TIlE ' MICII 18 oN 'I1.0 Sprinhg and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Eclusie COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonos - IN- Suitings, Vesiings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Eaninaion G, H. Wild Company TAILORS 311 S0. STATE STREET CLINTON - Tfhe'1SLI £EA Y" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKE R Bpi AD "CLI N TON" BUTTON EASILY A- SIT PERFECTO' MADE Or LINEN. BiAPIO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUAURTER SIZES 1 50 2 for 255l WI-MBARKER 02 NHAKER__. Sold lo An Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Stoe Sret A. G.SPALDINGI & BROS. r11 N.) dg re thelarges au The SIUCIl lnlacrers in the world Trad-tak oIOFFICIALE QUIP MlNT,orlltltic ,?015 spors sd pstiomr. (i A d Il 1 o If eel are neiel"- a ed in AlOleli Coo - , y000ollolhterdh re oly/ 90E-Iy of the Saldil Ct- kesollloletil of i1 oooo asa bo Wht'01101 s 'Nw n sorr th10worldl asa '"Gu ra te. of mot eloeen freo re- Quao.lty. oueo. 0A. . SPALDING . LBROS. Chicagdo Detoint Base Ball Goods o ttt he' 0100 on0(is0he Yll1 oill noed ii c1pply (of Boso Ball Goods Mitts, 25c to $8.00 Gloves, 25c to $3.00 Golf Goods We ae te le e1110fo1 Crawford McGregor GolClubs, ColBags Balls and Supplies Sheehan & .Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 11 3~yu )a .1Looa il,0 dolri LEF01 A 11 HIE.000.5a5fe j1 ii .1. t 11re .Oillros 'it 11100 1 \i1.1 oss811., ilio i'3l101a1l CA~1011SReL. 11.11O10 111 11 111 01111 11a111 11L:31 10111511111 Bosilos \oofowt, fo1011r 001)0ss:1111111101 D 110111 r1s11 Bd.-.,5l 0011, 1 0a cap. Nfies ousEdi nalnr - 11110-,1-2 1p.1 Asi. andot . . 011 1 . 'In. 111111 Busie ss Taa11111, 18P.Il. Iroolllo n e looc~l~gos otol lii't isI 1cal: Lyoee L.Sundy. oth phones. 1oo Arih OR . frta0oc:~ hi 1111311 10UN, C1 )LUT'ED 11)L11 BY tNII NIOIIT1-I. 'czfiiedfom Pane 1.7 iiek ok ''01211 r1theI we000 wasti d Oslooth liCam.'pbell1 and I.1 Oni the otia i rst-0 roll'1 N011110 Imade111themioowe0010loll o,] ilcll titi ii 1 ii 1'v ii) Im0li, n h il l ii 11110 0 s1kiodlto loll. 'c 1the 110011' 00101 0' Afte theo l thlirdl chigani. ' o n 01 lch slii hIi' ii'c'r. '11he I lolscore 1was 11. ho'ca1pain's 1011 ,oth- t1he i't 11000 ocill )1 1 0 v~c~ lii i1st1100 1 0'all ', k i I11 t1 101(1 00111-S1\'C II 010 te1 ;tn sf let't11h'ey11 O'lIi' wa ls sent0 too theo 1101100 line0'11 Smith11's iglace' 0ill' ninth and1hldoltie ll' eve '11l'nes lhitless. Th core01' M311-11011 1. Wallther, If I 1 0 olilo11l . .1111 '''. .. .. ..., P 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II I 0 r n r 0 r (7 C? I O O Co 7 T 3 1? 0 0 0 0 I c o 0111111 o 0,(((((( W right oi 2e1101 1iO ln lr ol 11100 of RAC1K ETS Ask to see tile ''Champon" at $4.00;:the "'aolllplell ' lt $15.00:;ithe Pille' at 57.00, with svaterproof case at Soo. Restringing Rackets WVi 111100y0111'Racket good as 1100w, if 101youilleavoeeit withitslbfor 111e0 week. BASE BALL GOODS A.. G. Spolding S& Bros. corn- Plote 11010.hEvers artic1e uaran01teed. act, 01001 . Ii ii V 0 oii i ss ola 00111().10 C tliil' ()lf i 0 I 1). .0. IIIII 1',110. I. 3 .. 01 i l. A, I litto_.r . 01 NIlloh no .0 lor tI loirro 1. ac Ror i Firnk P n1l. loto l farm30 . G1110 N110 r. 0 0 i . Chrls I, o1lal' r M T homc BUSINESS STAFF I 1' 11* )m111CII(IatI( , 5-1 111 the ,110 'he 00-(ii 0 ) 010'f1t' retrn ari e 101 n(0 T.,1?0O:1 '00.0001. T00 0 2C 0 1u 1'1'than the r (1l 11 Ii 00'' 0 11 1111 0 l ofidays i l e o' .'oool1c L110 Cans-i 41. li is. lloolo u t lll the 0() in t he lmk w ic 'oioo'o-sits-lhalll 1 l0''0 to) 1 oatto 1t( '\EE-T Lunaches, Tobbalcco, Cigars and Cigar ettes. Ololo hay 1110 the 11lLoist ilo$00'id l' ill fist lhPoilsiis o h 0I~t oo l li1illo o f s,;Guld,0101011),000., irl.'' c r l )a>oo at =ra .l tolo 0 lsolo 1hal, (o otlitotlol 1 Ott krial :is F, i I ooi I C'ooolo' Mt\-, I io t oid a l, I .'o lI (,t.'too 1101 :11 )b1111 oO 100k $1.'e ii 1.0[l I s t i s 7 .'0t I 0 M C &- 0.Banquets, Dances, Receptions Country Club Orchestra W. Dailey I'.. A. Blohacket 1467 1L 823 ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP 1.0sie Iet to Wa' ting: R(l oo~ lro GEO. V. STOLL. Proprietor MIOE'S BARBER SHOP 706 North University Ave. O. A. MOE. NT 1I 81 . A1lboolit o'sloolos iloth i te ol 00Ot 01. ]00. (0 0 lt ot il00 00. 01001 1 o 110011 1.0 i>t 3100100av oil. 120) 1-14. 1- 1113 01n1 oll Operatice ltosic tor saeI0 1 el'otSots's Moto Loset, 1101 7. laion So. 9111. 5er/._"iIh0 lot' 1 ooo 7 oloos .0 ''0011 7 7'oo.. 711110' et -quar1000 Slto1 tt ooiooSos ooo 001. D. A. KILLINS HARD~WARE SI-ORk RE13ACH1- Baseball Goofs, Roller Skates, and Rifles. PHIONEIS B,--I1 Phon', 1610 Noome 212 Blue tuhiversit ?Ba - Y iouse m u~r. 1'11J. fiM.lizot PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST . N lt doort1,) C1 ooo':40/lot o'looo'of Musico. MUSIC FROM "The Love Cure" Sheet Music Scores Piano Selections Alsa the latest in v Vok ad Cicao OeraicHits ~$itN3 ?Busic 1f0us e STR1AWBERRIES ARE RIPE AT CALKINS' 1 ooos thou"1 t1i1l" 000 0110101 is wa1sh11 0leantti110ht t er t 00 ri 1 r11000i1 off. 324 1South State Street .105 12l 1Washliton t. RANDAjLeL & P12 :, Photographers Phonue 598