T' I MICIIIGAN I)AtiI Sprixvd and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS--Origialnd Elsiv COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Deencdbe RESULTS-Pleasig ad IHarmoious -IN- Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Eamiatio G. H. Wild Comfpally TAILORS 311; S. STATE STREET CLINTON - The ' F 1. P ASY" BUTTON W HLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAND " LI !ITON 9 BuTTon EIISuLYASS SIT ERFECTLY. MADE OF LNEN, ARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 50 2 for 255d W BAR ER 02 MAKERS. Sold i An Arbo by A. G.SPALDING & BROS. The Spald bing farerre r tie soworld TradeMark of OFFICIALE QUIP. MENT,or ll thlti PInO"NQ sprs ad pstmes. Id !S e nAtltc im I o f 00 e eSp ali Cut- .:& aope.Is aihcom pee I, In l cn o ;i iou' yo l e S odi o ' i IC co iii t s..co What' Nw iSport Q-1iufty. qer.. A. 5C- SPALDING ftaBROS. Ciaica.0 DtroId Visiting Cres.... SENIORS Ode ir your Visitig Crds n0w to avidiiielaI.TPlate Aii ooicaids from $1.25 to tooc1rslromii plate 75c. Sli un &Co. 1 S'1',.DEN T'S BOOKSTORE THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Manacgig Edior-Lie I 'icc oils BusiesseeeManager-AR(.CLIi .1 a NecsEdiuor........Haerold ITis Asscisiit--...... l. ain, 7. oz lihhletic Editor..... aterix. Tower Assistait...ii , - Athur B. Moeiiieiic Music andiilDami i.. I..TIailVTuMor ichclangeesid iJls-.I iAuiS. Iereli EITOIAS. iC LymanI. Bryson. iG. S. lishcr. WXitiiiro D. Lane. iaiaiEI. Jones. A\riiiii J. Abbuoti. NGHT VDITOOs. Mlorris IHouser. NT. Mck NTyan. Frankel'nniel. lred Lawton- Harry IG. Mser CloieIH. Mylander. A. T. Toloe. FakisiWII. Murphy. oreneisonj'i. BUSINESS STAFF C. A.1Blowmiian. Nomcian Hil. Ieeeneili (Osori. Norman ii'ttce. Meer Rubin. A. R. Diller. Adddres: AlICoIe crcDAeILCPress Bclg.. .\adiccrd Sree. Office Hootrs: Managing Edior, i-2 p Ill. cnd ii :00Ii1:30 iP. el. Daily. Buosiness Mo anaer I-2, 7-8 i. Il. Ex- cepi Siunday. IBoihc'phoie960. VFiI:l, AI:e\1i13. i9i0. ': ii l'diio Ci cci.. lu~.5 si LNIVFRSIT V CA'LENDAR. CL) 2Sycuse ve. ichiega.cBasec-c b l am , cry ihe d.q:; V.Ill AlaciT I ile claiii log1e l \ 0c Huron4 CRci cr,4:0Toccicgcckc. S c balcoitii IerienFeryMedccoo o'clck. ccc 'ccBsebalcscigan c vscccccccccc cae~ crc il d.i' ccile sccic M'ici'ci}- i ilpic ciccisoi iCes pl sDiec A membcc e of e fcl cscda req ire c fitCcs l e' i or nhscasta Cor 'the cliIc ig' isinstrac's ionc' cr tc c . as hei'i i'ic .' - mccc queccsicccVc. lemrccii li ourccc cc iicdeclascics dai ccie th ha re clitatl engthy C iCC icr Ciciiiiiui o the' siiijct'i sabliisiiidilt cc iccciccc cc of ctit ci, cc cc, acti cciise is eoc ha e t i incc elass, 'ccv . H t h is i i mcasicclsi iite 'qeticici 66-Ictcias been n ncciie i it) i rin csiuioni cis ie Cc li of cc imat e.'.M.ic'igncccmcsi i c on-ci cili'i'cicc degreeecreecc'hecoicic ri-ci tic.io cc l tis es he 1cscniorc la s has etdcce is cs cto mc'ccr ie ihead-c gcar everywhere. Thatis iscmcn andcit needccs cno ccther dciiie The h iigh espe'' cti l icictheclas ha cac yhl d thii 1cce cro csscor'iccqciii tingvst iccim aic dgc eei'f' ifl ucei ccciiis unusual. lic e mc and~ccs caci iccc cciciiccicciccc ind wiccontnu i'c' r siccc iii hilt tat scacelyecuses imci rmi pa ing clue respectc to the desres aci cclio lite siudents undiiirii his ii- sirc c c ccc sic long cas tc rc Cii cccllc' siciI the ir inature1cc. 'icc hiii c 1c rc cclthe1cc' iccilic ihis cclitii icci i ec tflly ddsc d "''II cic waterc ciic eicc'c'c', andi cci a c(11c41) ito ciiii,1 ' quothli thliii ciinit \iarcine.Whtwol h is ifii1W shouic' cisigatcthei 'scofitiildrik fc ii- tics ofi ithe ciciiiis ccar cii' ho gh Ilg~ ii next ill l studentiiis cn- cr ;'c theilci' is'c aws'ci ' c hooilcci t h y c bcn it ea in ol g. 1cliii. ci cccii . cciteriscI'c of ith l~niii 'ccSraus U ivi ty wii cili ii c'iiie i c ccc ci n xt Junii. IGAMiE cgi ) 'iT' 1(151'. Mli , lte anticcccllgccccccr -tired ic ie. 1 cic ci li i cccc cc/c I ce' heilic a c re 1:)1( ic 51's icid 1l 1st f 'Mi '. a gilsi. c'r h n irc c sii hc il; t ,l c r g . tsci ct , "iii s c i m iicc iihs fal asfic tscc ii i't e crilc iiio f es ili i I ciccg WA flay, c f ..... IIaclinic s .... WeltilerIfi . Ji . iCiclic ii c1) W s ll* ....... .4 '4. '4. !: i t> v O r c ca c 0 0 11 c 0 i t 0 c 0 E :\ I . > o i al c c o o U C) } O () 1 > ttt'T 1. '. t) f) n (! I i fi r t )Ii Is, ticct rii t iiiIitIsc IIccc' 'isis. f le t ice, '. 'rc c I~rIi cccii, 3 isclic cliii PI-c lie cecci' 5.' iand tc r, ''I liii't 'hlccli cni Tennis W~right anid Ditson's stroing line of RACKETS Ask tc see lihe c Champion" at $4.oo, the "cCampb~ell"c at $5.00; the ccPirn" at $7.00, with waterprofcafse at $8.oo. Restringing Rackets Will cmakeyouer Racket good as new, if you will leacce it with ues for one week. BASE BALL GOODS A. fT. Spalding &- Bros. com- plete line. Every article guaranteed. i NLSI, I ... ... t NOc l-, )i .. .. 4 i i iSicIOT 1cs 4 rA i lilies c .., .. 0 i 'Icicis ci 3 c0 - i'tcci lp ...... 3 0 i N S'icE O iii' ii I'1.61 .611A\ WithiI Ii(r > < iii i i ciic icc ap iae thei 1 C cccII S°, I i> 1si lc : icigan oi 0 0 00 S auc o0000000 - The su icciccic ass on hall iiif iCotllticcii Smith Stukul-! (Cciiirell to, iceScih Sarfceht i ccan 11 calh r. Stlni ass- clci> cciicecc c XIMcrlinPo e. ase F ll I io es, iiiiciii iDolc playsi ;smccith oc1liil, I )-ac t a li o I i.j U i r ---ccc Iii s t e. 'i e of y t The seirc lasc e Nveilciii icciceci. l clss na e -h c c ill chei l c l hi s cci'eccccc li ic e 'as ii'peen p' cc'cciic sii iteat the cpl'ayer' mayi' parigcipaeiillcithei ttit-o t'ii-ai rccii1. I II t e al.ice fI ' c I ii l ; C ~i . ' i ,I t' Sic i"C( )lit lt ~;1 s i i>>f ilc ccr l~ tiW AHlR'S Iclte University Bookstore FPOWNES liC. [. DAREI LL[[ GLOVE~S__________ mnean right gloves- trouble. BNOI MORRILL (en).CO. 1!.l ". st te Beiilice41 TYPEWRITING TypewitingSple -cc- fR ~Pl l \C i icr ('by iCapain A sisct e ol- I ciccci I eastirnc trip cNi Ik 'cc plaingirciccc li icthe i05000'C50()1 ('liin i cionad .m:liiii tey i fce TYPEWRITERS (Cocrneli. .orlic e cR l lie heldii c ti ~-ci < to ceri i i Banquets, Dances, Receptions Plnsar tndrw~vfo ahi tura-Country Club Orchestra icsccccli 1ir-c cc ciii s W. Dailey L. A.Bohancket 06m~sa n> e f;ol rrc" 1 7 1, 823 L. P. HOLLANDER & CO. Boston and New York An Exclusive Assortment Ladies' and Misses Ready to Wear Gown s For College and House use ATI 1. E. Nickels' Residence 328 South Stale St. Ann Arbor, Mich. . i 9 t " Lawe Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law' amd Medical Dictionearies Queiz Books. etc. Conmplete line New and Sec-. oced-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Flour Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoolls HAILER'S Fine Watch cod Jewelery Rlepairing H1AILUIR'S AWE[RRY STORE 216 Sout.h Mairz St. All the New Kodaks 324 S. State Sl ',rye 121 ahnton E. RANDAL-L & PACK, Photographers