A'rrule 1in B _uying cloth es When von'ie buy ing clothes spend all you can afford batt be s H 1/( qe rfltoi l/OUat ticto(1/', 5ril. ThIN-BL O0CH SMART CLOTHES represent the biggest valnes to b~e had in clothes- domo. Yooi can find here a S'rsiN-BLiOC] Isuit at the price yon can afford to pay-it will he the utnmost in fine tailoring, fine fit and material to he hadfi that particular amount of money. We court comparisons. LillensehflitApfel &1Co1 UNIVERSITY NOTICES cci i r HEAolmR Si . .1 1 , Cartaia ,.1i P t. hap THUJRSDAYMAY 9 hIe Axakenin + of ltariitetc Delanid's Noed, by ChairlItshipson i.Arect from a New York run of over 150 llights, Savoy Theatre ~---'s of Seats lEctxes$2.00 Id 4 taws$1.50j E.x - ----s-$2.00 Balceay 3,1t4 IRows-_ .$1.00 Next 6-how,--.50C Gallery-_---35c Moitirice aid NIght SATURDAY, MAY 21~ HENRY B. HARRIS it 11SVTe THE THIRD DEGREE Bty CIIAS. KLEIN Direct from seven months run at the Hudson 'Theatre, N. Y. Prices Matinee: 35c-50c-75c-$1 Prices Nigtit 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 I Reule, Conlin & Fiegel YOLUNG'S ?AS. AIt,Ft'S C1,t I[i'P S SHOP. 'icl Siore or Sty!(. Ni1 S tf FOR photographic 111a% Fand printing paper cameras, pue ehm' cats and supplies of allikinodF, come to this store and you fw Nill be certain of depend-- able quality. "WNeseil the which makes truer, better- balanced negatives, and Cyko Paper f or deeper. softer, clearer printe. Let us show you our splendid assortment of cameras. Pure chemicals, all photographic sunpi-e' Developing and 1tir du1,-c. ReasonahiecchA Fc St. l7S NOW S1I l.LINUi j Seat Sale Thursday s' 'ys and Mitts' I t11tgo odts otfary kid look for the it's theIBasehutalti dulity mark and r ,'(ilcitc tnd Mitts arieused by thie World's 'ri' ri can e I cc i Cctlptriis,aiid bthIte ptayers nines'. "I htic c t tattey are used by stich stars as dlCobb Keeler ks FLred Clarke Sheckard r n mallherason Evers 'I-t)ftc esttteriorityantemiierouts tadvaniages I:Trade Mark itt : s sa.:;. tion nd pefect ngnts ;-t *>tit~iirm~t 13 i 3x1 i bct. Reaiy s A.j. REACH COMPANY '7277 li, St, Phila, Pma. v j ^ . v i ,V i -fr j' y ''f Secet an MEXICAN INDIAN BLANKETS SILK SCARFS 711. i. 31 on fl.. ..;aloe 00 t,,l t t notr, I C a. Se~nIII~eeeuanfl!acholml $0.00 . RICE f$10.0 SET AzwlNYWHERI)(. ARRIAE REASI. N ECiPTOF; CE I!()SCO O R ETod A TIFLon ey H N. II ou Wo lc II. 1Ij(%CIe t1 1' yCAo BA NKET II F I Cl O.. A( G VAS CA: LETES. MEXICO.l E.J. S 'HMI DT .Y 1' i I l t ii :j; [ : : i' Wee ccshiow'imgin extemisivec 'lth Cisiti2tico m tnpriscs everylliii ristciaOr anil quality. We cat risi,' this y 'ir is the iiio:t lir 'it(lItS' cai y atppeal +o tieiiiost I W. E. DI Vs..,niy Talla..' a, .k._r, S lai {ti o o m .litt tt VLWAYVS AlIEAD IN STYLES Spin line of Woolcins foti Sltrimug. ig that is new antI iobbiyi nsty withutexaggeratii idsomie we have eve'rr sho'wii, u~~rin,':, iiios 'ION 1(111 Farmyard Circus 't'rained Chickens, Ducks, (jeese, Pigs, IDonkey, Sheep, [Etc. Those Six Girls N ''W , Ii LXYrRA ===WEI)NESI)AY ___ A Stagestlolm MAY 18th s, jA f OIL h Alh6ltiR SHoP lM. Vr INini PInG'man titI cI'S I i1, . Ca~ . rri age and Baggage Sha ~ artv Orlieans * S f< t'.,a t MativL ce andr i g ht LTAR S Art Sait0 wci, Trunkti tiito orfro dorie hall_________filwiri4____________-__ _ P < rlrutp-tati",the trice n'ttt tie ' A ~WA 1, Ktt,1itt'S iitVltv ~tACKC~. O. Clanteler&Iiln. ~ f'~T1lEBAST OF EVERY M"IL WTHlING IN TAILORING