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October 23, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-23

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\isi. \X. ~~~ \N RI0- \lI lG N S\ s)\ 1( w i

X X.

No. 1 7.

Rearranged Line-up to Include
Smith and Ctsey-Freeney
and Edmunds Out.
-S lisi lls-rsists ledi his lost, sit'si-
t ii.srog iio\ Vis sins mit roposlis
alno n od N \Ii th tiiiiotltllua
coiciisiliihltsltin getlting his cha e
I isg Its sficri-issss 1 1 s it lk th
ilc ICv-al a ins i ii in hisliii-
N ii iit isltsh rdis r t iirnti I
lidth Icoache s Iri tiil -ic s i i Ioi -
ImN Is giiimei
sit has nit t a s ii it s t dlii c
uponthe ine-p tohe ued acillt t-
lo it i tt u gc 1a i ih ili ; pu lt il
atF ei s paein ths ltfiii cl atit it
kill do iiliss ilth gli rm ta
Cae- i l ri n liiiii kc some
ism clt i ll the i Is dil sl~ ii iall 'i
he ~ ~ ~ i use ;ttcl aon ith Wel itnl
ta of th baittle- til int o nec --
lii 's it unltilt it's l it aft- len o , Its
i; rm d 111 . lit f int --i n st i g-
n lsi aii it ill tit iis lrii i ll th ii n r
e \ trill ts hic bIt s f ei
cuficen -v~s d l t l i s ii tilt .
Postlil itpct toi Itehi
hill)to rlr~ulagc. said "I'r i lc [ill
o d ti lt lins cs et i ll slit in
nit i I 11111k thalt lltiii'iiiiittil go
iin. So I 'ati nu tlt t h tutu ol
it lhititt ren a li kImii s hat
be n i, t illo arl It the tilt th
snitt alis-i n t' Ifiott-is d - at Is fillers
ic is o tm ti. ' s\\e nmt IItmit-I x-
is-itt-i'. ltIt 'h sta t tis I titnitil
has' llL 111o111 aill s 11,ciplin t etii lit
Gti. i lltht til t o l Its" i
lit llii it op lt the ga e i illthtis ildt

,r vit': l; sqa : i t Im4se (ilarki
(Ilslsilttitit Coiirlll ill It itt1)(1
prntn pll-t oir its coslle'gitei elffisiouns
this s-s 'I 11111111 ist ithouistand dollairs

lreilt I Itc i ittilan fislllst tiill s
Mil lit r'it \toi'meutthetildi Ialutsls.
I ttii tlsgtt sl stil ts iin-liii
Co-Eds Show Little Inclination
to Usurp Righis of Sterner
is vtli ittfal tig iiinsert tl o
riht .' Il-s ll t ilt lap' st\- itg alit
itong -i-tt'ckrsx i liii dlstc
\,\\ listsb stiltor tsa lst' lIs \ot
it tli tolosti ai th tsillsh-rtitisil iii i
«oetithe p trsfessiosnaldpatn;
ofte I t c sit s this siar. 1111
tiil -~~l p o i t ha it %\silliait Isait
i' ls tiller, lit-iok illt-s cradleh i t ht equali
abli - -I' lso sit'u l tmaiti nl
thtjstiltr'lsitlspeek thru gh stht itl
a siao tshersit s titi the'isound ills
-s isisi 's i cejsu'ts s s oo s s e \i
M in a Im llispei ng. lThetitlst)sIt Ill
Ietils ilor tttmsi t ru s 'or, iist tutuokenlitine.
must as %,,dl t ant lh ten. Asitu Iliss
haI nsilIihotefrot patfIormsiO ls
Itre c r e s-l n ia i mit I i
n sits'' moi this tsl s, u 1it u'htrc i o -t'li
dcic of at'isiig s 'tng movemet il moI4n1
llit ,; ssssiitti ltoIiuIurp theti hts thtl
ila guadssojeaoull
Che F~ilit litri ig dcpa it lilt'
-this'' a sinIgiile isots stcrlit it- val
Int' e ptss tt-sto e I-m a c tk n
h, \\or ndfll\ eltitsorassItlit-
Th ii tey la e iu~t11 ii iotl.l \lss
Pear 's.i t il t sitfIs tiA bo ,\%llb
tilldiaitsd s r( stth iti l it n t
* i l ai t erslt-omptlting sth1eiarch situral
)idg ibuliers stils l it a iiiito basi t
if a \nS itt heis datnt et lsilssil
tilt Iii stils-tli
sTlt ent dpatnIii t t i s i n tit ai lieip lit
dic me t. 'tre oissl ol vl i -
grtu e i t a initat colllsgein un, n
sit Itilsir l l s t isil Ilit~ I I s o ls
lisrto \lili t C I i tis21 I-
ts ti ill fa it t lt isof tilesIi'th tilt-r
- 1 pe n studnt s i sslt- tslfi'is's-thi
Anitntse iorillth sillarti-' nlt isl his

c 's rg t ar iii lniplitnin ii t-i'r litliitf
an lwllsh t b list csil tteih
to h asis growiti i-ing, sstrillgr da
Ity il-iY- liiih sit - lsli igaii--- m ll,-i-ll
thnis t-e ittet-i

Flint Elevsen Will Push Freshmen
to Win
T is I si t ittus ,il('PIc l iii
ia e t the MlihiganScusu ottlttts lu
tersi 'stlt'' lcto is heut iii asti t i ll
tilt lii tielt ust isis I nitti of' thei ycil
forseing II,-Vrehnallwati n t ion1
ai S-~ot itt 1I )< 1sra lc st lit
hit is I tes r~s paLa ia
prepaiatinsts o aisgant 5 la
ilts l et gt'Ihm ith s t.tl
tills tiltDoug lasr ustti i-i'e-l tt
peict io naI" illc oulco c of th
in t tl-hI t i tt\ . I e oli Pe i
h t l iii ti lt s ttitil ii lii1 i i in t o
Th ,tilnts I Ii i c it i-l -~'
ljlt I tt tgtame t'witIc is cl'sby sitirisa
F rI- i clst ts s t ittii tit 1 ifllI,'
ailllullc ( it-ille liale-
sit- it stit-ig i h itiahlih(s-upss:
' I lt I Nl, it l: It el ig t haf
I ill'.left lhalf: ll , ighI e'n ': li c
rgtiw c If, ight guad: i I ('IlL-
sift tak it hi ( ettei d:ti ckrdo
Is oo ; tiltl H s hi tl- t ti's
llrigh liscats f I rm i l ac
o i' "I he ifelimisa lst t t h
tilefo tshat iis iwhatssildi Miliis the
lisvct o heget hpoltwillitbeide-
tilta itsLite-ralyisoIi- l i-si
ngt. ill h tn I lists t i t d a
hiace: lii st the tliitaris lift h
s-isit I its so l atnIhi et
tese' ih\ sissthr hlselecsted b the
lreit ci l~rlgo h Sist l id t f
Alh s uittiiti'5u I i tis t iri sis i'.l. I
J'h s , ii sdcr sisisliii teris iii
still 1 ll tmits.I R. sbane. i
,t d lt f t ilts'.-I 'ttit t I hsuit hei
rslt tnltn-mti ng;iii Ih rs I !ig t
In te tc ttl f ii th s sit lull \I,1
prsidt:il I u li.I S tith, listof tul

mark their applicatio tl elivkdopcs "Fac-
ultv" ill Orclcr to he Msureci reservat]"lls
ill this sectiOll.

Wih opp lm f : > ,: is CO MEDIANS SATISFYJ
sd'cs h";iirPrtIs-nswe t O A A DIENCES
nadI stilar t ix (,.I3,11 : tits Ic, "Tartuffe" Follows "The Art of
I hi. tPite Life" in Repertoire of Robert-
- son Players.
GIRLS' VOTE WILL r t ssdis-ss' il
DECIDE ELECTION tIt II II san's'.tt':i tut'erformnsof

Senior Literary Class Terminates
Exciting Camipaign 1onday---
Barb and Frat Candidates.
With the1 iu att'uu folu thet> ust hi
toIl),il, ittrstis t Is liii i 15th p oi-
ti ltv tush otG c -an lot-
fr lt the is tsh stlsh s t dtshthe uIs'lt
us ill list 1 lm ca u c iisithIs
ir sitf se cla s.'hcr o t ill pol
ahl he het) ti nara th rmis
tit lict ii sidct t ist--iti h((ite stuthut u
gil.E h-s I v,.hill Tl intitts' i !'
Jessie lousim~tul
uThe lusitcs for pret idcth -t5 arc ho
hciss I tctul hittilsthe uusususls id i
0tit ' stl, Itesus i t lt, Shishtis isi n
still, liii siofthe h oardssuof ul tirl
oft shh l ut sttl I uuusc~t i s tIi sI- t affit-i
\ iI I ii IItissu I 1 1 t cI hut 11t
hI s v u s llI s i upsI is t sIthiss itu
I11ta itsIs u t l t i s p ettus's is iii
D ud , ar ity enis trit.us silt I -
loilsaf n pit .
,hio s t f te oite sui tih t I.' sssss's'
Don v tuasccahidalteI s fi us-tis lu lsts
tessoc i -mi tl ssss' 'ishc lt' s
ThIt cani es for st ts' s''s's
lutit t ush t I dil tbalh s l
istltlslpexiste m i" a dsacsfrti
1. u-lslt isut-\ 'ss i-o t Isi a k letlt
Ii'r- ile ti%-ha ii'C. 'CiCiilassha
stintI hilitn s ph n ,1r is
NI ithl-iii i l- us itma' hits t I its
has has' tlt~uhsns tl ~it n
nrssafit-u ssuMicip l u sh ~i lst
161 h C llcv Vtrst) ooiall sish si
fail GreIbc-d bitgihsliti sitisifor
pretidtti e's s I i Itits It % tiil te luif
the clss-s : c m Id ts-li- tu en
luist I. c ai il ela ~ gtc n
is:11-1 lA uitsDelita si tiiiili'tii5
I iigc [its D uis. s hi' ' bsi -u
Ii 'usutDsIis'' Drutids.luantitspls-I us
thus- Iiss-sst lm I us i ths it t~lls u u I ittt-
\lip' ight ulususul itusphstt'tin'smttcls
hsl eht s'ut i s it lgsit i
Il ssltota ttun the t-i tut ush if, hil-
Is itsohi is lust it is Isisf its-sits o
theuciss herto"s melt. Is Ii ts

1crolintheus' iss'tuu iss-wias well
satslcd ndcxpcsed lesssur at1thie
us's bo lut'l'ytiwerehhandl. Tlhenpeat
f itsitt t f thu RobetIstiltastssisthits'blhi
suprttate hhm uts' pgiues'Mrit'
koIsti . s All lutit sii-s u b-y sis--
ir ~ 'd tsi -sI 'tt'us ' i ra tt' itts itlh
lit's h si uli stlthugsi u''
huttheus lisnt suutthus fRober' utsn tPlay-s
ir s pr s ine hrcat t ttety ci-
tited The:Ar oflift' by Lotis
Il' otisi l i sts pr fnssrs iu
Irlii ' - - sIt w usdheIshlaudi ts
rid I sr' htsic l t r thicst it hutiuwi
huts ',li n Ist i s' s ablit iehs Csit-
s s ills thisprptt er111ns utoa ply
to "''hc Art f I~fc" It w it rather ani
tilt alt u lt usueudraa dsincstly
I lit luamorsl. litim s he"isachy"
it it itt itatliost 551o5strontt' ut sil
itts l tit - um t hprobsmti s'
his it Iuponit ntuh suce sfullt teti
I'i I) us'humt u its 1part is Itakei
ht \I, R 1wrs silti a sialwhoiateltsa
longni had srug lustorlilteheomesc
Sld~ty tush II tilt th iscoveryil ioi
huto islnd ith sthe foi uneliets
t6,, thus d y ishutavel Macs Iaye,
paren e nd as t eslt shut it tus
- ulcrins mu titlit it tltsthis suimeids u
ut a~tsofhrlis lusuthsuis SheSi' ts t
us aedinhirsoc ssial ambitiottn by a
\]. ~lusihta'be-t uutt let IiEngiitsau
liho st sshe eionsheor pit
shu t isiss1>iyusy(sit (ourtnhuey. Thrughiusi
theis us t it I titis ofsit l I~ iatgi-
) ,;tnc . tush lutiost Fi Is lust sariedh
b -hulh I itws ishsatnhdIAlen Jswelli
rsc j l s te I -;tut'g h s lustr tuin lly
n ic ini us tilt i ut i ti m t o vrttit
Tshe la tself tias tute'selsyainte'sustup
ingani heacinsiuraluittongt.
AS a osil c i tcsm. I ith 05ve hit-i
te s ii s h it het h inus 11tts ot wo lt
t ltlesh rr -it t itus-ti as totgh
siltsausls tutho oauiuse beametoo jun-
usent uson sdrilvtng sshi s iral thome at thit
I hu 'in a its-act comedyi,
" a tills ii It lush I unsetpreseinited
Fro thus ti tthe i gh ts weutu itn itsthe
lit ctsillselit at ct loedithe p ilay
-ttundin us ittiti ucomueyaidi inappy
acton lst histtsis hi\] h oetsonu toik
it-itil :Miss Itatgalit 'Moreliand ill he
hit vt th he udince ite pits wut si
Isod,'ofi l(-huthi ng. Ano5u ltherisof the
castu, IIits AInsu55 hts-Is' diii 111115t1 lly
suits Iab us Iio sitatitus'm i s'ttueii
In thue us perfostancs Mr.s tsRobert
so lsl~ d this this sits' ofiaigrett
sim, t tuitit . hiesrl tsplayei by
i1 boththersrma slut wee uco ip isle
ioRstonsits eral f applauutst thirougtipie
the hssi uit' uti-s ' Aih ]lest truuismou
list- andi s nore hetsrhuh ivhthice iiositi
domherd hitndstaethan suteatis-c
,i titu I thu\its.utoteriton.
\\bie in It nths lyr sopda
this Mlsstithi si Ihion .Robetson
AliultusIsis hi ush hus NItgretMore
laniss Is"est ofJoeH iierit the
si-ttu ' sh . Mr. tJewe Rl tiaids
histi-~it t g lits --sst ti ned tslhe Ruertoni
'hitsrs. The troupe lft at r:Ij-hi hs
lust'nfor 'hiagot twhuret-ihey- pa\

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