NT N RBOR, MIICHIGAN, iS \TU AAI'k t f ;o,111. i0)rno. Vol-. XX. No. 144. HOME RUN CL OUTED J' 1I,:UIl; I A"I OUT BY ENZENROT 'lc cInlre ccrtr teJ1-crtr Western Reserve Offers Sma! Difficulty to Rickey's Ball Tossers METHODISTS PLAY HERB TODA Micehigain gathered motler , iet~ uinto herself oil the Fsen field1 In F dar afternonon, \1Vesierii Reserve (ins ing on)i the short eind of< 301 o c The Clesvelanlers mntch tintsed pistc heldl the 44lvsittnses to six lilts isis1i cointrol wa's toelfsit, liut his supttl w wohbbly in te etrem andti suit ills players hit -, lie lists wr cd Miechigan' s stir twirler gv nt -4 greatt eltilbitit tf isox Nv: th sti ingta sebe sit the 5 tsb of Sithl hsis lutg his opiiinests is tiv is sf l sies fildstin Iis teost ii ini stilla sty-i CAPTAIN KNl' K o'esss'sv hush lee ini the fift ssississ Its coui ;I salt ovr the Isf i le' hids cosmpletisng the circuit tss sue it \ iasr turisnId. The eire is e pi upai p feet exhibtioni il thes sieldil en 'Three tiiiies smisltspae vs ti wtere iseaslt isir lists suit I~oo si Marilin pillest lift stients t stli itrossis. ll, sit the niea i le s its -I'i thsemtselvs sit hveymcalivei sdestite the esyeleltst sti;rk f h ' trs severa l chill's \viii ad it, th is w ir h nc. I)a1C sei ls i l ses, afe los i t ssen ('baitsman sa sh ts ac ~' let Setill) list isir tit11 ilill( sli t l,; fieldedi still. I'lie coac is el Isis tn 1tsse tii the eightht, seninsgt;s liii' .1st i ensginser showedt ithimsisf aIichll lby slasingi"ii ot a'i otis''t upt he l t' sk ill 5555 riii riglii tiii li gist itt lte tussle: ini titu to sult dto Isa lo ddists ito Iis crtr lT'e 44ss-sssims v- ithe it tcs 5.seodinni 55155 n tits re saf dii Wtt'o stslnbssadtlC'err ~ ontheo~l lestfrait ce hti silts the' ceerii Helders-i list scit wic a 1n 1 sa Itd fosit r's n-- t tsp its.r m d' n t e liv' use,\ %dlich ~ isi is crd h et sees' te in tire tpreliminaryi' cull 4 lelit I' lc l L is ight t. le' r it e tured sliest, f? o .Thte ill(li I)I- vios t thedebae, he ti s ttle Lierr sssstss ty edS hir I-ntt 41 Xii: riii tent s . A o Y r c re tsiet A .55 1 L . i k v s~c e a v r'it It ll~a et illllsi 'ils 55 silsllies-5 i iIsit tsslss'ssn SURPRISE MAY BE SPRUNG IN RELAY Reports from Philadelphia Are All Favorable--Pennsy is Favorite GOOD WEATHER IS PROPHESIED lute. Pl-ik, i11'1is r al s 1 ecilid ow ist' Irpt st "'h iss sirt << lli " t be i sltir' ihe I), lia i l. I c itsr. . 0. Ttc'Ci , FRENCH PLAY MET t rl WITH HIGH FAVOR tesasts Ise W. Ii.. 111(I111 isls 0, iil ENGINEERS MAY MADE TRIP Planoed to inspect Power Plants at i "Le Malade" Takes its Place on the History of Dramatic Endeavor TOMS THE PARTICULAR STAR iSsseeess crowvdedsthte efforts of the ecrces' I theis ini its pus entatiost of "Ife .41 sdeIt aiare tthe Whlitniey itseastre Iast eveninsssg. Thsestajority of tile setcas eicd srdtabule toni- sin(] If lviii Isasuithlisnes were tde- live rest itelligenitly.To the sanalage- lntgret crisesit is lise frecatrefitl al- 1C1ti stto etails un stagsig the coediy. Th sies wr riin ais drdedl maeily tsatmo spslheireof lihe Niagara Falls >il l p ( iXl 1r~ F Il is ,i l ilt' WC ri lhad i thiattir' plate-s ,"1 ieor, tesir ap 'Illc5'aI t f he h'l:rlt'l wais,15 a iplc-t))i ne ( 5155511555 )\ iCrl .tll- 555 mot'1 lsI rs I cii . h iss 5111le pk - i:. ills l clc t n te intcrills ils i f tir 1k-5c l ii I s and Ov sitr s wasli ihe.i i' F T i'~'us I sI' ts s' s Itsit 40 ed atnih.\ sswIll Itt 'dd trit ; n m rhi- utl )f alsn tha hi, rrhr h I lst c i n I Th gavitt m-r th [glit 17 a r; ftl C1il'i) l i. c ,,lr i 11 5 1>> I nil))I clul)l :I t1:l1 feed. 111 SS h() r I-tt al1 (1 t111 C I'IIi ::catinl :u' ' V,'11t, n to th seni(w girls A the C )M t'r h iii t lkulnwr g"tililtt4imn I)arh)rs this afta MAM. Over t {) hu=.lclro'd 11.( t, it) P1, 01A F()rmer R, ,;ent l;;trlx ttr will the -1hot nua Canal S A i m I h I arknir rowmak vkh"I A- [sti;; unt 1 W C:Orlicd 11t 11 t i?1 itti rc tI kr 111tOiI 1 i11 t11e : 31>1I \21 rt)t n t f11(' ck. t 11t ( I11ct ('rittclldc i Twall), racc I -clo, 1 Gc r ;; :Ancccltitc s, llri .N:ATIO\.i1, CONV1 "1 t> clclc< rtes Will r"pi-csct haptcr I)f sitlfcmirt n :tl Ith w+ t. N. Y., ~-]tit r1d lT [ ;, 4,