Just the thing for hot wrat1- A Jack Knife Fountain Pen Ca'tLeak AT QUARR0 Hotel zile The best place inheCity~ Ho" to dine Service A La Garte Stunday Dinners aStecialy T. C. CAP EN, Mgr THEF'ARMER[IS AND 5MECHANICS BAKt MtAIN AND iUI)&N 5S'I' is' capital $50000 Surplus ant trofts $100.0ti0( Urura anksig Busilwss. 1 r n pi pssit isaes to in t at C.00 as tua io it. A. \V' 11, 1 v1 A . s ie''Aa ,t The Ann Arbor Savi,gs fa112 Caplss Moikssiiss.wo Pual u -si 1,0 A sGenerli Bankien tusinss F ce U~icts : sn Chs. IE. iiscos'ss'i I a . ii,arrtssas. 5ViceaPr's.; 1 . 5Fiizlaahic STATE SAVINGS DANK Wv-1. Bothsssis Tssss. ' e a Wsss. As'ss sss ir. I'V. C aughas tas. It. IWasts E'F. Mills Psat. 11. a. C(' tatss t iIfe .i Dllla shistt s'tin1a t Da re's F.5 'lits'~ ss s FIRST NATIOINA L lANKf F ti.NNIsN'ss fl i sst) c ' l Caiat V0.0. iis a nds~ CLAS'SIFlED) ADVERTISING - ss i ~ 11;1toi s a'cts f li s ln l I ll t rI l I, i 55 l t i I-"i ~ l, i. l i as3i2i1- IF tti-C is t rs. oilt 1 I 7 r ii 1 !I I M II is 't 4 Y' i. Ti 'iss C.fit- "slssss'ai a°t ItS tltlttAN LAItY1' The rela utticia sfo l55 l i th 'I l . l ' th \i 'i s ' "it I1eil s '5 i ii lls J n Nt'a rat'Lsakes t isaI's iea ad yo willenja- c. GreataLaks areeachedacsregal~slI Linses. Thsestelame stcamaers of i csafosrt.The Ua'tcsl W55 sIr . Tickets reading via any, s_ si Cevel'and are available forlat v direction. ThecD. &C.Lakc Lies'opera s Detsoat asndCleenad.,fssus Isanasnd way portsadts..s aadnsay ports. A Clesvelansd tio Jace 25 ta Septesmbe 0,lleac Dstsit sssrcate eery tripsan'daS Special daylight tripsbeacsIsis s Sendt2-censamsp insills11 a Adlss' L. G.LWIZ P. H. MCMILLAN, PRES. NMe _.as atlst, islsentc apr n o t fthec sfts D.s'C.Lake clcoincstrus'ction, '55 51 so, Detcoitand i. cstrs in either '-totMakinac Hy CitySaginaw s isbe operatdlfrom 55 Slial s , stopping at 2 v' s uly and August. is s les ap. A.5 ATZ, GlEN. MGR. t'I lpttre O.T -.A" st fii'i 5 5for5tl l iicllaof iii wr VC I I c ilstc i l v ,' is i ill iio l i clss la c ills ii al rtoiss i sr DSI s AsND stiAs'Ntas ,,I S.S~tlte St. 21cl lpit I lAOpaicshi sicfo awil 5 5 5 5 IMai .- I ls"I 1 i 5'l ,r l~ i 1 ,'a " il Ii l- ; i1l m is ' f11' hi)'s 'l <'1 l 5 5' 1ll lit You can't sayssslt tter or not anx;1ssac is ecosnoiical till it'osrn out. 'Fry the wear of FOWNlE S ti fo c s sillar s. ') 1 1'' a W e ' a c° all . c' ' IsI t~ie'shal o X11 Is , 1isss'''.'1 Isce;t l ,ic ; >E ttFtO ts 't Ci. Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurantl Chinelse a neys 5Diss, Ottis 155 zi irt a sfiltl Istalclas oladis .il 55 Cla e t all ei n Attss 5555 r. 314 S. STATE tS. .. IRowe's Laundry { THOMAS ROWE, Ptrop. I 320 N. Filth Ate. N(s w P'tssnss45755[sIt'll ssho se I's IAT TUTTLE & CO.j Luinch Room Yoa can tintd a fine lite o o 055 iSsonls aY s'_ato the a L~ aundry? is seei - I ossr- ss Coo_ r isi cs ii rsliss Theisy .ss sir I sisi is m a s coltrs. Aboltly, o cn Tssces 0. "_. t e te a2 '5v a is~e, s l fit, 352 ,:.'I, s ES., UPSTAIRS c I S' illk re 'll'S 5 AIi I Yoxx car, get '51 '1141" N Ev e Iigec("ITi 1 ' A bunch of shirt. F ; f Panquets, Dances, Receptions arrgeand Country Club O t r ;: SCasrd s is f Im- 1%S f i s1 ' s i 'Ii4'i lila s \.C A. zo dli. a 1 Isals .')m) SSas *N oi 0Iiis m1555 I'. 1.11'l 1.21(1floo.1 ' . We give satisfyactior. C oseanid see ins And Jnst What You Have Bectt Waiting IFtr $LOO ii 5 5_ I mow, IBaggage Sififo a te ' ; I Is W. Dailey 14b7 L L. A. Piii. s CREELY SAID, "Young Manr oWt HILL SAYS, "G o To Oregon" I's a land of promise to t Owtmen. Rltableiinfo'sttio ncan betshad frasm The rgeonilIe and Tryst . ALBANY, COREGON-0 ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBERI SHOD' 'Ipsi~ Eet ic, W it lgl' GEGO. V. STROLL,. Proprietor 55' , 15~ I.S.ate 1:W ~c 1t. l' s 25 Gesnte s ' s'ssarliodto 1r c v i 11.stoacollecttcash L1I11T[VASSAR GIRLS q TONIGHT Co ngCIANTI3CLER Detroit United Lines ()t s isIis~isli t kiion lIi ei; erils'silSlenss I. lsil ti,ofsthS.ss' I,'lsoill s)its I sai ss l>} I icl - ofi ii 1 i'st 'is antilat ionliisio l ci 5is veis cl i Issn(1111 I tse s i s cis' i ii ts ' isis' as'sice's.o 11,3V rot 55of1 s ts s to orI ii' oIll's' III, Ashrextra cars and extra sernice will be promptly supplied. E r FRAJERNTI !', Siler inksaa ts- I 8 192- 21is.5 Fobs Scarf F . _$4,$5,$6 ____ SI tii )1S WM.t ARNOL' O iL5'c 2'5 }IIi IsICjL. I- I LLV ZV16lii 17i iiial . ca ca.a _ SS .. . _. _. ... s I .CisO'era Ca.; Biss' i F . . A .. '' '' " ' lei ..: ... , i a -y .:.. . 5 FlI t. Itic tock li arTleass tracli Portrait :Studio- 3-19 Last .,rOJ 'tree