What it .means to represent S', MN IlLOCis Smart Cjlothtes are carried by the foremtost clting dealer int every city in America. To represent the SrT N-lALnvt people one must be the leading and most ic- liable dealer in his particular town or cit. This is STEIN- BLOCtH policy. And we choose the STEMiBLOCH lutes because shot give tivsersal satisfartion. They give the fall tdollars worth. STEItN-BLiOCH Smart Clothes are the finest suitings frotm nmany looms toade nit by STFIN-BLOCE tailors alter best sttle designs collected from wsorld wide centers of fashion. TIry on a' TEIN-BLOCHO suit-eren if you don't buy. ILtiolsthei its ii iv Sttisii styles. Lindenschffitt, Afl&Co. .rP .r THE MICHIGAN 'eA(LY UNIVERSITY NOTICES 1 h( tirtlist iiclubiit 'i ° ildi lick, 6, is1 lisolsissrv 'I ulm s It 1. l~ lict ltistti be stitued litfoie SlItysliht. lle t-'1 te tlas'bal °il,1111e1:;) (da' T. c11it il l o t or bai b ll" ic a litstii- ItIts 1'i11t 'otl d. v' l st ' \11if'r' s 11 1c'ii 5 ' lssls t'l l'sit i1 4. l et( l r ts(slii tit I s. /st id i