TIHE MICIGAN DAILY G. H, Wild Comupall .MERCHANT TAIL ORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- lrgs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestin gs for 1909 and 1910. We make Fuall Dress Suits a Specialty CALL AND) SEE ['S 311 SO. STATE STREET At te NetStore G. H. Wild Comfpaql BARKER COLLARS Warranted all linen. .lade in 1-4 sizes THE MICHIGAN DAILY. blu(ie, tgCditor1 1 i Alit iii i tutu u ., iress Bldg. \l i hardl Street. .Fi lmin iess' atager, t-2, 7-8 p. itt. l:e(fit ita}. Bibh photist ind e e arly paidilfor, Recen t ri l- stleb ii njures >b e giu ~ ilrlthu hose are iniets t sasni n itiet lable. W at\ e A dilie tose is the jeopirtdizigo h r~ liii ci" TIrue, ite gae "th AI ~tow litFinne oft he Aheiiasxair _h \ I lioa aie ' 1 ii cw~ e- licii lie itit ina rcs th cotes 'ptaiti blnettlit e li he i t ~ s fea tht got r a i utly- that the tras wll ntege rom tile earnit t'apetainta' d be t ut t ou wn suC' I IA IMUCNC XI, MA Y IC'l At1"; ~ ~ l t-t' il eaeini sitecial etars trott the aitnn romif lie Detroit Ittiteil it It tin Hrtot street atl :05 a. mn. 'utI _ itettortner of Packard and Siate sireets it S8: to a. itt. The party is ex- tested to be again ini.Anti arbor by 7 o'clockit the evening. The fare for ihe rotitti trip tilti tot exceed $t.3o, and tr, itilLittli e $1.3J. This excurston is op~eni tt outlibers of all tpresent and forcmter classes iniC eology and their, Irie"ttis. Itis ntceessary, however, in i~drtotdterine icthe inmber of spe- ete cas tt pesnseitntetiditig to par- ticiateinehe excrsioni, should iteclare' t irinteniitonto iisomtcettitter of the cco~ia etstt affeS before isooti tf Fridayo. Ths eci'teiakttes the iplace of the ltt1iter tttantituncedito Ridge Roast. 'the "bWiscontsin -Matgazine" has site- ltede th' l Lt"I sn ogrt trietly-titertiry, hut still cotntain ant 'ithileticideptirtmtic and ite tidvtissioits in gettertaluivecrsity subjects. hl itutcarstneatliy tand promtitply i~tt t piles it stilt you. J. I.. Skint- 'lie', GIMt es ceaetdt. 33.2 S. Stite. 'lit Cititittn afuthaslttatifun- choceI J STATE ST. A.GU.SPAL.DING t&BROS. The Spalding aot i ", , i MENTjorat'uiathtuc \ N15 sptpsnd 1pastimues. it ttuow ttroagtta Wi ta itut sit the wartd as a t Oixara.'t*et f Mai4i: 10,0rt0- Qu.ality. qt. A. G. SPALDING (wa Ffos. Chloa~o D s-oit Gyffnlasiull b11,rt ' t Irt cii itloud , c ett rit, withi ii l It~th c t 1il is. \ib I 'KjSM IAllC".b tutblI. a Al t . >> tit b)r I elt c i l 11 hlldill thc tc i i t t itortIt iti (' Its it t I'( t ta t i it ttiittrt tot ii!' Ittit l cl.,[I s ii \ lttiporaii It Ai i li tilt'adie a hi ill I) ~ l itt' t' it tit i tt ctoi bu1?t "c ll t ttsa 11ttti'i. S ole iitili'tlttiiii l ~ ~ wl c( au stheei tI 5 olI' fr nt te I Ali itot he ' 51. :2 i t a i itt it Ik~ii t lo ks li . c,st' ili itt it ab ut ab Is d Ci l tt tutl t ln.nns~ n e~ itetute tn) ii G GLV.SOLLVEo4.o rtHere is Your Fall It- It hetion1 mrciabet at ill phe rovet ai great lsat- h~t-e;tgeoogca v.ct'stI t 1at i sf on(,acton e tol n t'ch oo s your sttllstFall SuitrortOvercoatsifro nothis tr~ttll' ela o te t. oat ivt,(Uarvelosi aso tM ig ntnwoere and ~ ik 1luoltton ianothingh Cl but the varerySnewes prvcntwee: frttbcr'.i(I) t am Id s t styls and fa'ori ar Howneandwher ter'sno isthesighst ochceouetin nthing but Hhesteryuaewet r FALL HATS, FALL CAPS, 'ya FALL SHIRTS, FALL GLOVES, a FALL NECKWEAR, ' SPALDING SWEATERS c' I t hIutvs the rightf flng oat (lhe rig/t imle. 4 OPRIMTiv9.Wadlialils & Co. 8UPP~to121.123 S MAIN ST. FOOT BALL GOODS A :v thing you may need from a Lacinug Needle worth five cents to a Spalding 0ffi. cial Football worth $5.00 Gymnasium Clothing You can buy for $2.50 Gymnasium Shoes, Shirt, Trou- sers, and Bike Supporter It will pay you to see what we have to fer in this line. WAHIR'S University Bookstore 316 SOVTH STATE ST. C. [. OARIB[[ BOOKS Law Medical Denial Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law acid Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books etc. Complete line New and Sec- ondhand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Te. 71 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical: Dept fine Wath and Jeweiry Repairin HIALJ'S KIW[LLRY SIORI 216 Seouth Main S. Pomrpeitn Soap Demonistration 1.hle tmakers have sent a small stpply of this soap t givt- away o Ipurchases Pomupeian massage I Football Outfits Runnifig Shoes Sweatet Vests Jerseys And all kinds of Athletic Goots at the lowest prices. STUDENTS BOOKSTOREi STA'T sRi' Sheehan &Co. Ii Tro DETROIT 00C SpecialtIrate leaves 6.57 A. Ml. Fo ticu'rcnsualtTicket Agenti Michigan Central 11 BETTER COllEI QUICK E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. 10 I ~ r_ r Rq, a1,Ctrli Radali & Pack Prozs. I'I'oe 596 ".:- oil Waahinnton