ANN& Aoswftl Y .t Tli I c I Vol,. XX. WOLVERINES HAVE ;r1r~ll GREAT RELAYT In Only an Accident Hinder ed the it> Quarter Mile Squad From Ar11e1 Taking First wlm~ TRAINING TABLE. BEGAN MIONDAY 4 >t 1: .11011111111101 00111 laSp of 11 the mile 111 TOla w ii nth i~m s 10111 e Iv mei le rea1111ad llm ~u - \\h dal t er ml Mihia sn N rIr qurermtrst heQ reqc11i kr who c Ie I th 1~al and in th1 gn 11f1 DietrFtzarcth U0 0 0 N i al f1111111 'h~lth o ei a: , i Compute1 Itw ,te1l~rc ~ 111111i1> s ev r s en o cr -t f e d O W an1 brin acdets11c rae1V1u~ %NN ARB~OR,, N11C'ItGAN, ''1 >lI .N 1A AX fSTi) AVNII Il IIsiT II .1\'lUI T1S. ill1Dtr 1itoil Iayt tlth11 11 t / 11'c ll ma e Aih h \ 1Y1)c~i of 7 ce11 icts110cr 111 ttclltln', thc gall1c. 111 f{ It' t th sai ll ae >arn latall an rce ofctdX.Supper co]- 11r~r Tirsay vcinI >111 11 K~crand ~ am nlilin il i1 l' ')1 1 t1 III 10-n l (II li s cI 1 on iine> itc1 f M ttin ll, 1. 0lc 111tr< 1111cla s 1of llo0>kill i)i- s riI c11 00 1 1n he tn 1e - I , s l~ltr Ils pla to l a 11thi l? a Iittl gclilax f al inf rma SPRING CONTEST 1RANIN LEADERS NAMED I.. Two Councilmen Will be Given tt111111 Charge of Fach Underclass ud,.: Contest th NO SUBSTUTE FOR BAG FIGHT oII 11111e Ncpcsctattesof achcla ca 1th an~ttt cliccti,; c3 arti ilttc in l 'c I t c l No. 146. 11\l 01HAKLETON COMES tt FRIDAY FOR S. L.As :ts ,ar ,cl ld Famous Pnglish Polar Explorer wil Ipl a Cc0 >> o Will Talk About His Work lit, 1"il 1II"-in Fa So t 111W,; Far1 South !11'.1" 1 , 1 3. C i ts ill flCI '-1 1 11I l'ei tl \ IN l;e ciccdcd later in li t?;c 111' i;'rcl. s:.11e1t ii1 _. ; , t1 c rc<.i? .111 1 f ;1 It is M !' 17, 1.t1 lllk° Trc°41-si P' .1;c' 1ia: l ec11 Cl 3fi;r _Bits lid. 111111 1 1:11(iCrgo ,1 1111Watl(m hciorc t1,e; will be t'()ilIPc1(' 111 lC' tit'1'1',' ll_1,1 c11i'r;rccdc '1'l.c, 11"a', 11c t, tl'c° v., it1I1<15i11t11 11 t171 eistory ''rof hesor will go to Wscota1)is~c t A Imii11c'ei 11 td the11 m dl. Mg t1111111 s 1111> 1 ' I siI rl 1ml 01111d( Tway te imsm d1 "in 11' t ted - 'c11 1 1111 'riwt1tis1n 11 cmi-l l~o.1,1111,11 11111111>111 > 10111us1 tin 1c lc~c ,cshvll 1111 l11 II 1.111- Proessr illgo o ilonsi11n ['rr1 t car rcd rtc _, la M 1 1 il pr NN s~cr. 1 1~lai ti i ' n l ot it? i !=e, Il;il;: t (,qtr; Mct ':il t'Fr in&, \rtc V(ir!: art elca!er. Ti' Wye gallz y will toanin tit _tlrr r t>m s will l)c «ith (.il PICTURES TO ILLUSTRATE TALK Sir1ErnsIt.i Shack 1 lootBritain's illstouth11pol1e, antt wh11000gra- ph0ic ection11101111iso etperietces has cl11011111o.10s1of oar ceiloraion, 111111"' 0Si1 1 '01100111has100011fiatuitrecd 1110 Ie igure101 111111he 'program offered I~ l-Stttet, IIIect111r00Assoiatoi. It 11, llthy of1111wc111111the manage- niec( oftheS. L .1.hadsomletigto du wit ntakng Si L ttnssvisit to 110.1 1 poiltity, havsig etteredl 111110 ,tatcisihbhimiiibefore his 11011 'olttto 1111o 1c11010ste Atlantic on 1111. ol tos accompaied1101otthis otte Ib' I wit SI >1011.Ito ad teir little so. \ii111 11the 111princitlcities of the United ;1111100are11 111 tvisied by the great 1 XI'ot11111d le isiteetng with tmost ttttusitltisucces>s0 11011uahthis remarkable Lowr1 s letuer le miakes use of 11>111111 10>0> it 1110letuolre, as well moill'pictu11100 tf iis part)' it the Ntatt (, J0heltr il be tsec as well (011101111110111n i iife echatical 1111>11 '11> canIl itosocuedanditisalled.> Marquis dlo Fon1tenot~t', sritinig front 1?,l oteNwYri Tribunite sas oftevistof11 Sir E1netoto Aerica:1 "If TtErnetot Slb l1.ion ttis osset- Iue[ nlect1ur11e1tou11r1it.ntmerica, it is 11l ~«mecear ojciniiiview; tnor isthe o'lo :toturn1111iot>sucess ito co- '11 ot X11111 ntatt 1Itc ploraionto1 )cmi acon for11his 0000persotat I~cnc0 Whe l 1e001011ok lis last ~c.,,001111101111111 ie ail to tbear. 1:c ntic I-m tof risig the Inecessary' moe, lmntin t oaboit $3000o0. I tis1110 000 1100 furnished ottright 111>himself1andhis twife aitch by teir reaivs Thermainr swas advatced by Lom1 n banks1on thie garatee of friend, hithad onftience ittis star> t en heo returned,(1 after thaig 11101 111 111111 iheogeograpical Soutth ,',l, th0Briis"oteititetin 1token of11111a10ir11i111 atiborizect a grant from111the teasuttyof $iooooo. This left illwith1netlt $100000 to repay> Part , tis um e hs aredty traised by 11111111> inltho United tKngdotmiand on theCo011001 ofIltop00111t istow ithothet , ntom 0,000,ootohatt Iteoito1toss le- - ln~muh a he i ringinitg out at l his (mil c1101 tos10111' reports f (hoselectr 11il b1satofacorytl tasi th 111. c itt 1>1 hasi beto ,it ti fet ll the Sir I.rncst i, i osword, loctu111 iii11.ere for rancithe sau1t10resonta the lte Gorge 11100m Cutis iand \iar Tv~in; hat itt511)' witto the of t l:f ti1>11' th i ti e tedtetsttoso i po- -o it uingI1 ven1 turets',ofor teir oswnm e r111010000 itofrc I ndscetiicwrl, n 111-i 1111 h; (''I( it 1 11 01CI11111111b the hI11C Iw~i tt wsit(.n 11 111 i~ ll< l o I > I > t i l rc 1 (cn 01l01 l a 1t coil' (tilt'c 11>011 .1' I 0l'i Itc t' II a s(t Ico cf () tir 1i 01111101 , illsrilt BUY Trlli NEW G argoyle lOc Classiest Nutmber Yet Prtoduced 111 t 1 will l it, ittt}a«rs l ttcr ltt irm1wr i f tickrts :r hun lrt cl, c3i t11 men IIcl < kt 'titer 11.1(111' 75 cti I t ('"tt }1 t n t f lll idle fcA I wil s; l RITSWIS : Vwto] 1 1 ill, I ,ttl erine rlr ,li , 1',l'iltlti w d C. C. Fy I'i- heel ycsicr 111-1 u, la the ldd rc "f i't 111(2 111111 11 On Sale at Campus Storesltt1011111