Medicine Cases AT QUARRY'S Hotel whitily Tile best place in the City to dine Service A La Carte Sunday Dinners a Specialty CLASSIFIED ADVER{TISING dio, a 'haiti r. Good nboil t or ri-hit MIEu ('all PBell302-1~, 01 add~rss versity. oot11 t t,( led to t mi s N h hcd :e d t / .s\ niors. V I,*, ,l i k iir. \0I 1)] (, l lf dy, i SYIiit Lrs - 1 1 1' lini.i pil <, I ersi i l rch : 't(a ind *1 >11111 al t 12)Ii( n 1 n i~ t o I ir "'115141 31 43 1 3' 1 414 I NSII \ '1P'' )'P ( 1 1 t F I t't tWI' I ml ;tI"t' 1 E 1 l a \ii methig of the Dentscher V1 3' cI sttto w il f11>is/11 the1 i i rtof 'ii'' anPr willdcrae tPuc Ai te'newlan Mtriiiuicien fi PiisidIooi 3. 1 . Kcl Freast Iei- . 11.lPitz. 3 uiiiuu' 411. S. 3,1 e rniiio T. C. CA PEN, Mgr. ITE FARMERS AND MECHtANICS 11. K1 } MAIN AND HURON STRiEETlS Ciapital $50,000 aurplus and Protits $100,t00 Geneal Banking Bustness. 3 pe'rct.1 pail an Time and Savings Dleposits. :safety Dte- posit Boxes to rent at $2.00 and upwards St. teerner, tres. If. (G. llt~ i'TT 11 A\ Viii -Pr('. tH. A. WIL~tLAMS. Cash1i1er F. 'C'. S111111. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings BIanl Capital Stool,54.401100 1 iurlus ':001 A Genealx Binig Business Tiraunsated Ureteenot Ckas. E. 1t10011i01 Pes.; 1W. 1). 1liaeeimne Vice Prnt.: '1. J1. "rte. asiline STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Bootht Jno. V. Shoohan Wet. Arnold lir. V. C2. Vaugiban Sas. it. W~ade E. F. 'Mills ;Join Ilaarer Jno. Loeb Peol. 11. S. Carhart HetnryY W.Dougtlais Cilstian :Mantln Data F" Z101erman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ARBOR, MICIT. ~ . 1). tKtNNtii llAtttllnl)N Sol;L Pes. Vic-t resta. S. W.i CIAIIIStN, C'ashier Capital,li l10.00. Slunlttd Prots $60,000. Cox ~ sruou..1 a..xad Cor. Maur, an.d Llber-0'e' Sie-eetes U1 311014N1''fLS NOT041( c.1 Ifel a (t tIIsoc Vc l it. 3 1111111de11f ll raer ites ;1 o S.ltiS. sld fo r rai1road l\1.1111camthe entie junir eng ie l ass tilii to \ hit' re1 iitr 11n, and11 a tsuluall 0111111 li11l100'l ( S 1 P.I 1 x iu'' ll a t I1111111 t l- ;i tilh n u tt he 1 1 11ho1se, I i wj Ill 11:is T 11,110.SS A! I)ANA 11ca o f 11-.1 '.ti.e Still t tt St I W r S. h a yi uod al shrhIstoy ofthe to lo11pttiltti)fdw whe it 111111n0011111111110113 to ol«fto diiclci 11 1110 3141" 0,101 Is 141 ii, 1,310S. Sa Senills'11callng1caots1. Ztt ntedsCal& 1,111 410dstosenith tdylor.inv 26tio1. frn.So se 1130a 1"'io-git" tcals Iiale 3o10111S40 S State,, 126-t1f. J Na-rangingi youar sanmevSaian hbenurethat part of onetheGreat Lakes. Ittis tel mstoplaasanand ronoitut icnaad you01111enjoy every minute. Althitet1ohr Great Lakaearerached regularlyby the exce~lnt terice w _11 Lies. The tan targeesetamerisof t let areofolteodor proplt~led by poweorful egines and have all the qualities comfort. Thte United Wireless Telaeaph, Service use, 1 Tickets reading eta any roil line between Detritt any4'. Cleveland are available for transportationen D. & C. Line_; diretion. The D. &n'C. Lahe Linte operate daily trips betweent Dc0001 Deroit and "levelaeel lour ttrips1weekly hetseen 'Toedo, Dit tslandand way portsondtto ipseelybitweeonDetoit, Ba andlswayport. ACleeland toMakoinaospecial steamertwill b itne 25to Spttelmbl1, lavng Cleveland direct fot Mackinac Detroit enrooteevery ttip 01114 at tGod'iu, Ont., eveother01111ti. Speeil daylight trips beiteen Deroit and Cleveland during Jul, Seed 2-cent stamp flut illustreatedl pamphlet and Great LLae.- Adr's . CG.,LEWISO, G.P. A., DETROIT P. He. MOMILLAN, PES. A. A. S HANT 01E fhs 43'5 Chinese Chop-SueydRestaurant Ametrttican I tt 0 itt 111 1 tin t s' Ii - C lilnet olitil t Orl i i 3n111or 314 S. STATE Rowe's La undr f THOMAS R OW,'Prop. 131 1 them a Cu> e AfI,IN'S CI O 'l'IS48SII(34", 3111111 Strot AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room Yen can lied a tine linte oonectincry tf. ll II 3luui I I I t111I111 s ; 1(l 41110.1 1 .lIti icu I 'ill . 11 0 31 tIII i . '111.e11.nd4co.318 tof4n3.31.. s 44. 2014,4' ib10013StreeI. 332 S, STATE SI., UP1Si YO-u came get Sot,utt' c tv 'it'ro111t sh4110 p' 01010 0 '3'''s 3Tour11' "t ' 3 or11'siiti -li' 'I t 1111ci 1Inulgoitt, is it ralo, 001ew ted to tt 1111111', ,'ocktic'' ttan'io-l e leanedt M31s1h ia 4 low1-Ma' r. " ofii alllot rc - 'otm 0, 'as totatttl o" Iit 1111103 opy'011'.,iii We give sagsmfactiorv co nea Negligee Shirts w~ti thIepie~ DR Abunchi of shirtsiiIti usit Stat St.And Just What You Bane SBeen Waiting For Pe ide by i Lle sametl 1 'cue ll I' t i ' l l 1'5 i