la Air I- he llth.gatl. 1-ty VOL,. XX. MICHIGAN DRAWS SECOND IN MILE Relay Team Lucky in Allotment ot Places in the Races at Philadelphia PENNSY RECEIVED FIRST PLACE =AN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TL P:SIAV, Ail-Ill 1, 6,1T01. No. 140. TUI'Tl"S 11 ATLfI OUT NI yi; JON Jm-os 1" and1, l -14 'c 1ich , 1811 d ile turtle t(1 the Turtle1 hench11. 11l1er a 110, jai 1011t 1)11Ic 11111111 kRil I>111 \1VG.N SENI ORS PLAN A 8 ('(1 (' 1( 118'S~ DETROIT BANOIIET ti 11,1 1?ilsll 1111c t1he811 (111(1 8 111111118 111(1111188 111111 'Td will be 1 18(1 r iday (1181 crlldi tesftlah ni (111' s strnl it e it111 111 1111 A1fte118 h1111111111 1 1 been1 111 111118he (1118 is ace1iniate AT the11inner11s1crets11of1Ill(11 11(111,111(1 1and 11oc (111111ill11oci:1ste1p11 1811111111o(a l (mmi. Bes 11es the at ((1dlc1 1(11 1(111pr1(vid1ed rich1 will111118 (( 111 h for (I'l - 1 hecome the1prperty- 81f1th ling1 1111 1thre 11e 81tines. 111 11h111(1( 1111 (111(1111,8 ifi> 1 1111 81' 111xcelent118 assn (1 . The1n111l811111-' Tworeetciohaeg« 118(1quar8te -ilers winning li ( ! 11ii (11181111111 yvaia ~ail 811181811 e os nculitcn mo81 ill clse1 o l bcIc '111(1 8,u u nes :r ] I d e re811ted l s1 dctractin'1(1(11 11111 f 1i (11 vet w ak is lch< 1(11 18 s, i11(he 8111ss 1w hc 111hi " (1 are r .11ph - (IMY a ]III lw 11881 le follm\ 'FIIr!1 unsc"11: ] :estric milafi, cls : R tl 1. E' 71t . 'c3t Iesi car, le, Ifo'Ill 1C ick, 1)01I 11.; IIIl lh1i Ic 1181'1, C'1 Ii l - rt1<,1111 T{1 l7 l r: c11(1 N'.111 1 111I181 el1(118 flat11 - C l N c81 (8 Ii .NO MILITARY DRILL HERE President Says Rtegents Never Con- sidered the (Question Fm-11 I((((1081j0('( 1:1111101-hs e(I 8(l1((18l P1chata '((tll o 1iir' l ;t1is 1 <1 1(11 (11 (I at the 11(111:1 1 l 1- (1(8io s. 11 ((11(188 11c cl( ~ (11 1K t1t cf 1-1 1( 1 111 (v11(11 ((1111(11. 1e 1ck,117'y(o cI 11 1 Ilalc111(11111 ,)la1s 1) tse asysem o 11 11 1(1 11(8g s 11((1111,1 1 1(1al q,11 o 11(11111(1 1(1 o(11-(I mathes 1 11111 (((111 ilohO1)e l ba the '11 os r101.11 he1hand11d01111n1of th 0nl lt te (111 S 1 ((((1( D1o( o1r1an and Sti-eli(11;e1, l\II 0 1 1. S ( R 11 (11(IN / C(1r81111111 (1 "as lm 1)111 11188(1(1(1 I 11 81 f he -Alia(1 rtl a o 'oand i I~orei n(1111 vv-)) dei 'e(11amilirize N1c1s1\cs \I 111,1111 \ S ('ll 115. acid th art(1(8, l1 ((111(ad 188ttl o t11 11 18 118 81.1 hiectorsliarelme Arprvschofrs-o I'r~cc nd astc t 11 ily a d AII (((111( 1 (((1111 I, (('(((8(( I 11(111 I, 9IC1 8(.\1101I'S Engineers, Laws and Lits Will Congregate to Watch the Tigers DINE SEPARATELY IN EVENING According 10 prsent arragements 1(1m1(11s8 (f he senior cingiieering, law, (a1nd lit casses5 wiiil1banquet ii Detroit Saurday, May 7 Each class is ap- parent11y' doli'g(15s1be81 (0 send ia large dlQegat(io0n1 i(n(Stits wnfunction. The W~ayne 11081selilfurnish the feast for tih' laws 8w111hile he enineer will dine at (t(e Tnlt8 I:s yet1thelits ae not decided(l 101(11 they wicelerae. Flalool oe pre8(1arations for the day's. e((18101(1118'lt (ar cigi made as this 18111 1(8 th(. (1(8t(((((C (1(t1the three clas- ses 11(188ev88r((et ill an( outiiof town c(eebration11. 'Pie comm(ittilees ii charge . of< 11(e (ffa118 (rciplning to have the 1(111(11888Of 81(811clas assemble early in (11( aftern(1(81(1a(111join in comb~ined party 881(1811liatend te bait game a Ben- n(8(t 11181. Seals will be reserved early f((or1 teentire pary i tie rootig se- linand0111ew18son0g and yells are being (188(aredl for tile occasion. Toa18sslbyprom8(ien(l. factlty men and s(1t1u1(entwillfeaure echi banqet. C.F ILiLi 11SPOKL, BEFORE SOCIlOt LGYQLASS MONDAY. Chaleso F'Weller a Michigan alitn- nus18 (f (1h8 Associated Carities of 1(1t1sb((8" spoke b iefore Prof. Charles C.oley's soc1iooy class Monday on 1Piatho 1 W1ork(8((810(10 as aProfession 11(8 Lollege Gradua11(e1.' ,Nn 81181rOgave iteresig accounts OfI his85work1 1(n(1m(0118an appeal for Ituens ake tp work in his field 1188(11id 11(8(1 888(8positions open (81(111p(aid1 "ood(1sdlries for men of (((('8 18 111(1 B51s8)vT SATURDAY. 11(11(10ststudents(f te university will hold11t(11(18fotnnual(1(8(1banque of the Baptist11Sudents' Gnld i the parlors f the8F1rstIBaptist 8hurci Saturday 818(1(11" f (1(18 888818atI6 p. nm. A review of (1he(1ear's 8work1a1(11a0propectis of the 8118(11111yar xiii costitute the sub' st,11(88of sev88118to (as lystidents 181(1ha1118identifie1d themselves with wid11111act-i(88tiesrng the year. Mr. A. Q. 11(81(81 fomnder of the guild, who :188188c1 in 111(1Arbor fromo England yes , t(1,18 afte(11(on,1and several of the gul 11-111( (1(8(88f1(1(1 different1sections of 1th8 stat(81111l11belguest(s of honor. Din' 1(er a (ift88(1(ts0a(01a(8 will lbe sered. H-01,D ) NUA L ELEfCTION OFi O1FiClERS THPURSDAY. (11(11ele1(111(1(1(111(i(1(8 Thrsday atler' noon(1atIl 10 (o 81(181ill 800(81A, Uii vcr1(iiy hll The1oficers- to be1 18e818(811 wiiiliiaage th dsinyoof ((8heI(dramaic organi(z- (1(prese1t11(8 Lomedy Cla is it I 81118 11n11 fiani condition ((aid ill vie ((181(( i 1ts 11 prs (ttoil of "The Iispec 1 01JuneIC2"1, 11e8Denal State Board 111(8is1hoard1m1(ts annal~ly for te 1(1(8 I os f waning11"sudnts grautatig t from th118e1)(11n1tal deatmentIlI(w(h111inteid to1 commence11 11pract81ie in (le state of AWARD NO GIFTS TO POETS Poems are Not (Good E nough for ield Prize 118 g ls 11 C.I1 (1.r1c f(t b at(1(881 im1111 zt(Ic 11w a ; I t(1,00111 (1 litr1111 (18(t'1 l'l iala (11C (.11 )< i1(1 i ,c lt l )w ic ( 1t1 1"", - e ''1 31 lt V, h 1,1- t 1 ('lllirl \ t>lt ft "I"Ill the r11111or l WVC s"IM, r( t111 'Ill r l>l T cmlcl x1111 (dllc(C r 4CC' Ill 1i51 i"i1C'lt>I' 111 ]illll <1 itic h ((((18(\((( 181(8 8(11 1 111111(8 ill 1:1(00 %1 11 (1 fo m- he s 11 i 18 d ilt i1111 ~11 i11(11 at11-1 (l-> (r1 (8 c (1S~~11 18 rl C1 i=I 1C181V C NI' o 1,' Ill 'r8, lrli 7i >> it) ihr w ll (1i a Ic N0ooc ~ V tns'I'Todayc111" ,11u t 1)1 llt~e Ic.1ife ) LVNc "Oo~~ 1il n CHEONust IhcAcR ,s OUK ilGYMeWi rnts. IUN . ti 1t\ 5x{: c:i 1 r , t srl,;t c"t,'C r 17f a di(tercut >roh e old flan resultccl in the itrr- i.?th. e rrnhesitatin,}l authorized 11mvilum t() nsc° the schedule rth, satisfied that it will resul t equitahie awarding, of clas 1()W 111 ( 1 ( a "A . ')