The ichian Da ily VOiL. XX. MICHIGAN PREPARES , N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \VETNIISDAY. A\PRIL i.S, ro. Ncr. 1,;. INSI'Ct1N tART INIAI' iftI NEW PAPER STARTS .ii ' r~i N ])F(ifMf.ANNUAL MUSICAL 'IIFOR ePREP VISITORS i ci ,i __iaara fal cvo- -a1( i ll t 1 atr~ Annual Interscholastic Games the ha o iia~ dr~tt h al Attract Many Youthful ra~m;rrtcrr ai(Iim Track Stars 1woiy iiiV is iii I fl-()Ill the el hick is cit ; FriciaY, Mav it hc°re it to 1. hc hart Y Wi1l FINE ENTERTAINMENT PLANNED Mihigaii is reetar igto etrinis 1ir- guests. Preparatoryschoola 1athetes are- getting ready to coe tieo Ann Arorironi Friday ta cmpetite in tie anea1 itr- scholastic track and diel] gaies. Wihile here, thee wit] e guests of th 5] k- st and ever effort iatbeig mdirn care fr thenm roeper. 'The eet wit] hring Ii gethr te lmoist prmisig yong atietes ii ti state crad witt themi ritwihe gathere] ian from greatr iist an iTs secial] ctups tire] tannerstshichiss tbenaro-i isted]tis ear wit] gire (tdeicn tire ad te. coiipstitiisiue ob keern it nyiof tescampusisiii 'ai ii arci irterestirg themoseives i teisuccei iss of thirs earsrs eS nd viii i]eindi]teire f- forts terserd mairsng iit oeoftl, is ever heti etiiiIririelsti LT- Se errrs sRIre cIP\rri i Murseonr Stir']byr and1 Grnditahid ar-c tiretuniswrhicre lorkedrr uponi as te rmostptoientcortrir rs. it :\-Murskegor iris wn iitieimiet Ii'a and stirr''d tt-theyt in-ri c stronrg srquais witeni te i tisisit iin ies t ace t trth iterc i iii] stir iet t tie state capita]]last Si turday.Stir] hresras clois]beht id terundi]is te teat'Mtrskeagon i a ura] wrt eriilir irrtie seasun treyepciti igr S prormirentya m br rn Rapds wilrttalsi be erstc 1,: welt barranredittiamund illi] in]] re parr-itto rrrareitdtrie lghfo first thonrrs.V The tDetrrot sholi s hti is so rmurhtstrerigtt tin sesrni''ici o 1). U. S; is one o f ttie best sprintert ini tie stati-anut ri"iof S citaisas hurertburitt tig chol '' fer other rtretssof ktowir biity 'ii ti-a err tiigtrwisr brtiiepro irs''' it ea fir te tirs t tme iii its histririiltit strength is runknown.rini tirs iill send ii Kohlre, tir nerfu irtwieit man, who is liookert rrporrias a suenmrir i th tie strt Iamriair i scuti . iiiiiir i si- r i \ii i ";\ Litte is knorun ofite reciit -ine isa rf ti tir rhets who i ll jiii]] frormrrourtsidete irstte. Trihren t Higth Sikini] 'f iTledoitri rtrc fir]] tecm ill']theiOi] swllb u hranrtoiiitist ti-u ti r r''h. : onlc in dits s iies ieiiimst roftr Chirar schoolnrs frmrisadintihirahcst Anniiii or.eTierli isirtutuh~a tic iris-comeisriuponiiite smiii le it tie pictirhigh sr-tints ac'ii atdt te conitst ii teiirinstae r~ I istititwise r ack unnrsi ii]cc ean triesi irme i iii] rd stir t thi r d t I:s Il or d . (:11 T ib Cltug h prptrrr "in ~ i . wi-riteatm iitires cr, ocii at ntriooteidiuorai hyni a r o first honors itershiraticiManauir i-;n tncniiirit iofte tre]' t]lts oto Sthe-in illi he hotirrdrs y it ltir ti itriiri bt iitri ipuet ts wir i ll i a it] tl ig fir te tvrisirs ri's i I lvdt see tie itescholat'st ic niaugii h oiffice of tir 'Atletir sis lrn ]Ii tternoon. ase ril e i ii 5t' The Prirncetrewr s,-bthrithe rti and fiurnoars rissitrne crnidactts fr lie psitrns is ial crlookcd aild visits c ery part of dw plants. S pccial rates have hecl the total e\pcllscs fw- the C'NCCCd liftecil dollars. '1'h, "'Mild like to k>>ow h(m- iny hY I ridati of this WC( l "pi d iii i th t I~oiil]] UGH! CAMPUS LIID LIFTED! Senate Sure to Order Water Foun- tains Placed in Buildings C'''' iii hl Slyily t ir igci ofth -si it] loom iitirt r i h th irsti sha lihe Scri lis the r] e tin, t t>1a i of rishi oIt] n i i Sai c nnl ,(,( a l iiillt 1:; {J 11 C'110c 111 ' ,t~s ld r t~ tIis \ 1 ii )n ~hti ii art () th la a ) i to ihe. t S 'i ( ii] tti l i t 1ci its t i rirarii s s« 11l lif ii. cs.i r~i'.' IN SUMMER SCHOOL Will be Factor in Establishing Closer Unity Among Sum- mer Students TO BE PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY ie iii iil rrl n ti \e 11 the ti 11411,- ''S -i Il is is ' c () iSt(ir rst, if noa tth fir t sttlnmcr school pap r t) iii ubise Th ae \iaim tinn beti ll(,sum m r udntrs iwhrattirt, 't ii ,\i is t lir iiis hsilirt i Of ithSi regun] esson ill ii''t''it'be 'he ialv a te iiSi tic ]icatimi ibe d on tris iriS s :t rin Si ii tic c's Tllc namiiiSiriOf ti pr ha i iss tr is'] nangi tirmen Sin thete.\r Of i ii'irs i ''ian ]t irS(lean ioftheu'sire- Sirssio . T e mn ai e iii r it,( to rD n .JIi iriii e' e W'it e inf~ s icr 1 i - ii srirtrde un fthi n iriris c Smmg t i sSi iit i ridgha we iac re 'ili 'id i il tr tn thesei mniinit- t ntcrif-ri] u-sred is] asrr''ucsr5 i i es.i I ' cii IiiSi ihn itoe' this tsr Si. not .l siririr it'' a iris at ci an patir-ic-cas rII T e arer-irs, 'it law.' cla i isi S itile t sttle the much discar oft i s, i iii ii g c Sti er Wili h pase -theird ir e, a d' pr'us s senor ngiee s hr -c ilii , r ings- is tirenir l h' i iie is a iii tie litiii" ci c tint'] n- cl ar 'liiid Sin dc tir< amir Sf-r()111 anrsc l1urs I s i&t ias (iiiii iii i"' eal ,t h m rad thiriisi stir' ini attnd di f ck( itahl)sirirr a-i i tir-e C iirrri 5as r' ellisir' 'e ii ii r s forr ,l ciiiir hiousi Sincririnri cari'ili'c rnin. li IIc t ,Sr as 'ircs \\ ttisrieft, caled n svcrl mmbes fre shiort talks sml tirp st id ftu e f tir -ci- S;u iStcn 'i' r ii c~S S c ii' f r Hiri'' -ai tiriin fori tihe clubric isa ac llmiiin " the is ln er are un vci c cri iiSaint rtd ini tir t i r t i ' frb uiessa tin c ii f tire stiub sit] ir eireti nerxt irs's-ic hi ch newri-1 ritr's rw t iib c'Siii ruiand tc -lie jr tlitirrir -eS ttd WHEN IS A SENIOR NOT? D~aily Dcnning of (Gownis is Referred to Lit-Laws JUBILEE BEGINS Great Artists Will Perform in the Opening Concert This Evening CHORUS WILL AID IN CANTATA Ther oiip-eig cncrti Sf tIra 'Ft' - Siai],this es-inig, rilltt tring ca gr'ouprrofc aStists ticrn aiii enrrr -ce w a~iith w ic-Ic Srs's ir ra- d on rcri' tir- rue si friendly tcSris. Tin';Ttossr n- rc-]us-srcu irs ins its 'nnual visits ]i'coiii irimost5rwelcomrie antSer MillCorrrrc s ari e ti NIr s . kileriiVI scci la hatunt adrieiri s iai]c adi m irrsofhe unforrttu te illniiss wichtait peniried i s engagemntur tVa. oh _~s Ridrer- IKnsi-and_4urn] it~dchl iein 'ini tie punlire eenstnui d ig tir-past sson.i liThe te of th ariticism ofii tir arten liitle iimosexa' acin i i cs i i cat h trnhut i cci'ti tint at istsnof OrimeS.u Apopsteir rcntiur ]wi''"'' at tie I ine iriti Ifestiva, .I 'hr-nci Sierin ca" ans: 11 ille Ktar o S bse lteuliartir s er ot, a g ti i qualiityrofiheri tonIcurie t i ci siretnurn to he ighirurn i ie itsli i s tushvol in te riren m sicalr nc ti iritingciiof ar ruinu ciii urnisse Ic re 'ifon inu it'' ci dificults nmu si 'i iti t t i-u elo a lcliglrtfntlyrevea~ullIr hii r. liiio IlsI ey vicer-ani fc] it} fe r - upoernniriiturinitit 'liea iChtrl( Ilhinsirs winth ita'it nutti Kasev ntilU'iii Sii i v iddiie n, iirin irictf re"in- mse m~si~ or iiedcciiturn ihe in- ci crts tint] ieg'ini promptly.citniirr'crta t th tdier nd jperformrs ii s i avoridnd tar trer'spetigthisrursto unt I'ltnI n atue orut ntie nrr lnrrNa c Is tun infect iirunt - ni xcm ,beoe'h c en tiniirorf tue 'inur'ic mdia is- girnninrg Jutntsac atng he as Ur,. Iter suit ntilpritaeint erl d i-isonutislurt editeal facutu ilas t Ire e prtemSentcr nu tn wil' en anteiit Itoitheis ie niontathe intm f ']ftt'iN iphii f INI'ifI t]'t, Iecfrs ol "xyL }tis ereis reci-edatstatngc-t-th 7Mi ftcairn] wouild nt ie- utle t ie te lcue nsscerdi-t-sled. rur- suits-frin i m i, & ftron andsop enine tiltl ephnmuies nit re-rps.ui n] iens iiwtill ilay- I ART ' iN iiil'IlT'I NkItffTS CHiIlt)N-\fAIst ia'iti i-atu t,(n h thm i i> nn ~tS ~in r rcc-' s c -I -c-Sl Icm , i l ?tli--c 'Stv u cii c cniii () int( andai i \ i \\ ll 1-1 \ i ii i 'NGiNIll'I Nil1I N -I In . in tih e e s t nier-ri iiithusincutuil sh p , ii ec ius~i ulane il tihe- r-''as forriuric sisi tutu s iner en titbsrntrn s hilg o s ruid stheri. I d u cieisttnt inmist Iri stun e ircIt uiltheii capu s. lie umaing;n of cu e 'truu cstn s dthetine'iishilMi uiii uth i crutsci I ti n o w r he f thre aSun lc hee chi deignfsunh inder i coniistruiIctin istulaer ihis drc "tis turneofit tuni c rip litis itt unsul pprtniy oi te studntnts to seselna kin t ofumciune ostato ircrt i 7c°r }! MI 11I MA which tihu c Test armis-(]. ? i t1 rcnrc 1>c"- i(-littil p)ill>t ,4 ,IICc particti-- c">>s > r{3f. ],arch t , > th< cvtclit the !All iF 1t) Si ihi3lf't'S 'Ii IS i : 'if :t f ir1> t int u fslralint oc ocial'inc fo tei sstd n. iT e inssrts a ii 1 1 ald tlc l t iri a e t ii TOWNSEND CLUB Will hold a meeting a] NIiCHOLS HALL Wednisaday, tMay 18 7: 30 Sharp sPialas) HON. CHAS, SIMONS, D~etroit aisist ercu min 5 iiiii I i 'pebiiai'ins fun ruin Inn est-us'' itstunat. ' FNiF 'BODY OUT tik is-d 'nsf. Ic I I cnr-ttu- tl- srrc r a cr-fira ,lciii 'rn cciii c i III spe<11<111'; of C c°rlyi maguIct- in which iiIlst1-tiat'd. Tllc f t't)Ill 11o1S" (m HMV~i)iliiSftSI l~fN Sit' 'il, 'ii' s In iil cc c''( l l j t ir t r ,i 1 1 5 Iir 1 rus)tic sri , l i ii 555 '<55lwis )" -1 1 ct1Si, re >f th ird cr li -incueartuI tt I nnt s ' S d.iretinw pln stp e thnc ti- tiris irii i n t hin- 'cr tnt a11rti ft c cas Srct ins" [)itluss t un- will 1icr(f-u' sirs-cur. ''ie can u lu tin ic ucu t' l le(sS sInI-r