IRt MICHIGAN DATI Y CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING \tV'I ED. just the thing for oat -eatfier -A - Jack Knife Fountain Pen tlk ast tL/ IIC to tis rass z N Ch ttIl iiN i T I11L'(=I; surf apist Sttl Sets iistth t t siiz} II thes - , 1 ist - d a rc,,o n lr~ l . I rowttt61os1 cnrS str Nits N, tsrIa~v 14%. fCI1II [RENT i , Q. Tuc',( ft ncl to i AT s-i-ll r QUARRYS Hotel Whitiley The best place in the City. to dine Service A La Carte r Sunday Dinners a Specialty r Tr. C. CAP3EN, Xgr fitI [AtNRS AND MMIt~ltCiS DOAV"s MAIN ANI) HUROI~N SS I t ;tS -% Capital $50,000 Surpltut ant Pstsits $10t0.0tt (Jeaeraal3-aatsttt ttsiess iis te ct- paidSS5ts oTieme ansd Sattng, slptsi-tts Sfety 1)e pati t s t etni.tttatssttssaast I. A. tsLIAS.. (tstats F' T. SOi: A ~tS t The Ann Arbor Savings Hank Capitl stats Sst.uo r st ,:u.. A General Bantking Busnss 1ssansactet Urricesas Chas. E. Ifitcoots is t 'A; 1 llt-rnimnt, Vtice ttros. St. t1. tzat s hiat STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. BoothI Jnoa. V. -Sea Wit. Arnoatd Dr. V. C. Vasst au tsns. It. tW ade I+ I{. ttlst Joilt 1Itaser tJno.Kc Proat H. S. Carhi S t isr St tts .5a - Chrsttans Matin i ta P. st i ts stti FIRST NATIONAL BANN ,F5. 1). KI~NNIS ItARSW tsSttN -5 tV. CItA ltSOtN, tahrat a Caitlt.100,t000t. Surplstt eat Prits ?60,0()Ot. eCl a -rert ' iIt a yued S .vicigs Cor.Mert.tcis'-d LbertvStreets 1S t_)Itl )I11 ' (711 ;T. Ii i 1 it ? c°?i erat i lt'I ,111t -tmiitst issi fat ,p tsaly st s-d or a rtiv t fu ns het Ccr , l eiitttt -ts tl w - « sIrs '.'l iSc wel to reins a d flrliah t Itilt hs ls )h clt e r cli 'i<; ; ;' . ', - ;+% ': _ : : ,;-i '''6, G= i, ': F ' i . . ,4' ITTaxt:5j taofitattleast, isspeaat on s assa trip in Aanr- ca, porant po t fthe j E sab1. aa"ar:ofteD C.Lake iN aiS iNl as 1 a d s -c5 s al atsafety-and aaomfort. T5eU: dy-tf is Tte~551 rsaedi~ at a s s Ii.5 s ajt~nattDetroit and eitie aisil aear e t ttlir s aI i ete imers an either TieaD.DC asC. ss; tr uMinesssaaDtroittandBuffalo, Det s ra lvead 1T aleoDetraiMacktinac lttcrslead tsray pertt asni# trtatBey CtySagintaw andiway parts, A>C1' sssssiibeaaperateadfroem _ . f5 t Sons. 55 1 -St S Mas ae, stopping at :isaasSsras s- ~ a t trip. is~all OtiS~l te~ Sr a. l~Itt s sadsi LiJly and August. . 7sc-ats tvss a as maiip. ? l . t0ristiLAsN a55A.SNSNTGEN. MGR. lilti. N l (lt r Tye 1;t'i tia. x,1 wl-S Iii. RN1SE) 147 5.5- ovrorrptircI sit he I t I'-,I 11Y wII i'ts t s % tl~ I ls 5 c55 5it t c:' I~n~ s tls t I St e s tt S c ii. . ChineseChop-Suey"' A 'curPrt <1'1i 'rtitS 1(ist i }'l S , cins S V a t ises t G. ttii}i slit is I ltr iiilttsl s Sstss ts ts S S I 7)' ~ t >iI314 S. STArc'TICC )!'SI1!\''C~ Rowe's Laurdt - T_ THOMAS IROWS1, -'iP St 55 5326 N. F-Sth sat l its I, ,t itict Nrsw Stsnetr 5ist 5 - S T ista- ITIIS N TIE r i -kalciat Ills fN al I so I iec idia c t 11 toci \C al i s I{1 l c sssitr ll'itl ° sillh .1tI t -st ;I)S. NItie St., s211di tissr.t)s all Opeatic Msiclfotr e-si Nt Sollta s's 1s Itatuse, s-i 7t.9111. hlass Std choicet ofsveries.i is 20' I. ,1) t sisStt. il'lis~l s< id s alti of ite cal W s "A ll 1lC1'- St Stl,;r V dilist ' ad. 30S. St 'ssi11s Wi. S ott. 702 ISis '1. I AT TUTTLE' C0 C Youa tan findati ne Ie lS Sitsss 5 st tCrti' oxx ar% get tt Iions EVANSTON wthttooleal NEWT - gil enough for S c~ omfort and - Io slide in. SiTATEIST., UP~STAI'RS tiV- ipto kt Cea acd see usn it Its S t I- tttt1p r lstX- ttssL Negligee Sirts S' A bunch of shirts ~111E o Sf SAGNER & CO. Statn SI.- And inst What You Have Been Waitingt For Wes give stnafae W'Cctid q t Silver I-in < y I-ohs SsaRif . WIVI. A RNIOLIJ,