AT Hotel Wiitiley The best place ia the Cty to dinte Service A La Carte Sunday Dinners a Specialty T. C. CAPEN, Mgr. 3111E1 FAtMR~S ANtD M1~ HANtCS lANS MAIN AND) HURION STREETS Capital $t0,000 Surplus and Prootits $100,0l0 Goenera ankinogBuineost. percenoo0t ai oTtmeeandt Satotot5 oePittr. "afty e- positsBases to rvon tV.0td upwardse~ R. KSno re. n 11I . loot t' -lies. tt. A. 'It AS~,t ,, ~t'a ir " . 't o to Asot The Ann Arbor Savings Rlnk Citmttl Sto>i. :,rCOtt) tpo 4i.}t A lUIenral Banking Rooneoot,"I 'ansnctoo Urienvtt Ot Cha. 1;. iiiSel. t 1i'- ; *. Httettnoan, Victe tras.. 51..).1 0~~ahe STATE SAVINGSBANK W,5..t ooth .1tno. V. Sheeranoi Wmo. Aroldoti Dr. V. C. '2angot Ttos. H. Wadte tE. F. SI'; Johnt Itaarer tnot. t Peat. B. S.en It at 11..r:tint oti It Chritsttani MartintDa l it IImtoo'.1 't FIRST NATIONAL S ANY (Jr ANN Aic2tt ttt tE . I .4 Ottott,II iIIt t1,% Co.- A ri.,cei tsnd S .vinitisI Go. Mairm ardd Libaet',, b .trtenan tAL f IN/ ( VA\'Nt'ttD. it 5)"Cll 1 '. o . . too t O .o- 61o tF.. til- I~ f r a tttttt So 1 ti Ot f r e' tltli it"t't111 t l w i i~i., " t J o 1, tr cdr t ", I 1t l' t j .t111 I C11 - . \ I8 , , A>1ak. 5 '- )IC'i tOSl, im'ii t0>tc~ t)cSo ttuntolt t .W G 1 atn, ft l'd~a i 111 Pr)S1)ct wrce . Il ard 1 ; > i ht lert lj ii tti i ItcII t I tt 1,f~t- silall()pI1-aced wath, II(M -I ix r Stoh r<1u ;. j .A\ un hak. ind r tm a~th ri ~ la c rctll-1 t) (),)Oa lan , l toe t] ito) itf tili' ltl 7ti tat t'I11s r 1 l'Ii' 1 tit wh ,:rc It 1. l'hw 1;1\ 1 _ 'C' ii" ss for the m t>a. I hc cl I) il fiii iil) (lp r N Narraging your suter A oai oaooand younteiitotnj eer GeatLoakes areeachoe reul1r1 b5 Lines. Thteon laeet tstaerof tpropelletdby powoerofulto .> I ti cinnomot. The0 United Wirc , Wickets reading via any ;-7 Cteveland are available fortrnptiinn nsIA direction. The D. C&P C. Lalk0 Lineopeo L ?" Doetronint andtotletend, futrio esTo tIslandand wypot, nd to t L an way pontt. A Clevteland o tCi June 25 to Septemnbern10,ittot'i i Dtiterueeeytian t_ Special daylight trips hetnoere r i Send L-ceensamnp forilthooa t A,?dressL. G. LEWi,, ,.Aol 1 P.H. MCMILLANPRES. S°..t '.ro t=i;attleantnnn pent voo}.ri tripnAnnn lterLtotritoftheon o- cntrutien, _,Asaey and o i ltDetroit and Inn.5 -lors in either Dot c: tnod Buffao, not i _roit Macnasc l _t Ly ity, anoiaws o. nac, otapping at 40010 Oly and August. ms..tap. toi HoiTZ, GEN. MGR- t; t t 1' 11. t nt in a -- \11IS INSIA .IOl't N," t cst ii iiratdt. Ii i,N' A 10T1il"S SHtOP. * 0r f r ttl . Matino t i. '1AiSSit ERN IS isNOTICE, ity staii 0 0. Wii Laote ioostool. le or o a targe tto i i ott' -it - It Oftw *.t it initut d:ot we'io all WS Itavto dies of'0all fSate rnities. to:1 A A. ;IAtDtIAT?,oi o 1 i S.o' Stte Stto 1l t oo r.i tri o scutdwillth or intitations . 'oi. C ecl ott variety totcootse Aso o .. 'til 'ito-gif"' oardso. .l~ A ii 'toot,3100A. tito>, oor 026-tS. rrital oert o'rpairedt at "The ;i 1c~ci.- tatoL5. Liberrty St. if t itthtl I \ tilt pcnc o Ii 0 C 00l\ m . calllot I'll hloth reto i « i1 'c'' t ii t 0.0 ian ex .111 i. \S1'1;l1N 1 \ tO ill Sli 'to; lt 1t11 ot ii o 0 ' ]Ii '.100 olft7 \t'iot11 l 1 : 1 ..t Al > irt k 1,( ott4 0, .0tl 11 '1' 1 } 00 nc11 ' lb rr ' 1 itt SS~ i1.o o 1.1' tt 0I1 0 lrl ti'0 totol. \55, Ne IPhone 45s7t Rtll Phoneiio,17I NI_+"W SAlt Sorc 0' t t'o'iot rto tttot too317 to to 't I clt 01'2 X1t AT TUTlTLE & CO. loot 0cmfortnu anf Lunch IRo)111Sid'i You can find a tine tine of Collfe tlti 0 .'cete ttit t rgto i t ___ 332 S. S'TATE: STn UPSTAIRS 3r id a. >c. i® ao ,hc lihest '. Pe iias..Pices I '[1'1111,A IS Rs)Y~t,, t t. 2c0)'. 1,1,. ity S A otto)'s - C' ' t2' 1 1 ot wthi\.()ottO itiitto 00 I ciS tot11C,31 01 S tot ', .2'd1 I) t.. or You cans get Yo11111' l t o StudtxiN St iii rot t oinw We give sattsfacttorv J--11 to oto all 11p000 aeit ScAeit 1 le &Sonts' to S. tic sictor t S o i Maitt oc,, ortS ,oa mmd see us Negligee shirts owitOIItwo t 4 A bunch of shirts 'ottnewl 'MAGNER & CO. And Just What You Have Beenl Waititngt'or $1.01 t; t Ii 000 to th' ,i at