, extra QZcality Bags arnd Medicine Cases AT QUARRYS Hotel Whitiley The best place in the City to ditte Service A La Carte Sunday Dinners a Specialty T. C. CAPEN, Mgr. THE1 FARMERS AND MECHUANICS BANK SMAIN AND HIURON STREETS . ~ Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,000 General nanktng Business. 3 peercent paid on Time and Savings Dleposits. Safety lDe- posit Boxes to rent at $2.00 and upwards Ra. tKEMPF, Pres. Ii. G1. PRncETYAN. Vice-Pe". tH. A. WILLIAMS. Cattier F. T. Soowe,. Ass. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock XO,000l Surplus w29.000li Riesources 027403.J000 A (General Bunking Busness Trancuatesd UrricEano Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres. W. D. Hasrriman, Vice Pres. M. . Friez Castier STATE SAVINGS BANK VV. J. Booth Jec. V. Sheehan W~m. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan las. 1I. Wade E. P. Stills .tohn Pluaree Jec. Koch Prof. 1t. S. Carhart H~ery W. Dlouglas Christian Martin D~an P. immermas FIRST NATIONAL BANK ;-~ OF ANN ARnOn, MICio. E0. D. KINNO. HIARRISON SO thI+ Pees. Vice-Pres. S. WV. CLARKSON, Cas1hier. Cspital, $100,000. Surplus ad Profits. 10.000. C enlan- mercan avin s Bauk_ Cocxn~xeroie,.. an.sd Saving~s Cur.. Masnlm .sd Liberty Streetsc TSHE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1111lo ier 1. 11 II0 _lD 01I "11111 interc11s1 baseball11111 ! ;Ic 1 II .11IIcII o 'c 5 au I 1111 n I 111 . Co c lo ev fr T} I It I a e ' 11 b I'\\o tl 11 J l \ 11 c IoI an . \ 41 so ic P1 t e \1,141 1114 41 11a 1c (11 t(, 1work il 1.1 1 1,1 m 111h 1" n o L. _oT. )'"1' Ce n'e'- l MIS. vC o hlt ld ciiol4 ll0S t 1111 fl0" 017 l'11 1I tt 01 1 ~ri 11141 c1 4.0 117 S .1.141 ( ( I 101 10 )m i aw 1111 o 311101 1 i z ~ n iecrs..o ? o 0 I00 0- 1"i cris- n e,II It 1111 Packar iawsol, Roin ad ia1ford '1 110 atIA,1 The01 f001041 me111cs ill for ,e'0 to1the1seniors '11 )I I 1 CI R .11'S111 111.1111 111Io.1 4111 410. vil lt .0 1.1.1A11111441 1 1111 11110 10 111: 11.10111 11111111 111tr 1asur1r, YWO RVACATION-Iffi N arranging yoourosumevacation beesureothoatpartlofoit,.aolc.401' 41 J onothe Great oLae.o tlslthe ottpleaantuand eoomicaeloltrlpO7, ~ - ica and yo'cwil enjoy'everoyeminute. All tekimportantc 1. y Great Lakes are rechled regu4larly by theec ellent s0040014 of 1~.I Lines. Th~e ten large situaoers of ehis fleetarec of modden,41e1 proppelledl by poverful eoinooesond aeallthse qultieof . 10ll ecofort. The Unitcd Wire~less Telegrapho Seevcee'd lo.-_ - Tickets reading via any rail lice between Derir ndil a r vilbefr rnpr a idon0on1D.o& . 0 o tI co d dieclious. The D. &C. ake Lines opeate daily trips betwsee Doeoito111 . Detoit oaod Cloeelad,bceu11101ps woekly betwecen Toledo, 0 4 r 01, t1cls ocolan ocay pools, ancool ilps woekly betweens Detroit, Bayc , anolway port'. Alevelado .Mackinacospcialstiennmeroill beo.op. 0 1.111 'June 25 toSptcm'---- 1, leav0001inClvelddirect for Mackoinac., 0111 '1 D410etrteolttt every ';p anl at Gode1411, Oct., ecery uohrtip ;peolal daylight It'coea etroitlandSCleveland durung Jntyan os ltendl2-cent stain ,.11illt o41o'.l paoopliletand Geat Lakes map,1 2 LEWI C ,GR.A., DETROIT 1FR1111 tt ,I NI111? opitie. I Ne a cA i 10 30S.S havIt,'t llOt ockcI 1 D t I, t It .14 q 1r .14 4rl1111040 it el 011 ["S TO1 l F4ly{M1'001 011117 c I 1 !tome lI'h tne o IE~n l rne Chinese Chop-Suet' Restaurant 111111nee ttFancy ot .Dishest, 1 t tsoand t I efc 111rtolLuno he'ioof1all lot cls. ' 0010v- t11111A fiest. 'lays ftor aes and 'tool .41 11,10, cle'o toot t i0401 ' in An'o nOtt or h'c will ell ol 0 1 4'1 1 Il E oto typ11010 er41 0 . Oo V,) 4411111 011111.ro14you7 UC ti (II - 'i ) I.(. 1. 20 L. 1, 011 tsc100 Pe,11o1. Y11o4S 11 S ,,I ' I Otto. F iba' eoo 310 S. State, t 1 1. It navh°ta I y l 101tn~ ltlt'~ vml t I IIt itto"I r 1~r ti olth t i Il.10-I(r1 011. I101 1011" ;i ,I) , t t lot-lao fa tctw l 1 pitc aI I 'llo ol ltotct co~1 11.4r St. ti 11 11 ol110. 5111114 .,t ' ~ tthe tlo l too114111' 1114 11141 1s II( t ) I -,)l1e1 , fth1 e . Ilea1c 01104uate 111111 tN. 'd to Oloto o ot fer a sh r tm eel atll 5 5111 s. 1' . olooo-t(t1e fcw \ i)ha e I( 7ol reoarde 51. 011114 1andt «-11,O(t c-b to. 00110 fw ay ac wek It . clr.e 1in . catp ol andgo\ 1. m etoo of4114oI _ ta \ te Will he 0 oloo to }Ito he11 lit la\\- this\\ c 41to 1dcide te 11111 olltot 14 S. ST.ATE& Rowe' s La THOMAS ROWI 326 N. FPfth ewPhne45 AT TUTTLE E P 0. ' 1' 1. 1 0 . &7o ' ~Tr '0. 00g Lunch IR0011 Yea ear Sind alire tineofConec tioery Milchoigan and looator~tc 01104E '00 11 111 VC II c 1 Ot I nio 4111111 0 cards o.u ne01411c410 1rc ]l 0 tca 111dlotoe wt ouor Inittio ns.o 3325S.STAT Si., UPSTAIRS Yoin cant get Soo1140t rILov0044into V 0hapoorlo 01\sts, Yotr1000l 1014aitd ed (Ay'c''' PetersoDltrto ) lnIt or'00 0-Numerals.socoo Ois01a414r4, otc Nec'41010s0 01111 111040 clene 0St ood tot P 11 .4 1 0 01i l ot onIpill ows--- 0 ool ofall otheloot 4 10, We give satifact ion. Come a nO >0. eCn '4c 0\4elot 100' 0a 1 exeltOvariet410 1o Ov 0. 7ro 11. 01 so 0 ' 014 011 00001100 C4rd14 i o fburt 1d11.s0fro100 / '00 o1d0oi I, Oto ,00ad, 3100'5. chooso 2G-of. ( 1 21(1 f1or 12 Light Colored Crash Suitings are very desirable this season -We have them in the differentsae and qualties at $28.00 and up-All work is made in our owen shop WAGN ER & CO., Tailors i AND THlE )OOR WAS SHUT Marcoh 15,110l oghmnleeunelco oatt hoand](,000n001ce.000 fator11) otptut of ,,WEAR,EVER" Aluminum Utensils wohoeoas in 1)010 0011ghl tOO ' 000110wee 0 n't0101 0 'll I ult101 NO MORE MEN WAN'T'UD foor thoo 0001101 o f tO1110 leotelt thosoeowoo'l010100)takeOt'lot 1110000 of men olro too oonoer 40onr1404. 'I'bi01 o tol 0 ettoooot 'is s oalolle 0410 nooordttoc tot 4'0 e the loopo' thot if .0yoleio'etoobelot i oo ItV 0.0 1u0in 0he00'mSolo' 1911 YOU WILL REMEMBSER too omake yoourode on 1110oarlcyloo thot'ear. Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co. PITTSBURG, PA. ELMER P. GRIERSON, Student Mannager--1376 J. DETROIT UNITED LINESy Between Detroni, Atnn Arbor and FAE NIE Limsited Cars Enst Bound : . t)., 1:0 Silver Link S 1501, 11,7501.gsi Limited Cars West Bound-9:0 .40 ':? 0 C~ fPn p.oll., ,o2O 0. 000. 0.01p.0in.Fo s S a f P n Local CarsEatBouind- 1.l toli t, 5:4 a .ooo I ; .iI to. a'ooolevery loorl1,0100000p. i TooYpi COLeEG +150 o.2: ball i.,o1o:3 et.yIn I ? 10 LE7nCT lre chang at Y so3 auo.oo tal0.00 4; W M. ARNOLDf JE ELER Ln'c~nr~entnuc 'Oa 01220 South Main Street. 1 nd("ay too ursotoli1:15_______1)______Ill.____ FAMILYTHEATR ^i. IIl MA Y 1510 Reserved Seat:o 010010 Ito l EtIo, 'Pro t tideo- ieto 1 ool wl ' N' II loto.Totrto l 0,00ie~to~ t t1 oll'tIC~t ' iE ass'tie 'Tia . n llooo~~it: ~~ xti^1,t Alber tanootley 0 1 10e..i 319 yEast HuronSre _.__ .- . .