Sam Burclifiel Ann Arbo-'s Iir 106 E. liurati i t. ;r J. L. C HAPA N, 370 o r ALARM GCLOCKS: li ALARM CLOCtOSSLO ALARM CLOCKS$,a ALARM CLOCK4S7 [NC IF ARME[RfS 1'itiiiN MAIN AN.;! : 1000 i S Capital $50000 SGeneralPBanakiig:tf1tit7 posit Boxes to srentat - t R.iastetxtaPres. 1 H. A. WIL ] s~s~i , cat a a The Ann Arbor w savo.a Cspil tit t o twl - A GeealtBonkingitoa. a-a se iHarriman, .Vice N ... it STATE SAVIN ' " Jass. 11,tfaWae I z. ."'. .Johnr ia-tta t Prof. i.a4.C almt ,a fhieltian-Matin Da FIRST NATIfONA oI E. . tN1 , }{ N )_ , w. V\. ('tat - at . a Capitast Sif;itat r- >1 Co. . eore, irest Sa_- s,a a Nt eta e_ __ T ~MCHIGAN4 RAIL ta1, at a p(ss -no gthe wii> tat t haat rnic \ IiSat .111a I-tx[jimer, h a1 h, ld tunitat ia -t se taes agraduatedat frto \ [iciigataitt1111907,hait Ll~k Moi, hoh lesbrkenad had racaivead ta- 1'] a record tt itn it ath - ad -reIju ts n at accidel tat aislpiteat a a at itt %(-rdbyatSotAfi Nri t- g Snceat>graduti onaat;Hist lfisitatr tas ?,;r 1, C II k m l"at e tiatlaate ini t sG~il , ct<, l ataterv sitd nata ii [art atral lareaifter twill bat ctta lhld tt pass lbefoire hist AVR~1S9V j~nta etr aaspa calt oaral ea-iatioan CLAS IFl ED ADVER SI9N () eatd>iiait fIFrenchla tr Garmaataitrtse. a--T ety-aitxsat meatriatauanitaersitiesandai ii N NilD.aaolleaaes sio-ot aaanrolament of mltrea I ii a a t a a atrtat aatteiaia tiotna rita-tn rrceti a-1i a- i me. Gataol taoaney- ftr l t he Inv -it of NI issotari. lte at Ne 1 C [l all 302-L, or aaies ratattaesataratnalhagr paassedcigars arouaaa ov dil an "c. .Barotwa, l10 E. Un-a nd itlallowethaeiiatitaiistu e t tat-ar tha a I - oif aaa attt at i suretaat. I ta > a tat at iratltar a atl-etatritts at t-ilacu s awila r videl slit coat a it sat ii t l S t 1 rit___________ \.___Dally.______. iiTheatflljun atior f aka hv dpe JN Narraginsgyouroosummerocaatsonisre-tht patof i ,-t- patai on the GreatLakes. It is themostspleasant and cooctontrs iipAt OA ioa andyou oill ejoy eeryosisote. Allthe iporatataat Groat Lakes arereachsed regularly by theoexcellret eraice of itae d. a Lioes. Thsoten lar-ge seameosofthsofleeo re ofsssodrotai Ia> ,:tat propelled by powsserflgieasd haaoallthso qualitisaof snd -y1 a comofort. The United Wireless Telegraph Soraicoousedtlad. Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit a-ad Bi a aaa e Cleveland are available for transportation on D. & C. Liocr ttsasL i ali- direction. The D. &aa C. Lake Lices operate daily tripeshobeteen Dearoar- .d i lat Detroit- sod Cleveland, foar trips weekly betweon Toledo, B ta-N-js Island aod way ports, sod two trips weekly between Detrait, Bay NaaC a and way ports. A Cleeelandto Makinsaospecial steamerewillbaaoacad if Jose 25 to Septemeshr 10, leaaingf Cleveliand direat foe Mackinac, slotala d at Detroit enrouteoeerey trip sod at Goderlith, Ont., every ethartrtaut Special dayligbt trips between Detroit and Cleveland doring lptt t- Send 2-centestamp forillustraed pamsphletrand GratsLakes daa . Address L. G. LEWIS, G. P. A., DETROIT P. H. McMILLAN, PaES. A. A. S -CHAN'TZ d il If 1I1.1--NNL;dUS Ni F1idE liitIIS NOTIlCE ar a a- forall itds of it statt--a a -We aveta ainastock aTVafaaaaa lal iiar aif frateir- a t lie ar 1 It-nstockiwe at>aa iN I ahae itcN af all fratarntieas. 1,1 A ilIaN]ANiD IA NE, a10. SitaeSi., 2ndalfloor. A rat ittat ene ofitotecognalftiiontt fha ptititta i f atattai f ifthecaicahatsat fal a aaatatftlyben(br iii iQtthminsaof ifs> fas tatQfftefiataftlf Otilaitis ita te Fatl. Elieiy tttliterfated its fighet andot seot ar taiiaiaIfalta-foat, wtt a sftt-tareot o ataaft id. can it e bat itahttijfrfaa itowe tPhone 221 Deiettnt aceI aat litt 7, re ale 31T i ,tNahi GFORGE YEE LZL eFl ~dMU (AL.,LeIv ititae Steet Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant %v,> at istallit tT~ ia -a Chinese tancty Dishes,SteaksatatiCahtps. oa tye r e.(rdo 11v AmercnsLunehes ot llnilsEFver iiy-yoaiaa iaait~ thing fhrstaitass Sot laies ansd gatlata at, Naltii -I y- ur. Cieantesst Kiitent in Ane Arbora, 314 S. STATE STREET- or anpaired at. TheClssc F ib S f The Piliosophical si c iTO\\N C(NOES a a t C o - catalaatic 702 11 Nil. iiaaaaa63. - I-al I- It68-cod. - - ac I a- tia- i lt l l -t d 63 Volumes Aaaolitattittntoftel-mtadeaabooks itt Ita tattitaat.taeles-tedi awit referen-e ta t tntal osttf ScaooltanitiCotliege-s. Atl~tralltiv 13>i-s.Sesntdifaacoatatates The Open Court Publishing Co. aashtaAve. tChiciano, 111. Rowe's La u ndro THOMAS RO WE, Prop. 320 N. Filth Are. News Phoner 415 Bell Phone 4!a:t- i AT TUTTLE & Co. Lunch Room You can find a fine line of Confectionery INo - liiahig sn and Il rat -nias 'i apecatyl ii Ni iFaNiCt r CCl totv melt .1li-'\S C 1Nil'ldI 11SHO110. ti Mialat Sraei. N_1 uiala Ist- itl-l~t - and iOpera- Nh'l Itaet b ik's. Sca-aaalasN~ a1- 1ate- , 1 o S. t a- i t.tfoaia. a I -i-ala Pe i t. lPrices rightiati I- 11 A,15 RNOYAL, tt-o 1I.Libeaty Streat. ~- - a tt---a-- ifi rai alad ih i.ritatiiotat detatts- ; a . c.-; ao S. Niala. >a fliar. 126-if. 11111 2'' Carriage and Baggage Fore ah Coupie to andScorn parties haforea1 oilocch$1.50. asteer itocioch t $2.00. toe esahTr-uoh to or fromn door, the priaetwill he 25 Cents. Ifcarried to tar f001masp-stairs, the prtce wiii he 50 Cents. iDrivers arrequ ired to coliect cash to aiaige-and baggage service. 'WAtaKER'S LIVERY ROBINSON & CO. W. H. STARKC HOLMES LIVERY SI Go to Major~s To hay Vail-paspat and alinot liise atia Itr aa- ll a we c0a0nssace you fromot25tto 4001/6.NWeasal1 diret> to he o fore thoso lost pailcts:In 5pallon iota 01 ver, 1.15pe gallon, $1.25, half galloen 3faa C. IH. MAJOR tomCO. Mtsuf-ettiraro of Tiiph-LIGaePainis. 031'.W lit;oS, When you are ready ______ To talk clothes ______ Will you allow us WAGNER a&CO To show you Stats Street Wherein we excel Wa -x Spring A f I iat, Id atotrtexcliisivea na at - a Ia a lir st a iliiitid aO[l )[t N tlafi DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jacson Ltmited Cars East B r~und-7:50 a. m., i1alt t:50 p. in, 7:50ap.m Limited Cars Went Bound-9:24 a. na. 2:24 p. mt., 5ats p. m., a8:24 p.m Local Cars East Bound-taotDetroit, N:4t is in.,-aatatiri-hiotrto 10:45 p. tn.To Ypsi- Iaadi,5Aitt a. m. andfiaihaluctyss it:15p. 11:. tial 12:15 a. irn., 12:tt0ta. s. if-Sata. nM. Tot! -aalinea, eange st Yptilantti. Local Cars West Bound-545as-os,,7:1la. itt., I FRATERNITIES WE HAtElO UR CETi a INaa i Silver Links Rings Fobs Scarf Pins WM. ARNOLD, JEWELER 220 Soath Main Street. For Men and Wome $35 $55 ,, p ; . , . , ..! ,_ - 4N t 9 i. ar 1. .ta ; 4 + Your Feet Properly Fitted 4 Days SC~~~ MAY tN f) df d Reserves! Seal>sda"a ARt II N Osbo in- at ala i i It'c a - at7 ( atlathiai ( h Nil o lI r Ba a aide . iwr i , l