f'' t 1 - A 4 i 1'.. ; I i i- 1 A JN i"i A i L V Sprtzmi and FSuzmmer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESINS-Orignal and Exclusive COLORINGS-Te Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious - IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Eamination G. H. Wild Company TAILORS 3111 S0. STATE STREET CLINON The "SLI PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAND "CLIINIt ON" BUTTON EASILY AnD SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150 2 for 259! WHARKER 02 MAKERS. Sold In Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Stae Street A. G.SPALDING & BROS. Th plding arete largestmao- Th SpI uersin helorl Trade-Mark of OFFICIALE QUIP- MNTorallttblii VDISp spors and patimes. M* l I a If y are ri itere - 0 .N ed in Athletic Spot St yo hold hoves cops 'OIN O ir of the Spldig jCt- aloue. Is complete konbrobotencyclopedia o the world a a Wat ' Nw tn Sport O3oaraetee of sd is sent free on re - Qeualty. qet.it A. G. SPAL6DINO £A. ]ROS. Chiago DteoIl Base Ball Goods Iow that the seson i hero you wilt ned a supply of Base Ball Goode Mitts, 25c to $8.00 Gloves, 25c to $3.00 Golf Goods We are the sole scents tor Crawford McGregor Golf Clubs, Golf Bogs Balls and Supplies Sheehan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Nooiant ogIdw .011A /V,1 Busoness .MlanagerC .>I. oi. C)I Ni, Netts Editor . .. . ... . If 1 il, :Assistanit........ r ..l NI k lii 10 tthletic Editor ... NValter K L a Moic andr D rama..... ail N, .N I a Excblaiiges rind Fils...[inS lvc L n L.tlr 1). 111.0.. ~ shr Artr . bbiiit 1D. A. llinclm A. JN I N) 1g o uh 11 Morris Hnosr. A. oac kai Frank Pecniecl. Fe ~ct Hary. -Myseri Charles I. IMto al Ir .Twie Frank NW. IArth. Loe bism BUSINESS STAFF ' C. A. hBowmn. oml 1.[il 1K01110etht 1. p. 11 1)1\itct lilt r Rniiot.;.R.I)l Alddresst lcia1o II1 rs dn Miay narrd Src. Office Hillrs: M a agig ii r, 12 p. in. and ii o -:11 I30 p11. 1 Da1 iy Busoirss iaiiae, 1-2, 78 tp. m1. 1a WEDNEISDAY. Nh\l-II.I> UNIVElRSI'tY CoNI.DX i. liay iiI I-Ob rlii vs. lorlooai. B bi ! galico. Frr Ii, I 1 , m.i p.1t. E ecs 1 re t, pjli . ball am . iir Gl , 1:0 p. 111111101'11(vN Th1011 O l 0 ii1111lii of the hi111 i11- taf tslt a o ea n h ato 1000111 in t ate eucaton, idla ougte l01r h as1;011 life.T h u, o h lnof r ts adai uch 11111t:1 : Nitlac 01t1111111 liif stri 111111 illfi 1nd101 11 are.1 lgii 1 1I , 111he ar11 l i i 110 1 h i to ii rh ldin im i illfrthe o 1 ,tici iekise p1eiall in1 eii.l l ici Mil feuaestic WcantbblX idt A efatta TODAY ONLY Steriopticon- Photographic Views [tally'sC Comet In addition to Vaudeville; t S r } ]r 11i: 1 t1 0 1<11 ,1 ' ( I 1 1 l. S ;11 01.t c' ]I locrtil ito< ,1t> N ST IT1 I Ii lii i-iiI li Iio"\ ia t' cll o rlooilash oo r la efool li theiiiiii iiil 11111 lii ltO 1111t' f ri dden 10 Iiior1the1last Niiii NieIrelliialIofttta illt r: t io 1iil t 1;111:elir Illioll Flie I , efll vnlro 1n asi tht thiritiritteltioiio I isl 11111 ub blu it l repatred : hg l~ihO~it 1ara- 111o ' Snd i rms"i f0 . IS', It)tar asTtiiiie tors. IL' ~ ~ mria N l N oiN ~ liws jit s n lI 1r . I Nrc l 1 LIX i n :3 the I eaiii. . te ... . . Ilowc a i. ill I taNliii Nloc, 1,11110. I tal) M roil c i, NI lt ad1a chance to 1The1111 leb l......... . Iatiti 1 ITillhei Daiiii ifSne ... ..N.....Lang. )taf laa tc i << f ",- is if0 iitiol oc ist iltion RACKETS Ask 11 to e he- lianipiou at $34.0 0; l~te C ipillI at $15.00 o:the "1i1l"1 at 5 0101, Restriinging Rackets Will niikeyi 110Racketgotod at 11010 if \I ilill lteavonit BASE BALL GOODS, A. G. t Spli l'- N,,Bros. 0oin1 paleeline.IEvery article Unversity Bookstore G. f. IB A R 'I f I U Law Medical Denial Largest SIutk iiin 1o1l Bial Second-Haend Lawl Books La out it Medlital Dictionies0 QiuilliiBorIec Clomle lnlue Nevt atud Sc- 01101 lud. Old biook tloaukii l I F(111)0. N[lt~ci ci iiN tr l ill '1 t )C] w . l1 I ii 1rlIl11111 11111.l 01a Will1 he1 1pI ,oil I1 ill he ro e in nttihe ±; spctaors are aliways oii p ii 1in eho hior 1 Ii -facor liii I IXIR1iX 1Li;hSj, IINXLIIOF t FOWNES GXLOVES The way they're made has a good deal to do with the way they wear. } al a>. -T IiiIm~ I r.tii I. A,iit, d Ict' o l il I r11 110 0001 \'ii, Saur a is 1 ih 111t Iu. W Iie ll 0ey An Iu<1 t i ici , Iho 01it 111e1e In is M ,lIt -e r lew sp ei- the i :l iciganlii n111 oId i I l- MI oft uthe if out 11ill.11e0 } attle, N\\ a lin toll ca iing c tot.Zewdoki & ,} ittt ii2o lfooi. 126-tf. It 111wilt a 0111 l tocall ioiiliheCuou!l Proot 1100111 if it ou wto ll 1all n~ii oy Guarantered salarv. CITY Y. M. C. A. 130-tool F. II. belot is yl °n n. Banquets, Dances, Receptions Country Club Orchestra W. Dailey L, A. Bohacket 1467 L 823 t C. E. BARTHELL, I.326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 76t Gel your MICHIGAN mw I is obs and Spoons HALLER'S Opheal ~ Dep t 4 HELLO! Yes this is He. No I won't be around to get a suit made this Spring. I bought a Clever Clothes Suit at Wad-m&Colatfl and am going back. It cured me of Tailor- ites. Spring Hats and Caps. Always the right thing at the right time. Wadhams +& Co. A I I ++) 1 i line Saloh an1 iroeler eairngn 216 soeeih MaglsSi. ,)i},, fid{oml i l r E. E. CALKINS, Drug~gist 324 S. State St. I I k ~ ° one 5958 11 121 Washlugism t. RANDALL & PACK;, Photograpi