Th"sae 1 I a 1 11 VOL. XX. SYRACUSE REPEATS THURSDAY'S SCORE;, Wolverines Lose Another Hard Fought Contest to Eastern Visitors UMPIRE SPOILS CLEVER PLAY Sy racse reeated on the SerS Field1 ball grouttds Sattitda-, itiin g front' 151 ichigait hy the idn ticl scorewhct gae them Thttslav's contest, two tol one. Te game sas on e of the nmostt interesting anti cosecontested cmr seen on the home gronds. Smith was agin sent to the lilin g line htlhe hadl ot competli'recoive-red front Thursday's effots. Seuht seer rered agaeins~iji t te siie 101 S e wsamittstead tttitmttes bhtt%\°itit ce - ( feet stptotteut Ine tn t colial beens scoredii t ntst hm.I iit(,iws mis ht fr iimt anti Camiptetiinisiidsthe gatmte. iin te tite illiiiieifcedth i\'ethoists te biig uun top soit great fottts Syraese idt, aasttexpetediipreerngtotlstDi i tier iin all iittt tss tinin h \ ol entes itadetitotofteit nrhisi te setetth aidieaiesit rits 'th tttnity to stilte ibit aIdeiionb h tumtpire, admittedliirounil''bbedi hut cr ts of te other Mihiganitotakig heled1llth opieing innng.Iothrpti ahetis stcker ttttffediitethall.iTheillsame 1111 Plity on wicht teu pr1a111 h watrs tioughitgiilteIt eed h misake Mitcielwsa a ndtesga a gieenl forhe squeeeepsi.Tseiit hsr started t eie h alfo h - and Lothrosp stitedht e.']lii ctce stespped- 1 forwa rt Icrtsl ti e Bltts p veeitedi hiitchel hittithe aiii" ~ h itttnd Itgell IToilmltias h ae wr the ctttther te rtiis ctmt a prvided 1 ceudll dis te ul 3- stts, "A lalk l l sit m iii is iiutside teeliits of i ite cth' o rttuiet sitll ei nit t tilsd, withot li it ii h to lie ilti t t t tilt sc i th umpire tall a hi I r t h r c . tere I isiolquesitin s to Ioho' rght tisore.T-hle imi seistemr een-tiacingsll"his 111111il jui tthlis p iyadthede iio reetediltetu outtwitt ig te eiiciiis ecac , 1 tht hei undes~tood ii iii Ii lis lt .s iYeti wen tteflycmherr The'Mithoist cs opneI'm Siti a the-verstr e t wo it iis chulls Nit ARBIOR, MISCH-IGAN, SUNDAY, MA'kit-,,10 i. withi ~ , c- passed tiietcssIis tit stillersltsownst w i to'ic'scitth i l allt Shcull' s 111lie ed. evr wiit tprmtl OW s tll \, tl thl i t 11in -w t :i o v 1111-d lc', th Ho lic lscIM VARSITY RUNNERS N )(.hSI,1{;:\Ctii, \\N'l OH M R I BEAT EASTERNERS, ets i~ta 1wt (( n i )vrn 'lit ndst o\ ed 'ow lhe propose refrms ltisucs iiivreeenu and recal are fuiil istn plid t the ciii i il SA n l hn gv siott i l initois theu I miii siw tiot F. I -i111 i Radfordiiitheisii-s sea er fo tsc segtive veasth bdsofhi argu ettli'h isctsihat i hi pris ose syisteil -as tilla thoe i llse n tilettu o asucicess.s ss i th u ien e rli' il t .iii- i sisit ill lilt mn n in' arg ciie1 t- e isuusuuss'sstha st1he p snt ytc tiltouC iiirco tn e tew r itute c ii on trn ad ivcistn Ie f h cninudslit o hih s no)\"hiii i isi d en i a t'll'' for thi'sii'chinglei sTilt. tst"O iitti-tt-i.s interislsitm111 ticross thirciel. g'it- huit twinc1h11ImiSts toi lie tknuC o h '1luelilmit as kike little tull- suifiering" set' ittisilinjur1isie'1 issisic anl n i avetile''i The IiscItrysofithe lsainst ththe ) jt\egttu-fvirean- i 11)12 iliiitilt ilisi ; ti liManagedii I Iliiith 'il l cit-i ' T 'the (list ofithei gilt isArstur t stiomalchi \iio ~ tillt lit ci d ithltsor sihti c'" lit it ilithits t< 'i-is 'i' fc tt7- is lit riOldutill' race;ite te[list theiio1 A"a iriisc stitle i h' i hi ii i il it. Ix 'Icc cl 111( e silt I ]I i ' ici and iim isscll i JQI' Dii s TileT ii'sli i ti T' 1 1'tilsl()'ni itot' liii- :ls c ~ itn al ilici -i' tlrii-< sih>o si-i; s11tt s t-o il VI r s Mit- s l- i sl liug s its :\11((to i~s ill>1(1iat iC st. II I?.\ Ni\ 'C' h . 7 '() s;11 (1 i71 1 ssi1Vklsitsi' ICe.\()'rtis Thiec sit ru ii osti'' goiditui ' - it it est i i etc h ts 01eind thoiusandi fIcpesawl' t t cucsus ts h ). it, i/fil l )vh I 1'11lt- 1is' Graifing'ces'h i\Sisiatiendingshe the m etin s of ush Anti wcii w o t Rlilg hc lros l l-' tn stuitih ofthe nivesity lit's thisfc no ni33>t il i ilu i ii 'ilitl lis als i iiu t heis illsat he lilillil er Wuiththica'u' gca Cli Vh - cituiltli i 0ii h argesilliitntioitt rthuch in ionsciut tiIm hi "w liic.!)1, Union ViMethodist 01 Chicogo Theological Seminary Service Cuc "Imparatative lead of leadership by the church of today5' 7:45 P. M. EVERYBODY INVITED