oe li'sbmtiittedt far FetterIlut fori fai agttl'i , adi ti o tt h l itrs a (ee t tiai- ii is i ai; ilitnict ithutiioirmti.'t'ears. liii to, h snirlwis, ittoiiiee lo ills I iii ii tiisplti mIatil fort ii'the vritydebainugi till, silthitat they tre ii ill il is'with'ieg'lr woritk of le iA'iti (iiiad 'Ca lgivinoitte to the etof t1the tollegi'yer tti I l iei'.u 'sitti etutrd ofiii a h hto lhe'ptiud. I his trstige is t e mitain iied, mou' iterest tmtiistbesowntstt. Fie fact tat lie subectoseessottsbisatie or oe is ibiattwhtn copared tl titiltmIttht .tniiersity' tas to tupotl. ?NlI:NIRINC SOCt I{'11 lit iundterctlassmien. i l tsttilints f(I, It tgilt til ii.' ti tt anli ltfi' lt ieiciteis to atttene dit lie objeetie' i ng.i I St the iunderclasmen Itndit ll'''t' i xtpectd. ( alite 1 tudntsii til e partment'n' he faculty tilt it e iigs ait's' 'c rytlti othercreeka t ictiii lt 1 re titenI byr rti gne l i S it lre it ieitls. Th lu to tes tiltis rer' i lltehut's. Claud ;n'Ite suI nsltilts 'ie ~fie-i oit, t hoe ll spgt' n "tilt n it- iaV ler ofiti' leg.(it tinut- ()c lii' iom lt 1som'e( oft he sii (tiletI Nieo llltt' ti thill tilpr titca v ci ii i n ,ii it' i1(11IngIIines tIcts.tlsI. Nhettcitityhssfu alir'e1dit roists Sitskeduriresa.ietiFSi'ndthie tehnical he tsoiet ituSill s Sc lili;a rt'en ic 'T'itpp , 1 qulartrli I I I- ith t hI) er'.cllrks.it ttSil i i e Thi wotrki ofl the11 s(1civic Ii 'es d els' 'itl 'itsit 'ts'b iing al it e i if Sriu .\tt ogethersi tStilts cus, 'Itcgit, s'land tit iih''etiii i e ui i t --it ire mc wilt enf te11111.ei I1' 'Ittiirstiseofthe10 UiverIs'1ityo 'dn'u' Nyet% s letr. te ofiielatres ,rga iofte Univlersity, silt he aah- Adsi~.Tht((e year's wtrneSasala- cacommi'iiiictedi. This year the puh- hcindille issuedl overytree wies ~. ?'s circuatiioniilies almocst etirey' 1Wsailledito'rsA fewnfetspapers, t itcti 'i itichigtmiirecile it. SIt'(a(p(plints leer(positios il ttthe -,,i c l(11.l, i tIo'clock tids. 'tis ;t honot' ie -t a veItllsot111the imettl e- I' ncI I dilyoit lii'0011(it'workit. is 'teri 'tiltege'mtnt tre' searitg tet 'it ~aCollar. _ for 25ec. Quarter ices. SS:g ter & Ci., Stte St. 17 It ;i tinis inalilt kins of UFiviersity' motlls ;u tle Stetit's' lt''sksiire. Slitehtani&cCu. f ttltiittit. ho e st ctj. 53etool . 'uudatts boi ng i itpopttti Itt.cu tr - SITC I (tiNTS '11cS(14lt. . lois. A se. is sepae toriter your Ihatmbttrger r Inglt tnight. Yetll her130-I,.. ito I io iotittheer asit ils nt itni ii phone hook,1(. it N i ti shllsit lsers this yerlt ,t eaictistB (lit' lriiy'Post ardits. 'Sci }eo'ti fiietis withtisetl.z2for ivks hom te itps. WSe sitoiw toss tlmt,?ieoct MaFhweeiiret frttmtNess Ilt1i~tOy'&ScCo., hIIt'lltirs tSieti Whoiu Kniow. 1tihe titiiu ('Ill' tils Ia ess'hic lisi ;t t' 'reglr ptriote of $..0 ci li' orrtte stbecia stidetitttmtel !iketilltlilt and remembertitli t 111cowe iltitigfira. ith.st;ft o u Sta ilt i Si7i Somehingnew itheFilid 01iglie li siutte it t f tIs'club ok; 'o University of Michigan Union's Clu.b no-.se Barb.er Shop GEO. Y.STOLL, Proprietor --- - .,. . _.. .. .__-- - w FOOTBALL GOODS A y thitig youtaneied fromt a Lacing Needle worth five cits to a Spalding Offi- cial Football worth $5.00 Gymnasium Clothing You can buy fo $2.50 Gymnasium Shoes, Shirt, Trou- sers, and Bike Supporer it will pay you to see what we have to offer in this line. WAU R'S University Bookstore 316 SOUTH STATE ST. LYNDON 719 NORTH' UNIVERSITY AVE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging The largest line Pen- nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. BAILEY & EDMUNDS Gtinst Iii tig 'tocitit andiAr n tioi niiu (sy tiumng a sp eilty- 121 E. Liberty t Ann Arbor, Michigan R~. E. JOLLY'S 308 S. STATE STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars and Cigarettes. tuuu ltst lie iihlii111" it Ai'i'itsifor ft- 13-Btutvry sliuirrt cttii iso it,,i a B--B-B PIPE WAGNER&CO STATE ST. A. G.SPALDING & BROS. The Spalding Trasde-Mark tfIOFFICIALE QUItP= MENT~tor'altathlntic V f RN sports anid pasttnes. Ifsiut~tuusulut'cc cop '4FIN rI5' of til'ei usullii; t i'at is knodirt'uasot Wht'New in Spor11 the world asut wa'NnriSpt A. G. SPAL.DING (c. BROS. Craleato Dest.'t { Gylmasiumf Sui'ts Football Outfits Rililing Shoes Sweater Vests Jerseys And alt kinds of Athtetic Goods at the lowest prices. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE STATE 5T. Sheehan &Co. EXCURSION SUNDAY OCT. 24, 1909 (Returning same day) TO DETROIT ba~c Special train leaves 6:57' A. M. Fer particuilar consut Ticket Agentr Michigan Central {I, I I tJhlvert tMA i 11House PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST. 'eSrt~t it ultitu " u'ruily schol isue. alnno'unces if or this Seasott of 1909 a contipite siecit ot the best clasic eaitlotts. Studuies sit Sheect Mtuisic. iliwops the latest antOubest int Operatic astilpopitiat' 1nsie. f~ian~ottne, .guitars anb mNusica l icbanNtse i I I r i Porr pei el.n Soap Dermonstr-ationi The itakers have sent a small supplty of this soap to give awvay to putrchtasers of Pompeian Massage Cream BETTER CO~lE (QUICK E. E. CALKINS, 324 S. State I w ow I Druggist St. PPt.54~ 121 Washington t. RANDALLI & PACK, Photographers