You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Buying Q NE is to go to a tailor pick out a piece of goods, and wait for three or four "try-ois'' and in the end run thecristk of* an unintelligent fit. Thae other is to come to us--and get a STEIN BtOCH Snat Suit or Overcoat-try it on once befo e a mirror-see the gm iint compete in all its careful wokmanhip-dteiine ii )v thuo pattern looks on you imamediately aftr yon pick thema out-get a garment that is actually made for you, so accurate and neat is a STEIN-BLO0CH it-and the styc is far more up- to-date than the merchant tailors can be. Take fthe fiie-sing, ris/slce,, mo sa oosiyllof/ S/ is-b-Ii/wh tOily Lind ensohffitt, Apfol & Co, SING FURNISHINGS SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS WC haeenSedteiC Iyfo College Caps and Gowns FOR DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS W E iwold suggest Ithat you leae yorit ecil iand011 sasurlililn I ~V before April 1st to insure th pom(pt Cdli Iy of 12011SIn. These (SClap adOGuans are elyc Imale Coi youroder, s~ri iiorIailty varieties hre fer patrons inpetio. Thle newesteffets in MahatanIShisf,CNeeklci tc. Glove1s Hosiery, Novelty Hadkcrchies, Sprng, o ighu-nI ISIS - l SPRING HEADWEAR All Che ew shapes ind sf1011 5 Pnthe hest-fthllkl KNOX, STETSON and BEACON Doutt fail to sICeh-Pai. Gnsn 1ieelsspeial .11,1 Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 S. Main St AMIL J o%&Y THEATRE THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NO-r'IcES -\11l 5tll11whol t1o11111 e11 t11 e Il 111- nt. Il l III ll 1111 il1e1 t is dcl j 11l Mili lla 1 ha ll fl i fr n ; )O ).I. CI~lIIIIICI c "I e 11110 11giai-e Ill11 11 1111111g1 t ~ppnhl t cll~l t), ill. 1111 cas rsdet r rqet H ._ j fs+r WHITNEY Ssaturdaky, - e-- wAPRKIL Matiniee ardid Night 30 of 'Vesuvius WITH THE YOUNG WHIR~LWIND MU.SICAL GENIU S ]FRANCISC AND) HIS Italiall BandaVed n1.1 al II Fcrtr11 II 1111 II 1 Cl 1111 Ill11110 (of scn 11 (C II IfS s0~ 1111ff l~rp or1l1t1b11 l l Adults 25c Children l0c Night Prices 25-35-50 at 4I.Ili. room _1, COVI l 111 0111'0111d Seir -e 01111111 111111vif 111111 0lt" 1ca1d ki 0 I 11111-, . Statel ,211d 10I0111. > a6-If. ItIna ]w11 1 t t ICIi 11 l'lt ie to 1com I Imll it 1111 11h11 - 11 1111 Itici 11 1of If I d ttc~l ca m tI'll Illsther Ta 551111 S('. ~ l MO RL L ____ CO TYPE WRITIRS TEO peV. STOLLSuprpie S10 S ARER HO 705 Nae. ti U or ]Lt A ent Medet HsondBistayscalos GE.V.SALL, rorlY o 2/ orh3nversiyzAve Mee~-ty l n t aybecloypi Ts HEtlt y le cn be & oFiet d sI - 3 ,n ch t tale lnd f p c k 7It.l{j (1ii IlS I I 1* 1 V~ll Fir:1 11 {-tSl~ 1 f5c ~il MAJE T iCe flcginning . A. J. REMTHUa~AH C ll(t tll 1727 Taii;Steel { tages rected i -I"U"IRE DAYSt"'4 StageO Wt art stilt taking uo-tetsnfta a<1 Caps and 'owns li~IFor Alt Departetn nts ~- , ! ' 7 j1 rr(t'7,/ ~~ MACK & CO. ,aat aaI This is the greatest attractin of t Enogaged at enormttus salatry of artitmal trai Grace Hoopes Singiug Gil t___ I- t---' fi, -r 111 irone ; s n Bluford Ig ;; ast CALN&CA~mC The Webier andtiFields o s sil Reserve yore, Wed.- - - Dnn Day May 4i IlU B~ Only /MATINEE- AND)N i N 5 I t IN N AP t II ALast-VASSAR GIRL.., '. i orn THRlEUEIDAYS CttMlhiNCt vliti allAY t .hWAYS AIIEI~iD IN STYILiS '1 *An "f LOR 4,,,, R 0 1, J, A Ii -SLSI OPEVERY TilING IN TAILORING