I C TM IT iCAN?4rnA 1, V ______________ M _, ..: .-. , .,rte, , _. _.. _. - THE AI",cAlIt ,N Sprin~g and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Eclusvs COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious - IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Eaminain G. H. Wild Comfpanly TAILORS 311 So. STATE STREET CLINTON 'ae pr u The "SLI PEASY" UTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAND "C LI N TON" BUTTON EAISILY AN SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 155 2 for 250 WMBARKER 02 MAKERS. Sold in Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Sae Srnt A. G. SPALDING & BROS. are elarget man- j actrersin thesold TrCa-Marl of OFCIALE QUIP- M BNT,o r l lteti c 4g1IIVQ sportand patme. l p I'youuuare interet- 4 _ ed in Athletic Spol y.touhould htreO copy 90 N ,' of the Spaldin Ca- aeg aloatue. Ieu co)mplt otc tloutot eneyelpeda of the world as a WbtoNwiSpr Gu~rante of and i set free on e '- A. G. SPALDING fem. BROS. Chicoija Detroit Base Ball Goods Nt ow that the season is here yot will need a supply O Iao Ball (Goodu Mitts, 25c to $8.00 Gloves, 25c to $3.00 Golf Good Wet'are telet aii getsttfor Crawford McGregor GolClubs, Gol Bags Balls and Supplies Slheehan & CO. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE But tsc llttra li~ti 1.{a Athletic 1 lit r I..AVt te- . A ssitail.... .... r iiu1 i . IM I xl'tt","s < lid iles.... lImi I slIt ()t 1 (;. At \\t ntilt I I).I 'lic, 1Itl Fll ';tl ., i i..lc l ;t l ii I ',, t 1 'I i I I a i i { r.; ii i i?_; i 'cit i ' t l Il i'i 1 4 i i ) f'II t1 er'ft Rfl ill(1ama t l e'ril ' iii I 1 tiEli' iilp s ii s]i'- (j< i itI IIIItt lc i *I 1 ii Ili( l cioIle 4i'i FiD ITM'it Alit, Millet' 40dtIt,: Stit'.Iiwfltut Mt'cSt ;littic 1)t c Afht'crill, ltcc Al ccttliZ, IIclahhog, acettttit ,,ct the jutioirt'girls' tpiay, given ::et:: that te judges awardi edth le " As cstt"t'prize toi Auto Saralt Sctlrititil Ri. \l. T'lit acgivtt etnlte prie offierced bi ft ' ttt1titittt tforitheihestlii c '11 c Vsi ar(ti isLad ill lie the ctar catttation atItteM'atectic thtler toniighut. Ait tt Is mtake upthlle actt andt they- give mttii Ietetat iningtier- fort'tcie. Pltayigion different u stiiical thece girls presenttitte of the liect icts ini vuduueville. Aside Itromtthe it' abiliti act thtis urtic to tcc omndceti ci isth t of Iccfi iGrant te imiciinli ltirruc llII c1. M Ak lc ya. lrnk Pit ith ((t Iaw!11 IIarrvte N P r Iltatlic II.. lcittuttlet. M . to l c Franktc hA. Altrpihli. Irl o~i~ BUSINESS STAFF C.A . btr lt maAnlg. Nr a 1 il cci lt lM r tititl hllae II ti tree t.ti Iii i) iisii i 1 ii alli iii. cliiAs it ii ). 1Il p mc TI RAi Al UNIVI,'PSII A LE D R W :;h~lt attd I if ion's stcir line of' RACK ETS Ack to see thoe "Chtanpion"t at $4.00; the liittlilell' at A5.iothellt "Pittt' atiX7.00o, withiterpccroot iifce at clt0 Restringing Rackets WXill tttckeyottt Racketlgooci sc tteu=, tf yttoretllleave it wiltotc for one week. BASE BALL GOODS A. G. Sptalding &lBrois. con- piete lime. ,'etrycattiele gItiaatceil. University Bookstore E'Alit ctii 1;.. .. . ..Sc um n s ratatcc it ut ' Ictttutod Ild al adcitt all IA c. '' Ii IIll (\vIi ciii _ndIIte ald icelo; ap hcio, tcp. trrytelcler to iic'ttttc ii to c'he laifecli (i. .. . . .. i.. . . .. . ..ia-I iec it11 r lei theiifamousii It t ti l c -' Mr's. IAlai-' Iiit I ci ii Iller.t 'tht ictit 1icycles, wall: thei tighttre' Al 't I tlll an Sa u l IIa p ie l ttit tilatictimesiuthlg NA ' L'llv r 1yh l, l~reani ct t 1.tt i ss lt" I ii)c Alert.t~ i .Al~lrc ~i et., ault' bal ;a t 'hr- i i t ic2:, Ait to -h c hitii it t ar ciitCy Al~t-9 J no ~i lic M av 1-0 11'.1-111 t ,Iilii a l : 3 1 13 -S I t t ''V . l ii 1 t'lltc SIntit ti it ic 'i i M t tion cr I"\i HR i'cl tll o t aciii cl' t a 1 it j(ii' Ii t) l 11cic u4 lt UCi PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST. Netldooir tott stiuSehto f Musi i. iirr MUSIC FROM "6The Love Cure" Sheet Music Scores Piano Selections it X11 C t rc <1 I <'t Gtr 'Uli 1 till 111 are .o. s+ Alsnobe latest in New York and Chicago Operatic Blits 'New "Royal" Line to Europe Sai ing lernm Montreal ar~J Quebec to Bristol Triple Turbine Express Steamships andOYAL EDWARD" and YAL_ EGEORGE"9 Ttl Screwcs, Malcreoni Wireless, Decp Set Telephones, Pacsenger Elevators tic ' n-er ek', 12,000 Iris. I,-':_Eitteltt will inaugure ti. fortniightlyoservice otithe - - ' aia oc _e~nlipLimiterd-T Royalie-loom Montreal "..d.Qi cii' o cI t'teusiyMay 2 Th t, 1>1 1St?_c oyadwa it's ndt e "RoyaGet orge, "are the f t ti r'l srNvt ho.in otto ntl Cir aiaa serce.e Tue aritish por 7 ';~sol tw )lur nat ce thano ' 'roe). 5p icl Royal Line he c ' ittIA es1 msoles cof Lonon'.o 'esteociect re d'ivcc hylthe newet type ofti leergines,isureingontooimom Best epotrtcl tclsped'td mtcirttcc irtion. Their equip- stea.ners.mentis tcheie ee seeo to the St. Lawrence -liege stateroomso, spaciots socal apaetments, IhmotPie- stcltered promenad~e clc,cotstic foeoish- toresqu e :.togs, pefctcttcvceoand ct iitie hy 012y Icj~~r themotnttsyteteireshieing WM. PHILLIPS Atitiny",'! ralt l atiattr I LYNDON tLt a r t Aelst s o R. E. JOVLL Y' S 308 S. STA TE STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars aclid Cigarettes. j it(±, ia, i t h it tl Acti iten t ltk-B. I iire sittittld ' ~n'lt to htte Ppr Dri rlkina, cups ,. I ALKIMU) Druggist 224 S. State St. REM * It doesn't coal you any more tor Better Pieturts Better Flashlights Better Developing Better Printing Better Enlargemients Better Photo Supplies «'HEN Y01* f;O To l Ds- A. KILLINS NIMil hAtI t AItcttT HARD)WAREi STYORE~ REjACHI Baseball Goods, Roller Skates, and Rifles. PHIONEIS Bell Phsone 1610 Homse 212 Sloe 121 Wasbogton t. RAN DAIL & PACR7, Photographers I'bole 59 1