THLE MICHIGAN D.AiLV 1 ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Spriixg and suimmer 1910 Our Spring Specials DISI(INS--OiinaadEclusive COLORINS'TITNet FABRICS itpendabe RESULTS-leaing and iH aoniou -IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Examaiatio G. H. Wild Compally TAILORS 311 S0. STATE STREET CLIFTON- BUTTONIHOLE MAKES THE BUTTER sitS ID ir ITPERFECTLY MADE OF, LINE. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QlUARTER S iZES 159- 2 for 255 VVNE5APER CGt IAKER2S. Soid i An Arbor by WAGNER & CO. State tret A. .SPALDINGi & BROS. factreilntge oa- 'T'rae-Rai of ~i~ OFFCALE UP MENT,for alt athttic y.adpB~g sports ad patmes. ..Y ® ifyouarae itlierta 4 1" w ed il Atlticiie at ~. of tne Sietiai at o- u 9. aotaae. Itie 0eO m ietti Onetacoialtiof a;kow lto irooo..iot What se'ia Sport ..euaaee o~o ,tot laent freeeonae- A. G. SPALDING e&~ BROS. Base Batll Goods iBi ll (Gootd Mitts, 25C to $8.00 Gloves, 25c to $3.00 GofGoods ite'at tteatle agettatfor Crawford (McGregor Colt Clubs, Colf Bags Balls and Supplies Sheehan & Co. STUDENTIS BOOKSTORE anoaoging Elditor fuiniessA ltana"te CAaL1Fl. 0. AAMt. Addtleess: MICHIGAN DALLY, Preas Bldg., Alay toed Street. Office .liotte.:'that aittE lditor, i-ap. Buitiniesstanlatager, t 2.7-8 Pa. I. '. ca itt Sutanlay . Bthila1c," Neats t dilta........litarold Tiu NAsitanatt.............lHareetZ. Flttl atthletic.l dtiu... NatlieIK. Toeee NAsistiat ....NertitateBitloaelila Niaie atnd Draaama....I Ftel V. iMoorte Lym ant 1,. Brsaonati. IG..S. lbtsher. Na 'itttrletlt It. 1Late. IDaaI. Jansc. Arhue3. Abbtt. lie ti ttalahe1adyllS at the a1t ait of t BREAKS INTO MAGAZINES atillinagnets, if eleated1, tot aliet illtau self of ottheecamtpusac ativifilet,tat farasIHaines, '09, Publishes Stories in they mtighat atia-ipossiibiity etotulict Scribners and E" erybody's oith i s alnea t' liijet ndto ca'nte'tr tate - tis effotsttto the aataaaaatlina nd ata oth-l Nratce of thisUnto astaelat capsi i Th .1crnim i h t1e~ taoe aiethitooetmattcthttotatatofiattny lt la\isaue it)f tScaibnertat gainaet incelat his at a t hi a t 'at ne, tutu. otael wo aasirtsttoatalettUnlantapresidency iatdawhoist i c ifu fiattscatI tttit~it~ait 11 a t tatlea eenlat viatat at h its 1httma at~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~111 toe illcai'a'aaa 111tilta ata a tatit lle itil l slatei al hot'use prfot'ecaaa t, althe tiacat probllmsi ti itttalitt ti a a eetuetuitl of eaft. _iastoy h s q ika tiont hei i liitalg lta l~htf t NaI NN Iii i N'af')l'l"T iti 21 11 % N It lames1 will it ia. aastaory Xr~tia and tutu l ot's aitittite RACKETS Asak tat see the "Chamon"o act $..oo the t"Caatillell' at $85.00; tile 'Putt" at 57.c0c, wit wtsaerprootaf elase ttta e.o Restringing Rackets Will mialae yell a Racket good. at iiett if etiou ill leave it wit t [ifortitle iweek. BASE BLLGOODS At. G. Sp aldintg &-Bo. S com- plate lte etrty'articea ci traniec I ID. N. ine ly Alr is(ooe. 1"rank Rtwell. Al. NiMaftkIRytan. ltc a w t. . G.. ii cacr. N. J. Natoilgaealth. \Nadtitletivcer. Al. aia I satie. BOUSINESS ST AFF' C. eN. Batomatn Noriian HI Hill atNaltee Q. NWilgus MyerRobint Kenntaeth Osatarna Noran W ttetir Again saettintta a precedeatla ori fa - cecaltt'classst h lt 911 lil t ilpr ticipate in to anttquttt at 1alirgm ti'ittatMnIdtt ayNIatMay . 1 alt a atin thei sering o autemattpatingttimtnu tatat0 tho'cok sperse wciathal mus icalt n11aumer atwill le givenatte talwtch tatnin ila. tbe etn- is last tfeaturea wtill nttbitdeoid oitltf aot , a sia'' cotatillitana i aa es \\1ill atayt hit taualltat tatf ataltzaes t atand t-steps. "lTa.'ticeactawilb iia tdand i ail eal nunlt ill lie slatia173 cenatsach't. Dept rate Wlth nd.JeeeryRpairin 1141. R'S JtW L IY STOREf 216 se l's..atesSt. SIRAWBERRIES ARE RIPE AT CALKINS' FI alttut dish a andeysny tat at a fatle antuituthot ttater -o Iww fiat 324 South State Street 1t a t T ll ',tal i aa t a'li s ll: '-l utt ii . Mihi Cidw is te m s ii iitat hIIIic rttIt or aniaton s is d w ptet idthct t t tea' ion 'ad it al u de-rduteiscit ai a tNowthat die th rat ing ou ttutt hashalbeenta 11 io1 for a tepi dencyit olthe ni ont i lm micspetne t o oii t he at li atwhch thul tuer tate tat ti On i hee t~lilcs.Asc taa h aUnioa. has thusafarat eit h a rtuarlthai tuateI inl th (1S i lo t ha ief t e ixIe atilts it i41)v m meas itdero a ut aafthe m ats i ~t W) hse ri etiull foru thtae at c it adeitc~ the aUiont ho ld a i- ot atll ha a snieni h h s b e litvtis to m tehat' el th std n h ha aesestuhe itat al the aia n s ~al c tauicd ith HELLO! Yes this is He. No I won't be around to get a suit made this Spring. 1 bought a Clever Clothes Suit at Wad- hams & Co. last fall -and am going back. It cured me of Tailor- ites. Spring Hats and Caps. Always the right thing at the right time. Wadhams & Co. PI Washingttot RANDAIL & PACK, Photographers Phone 598