THE MICHIGAN DAILY You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Buying 0NE is to go to a tailor, pick oot a piece of goods, aud wait ~for three or four "try-ons'' and in tlhe end runi the risk of alln nin tell igent fit. The other is to come to us- and get a STER"I N- l3OCti Stuart Snit or Overcoat-try it ou once biefore a mirror-see the garment complete in all its carefni workmtanship--determnine how the pattern looks ou you immcdiately after yon pick them out-get a garmeut that is actually nmade for yon, so accnrate aud neat is a STIEIN-BLOCHT Fit-andI the stylc is tar more up- to-date than the merchant tailors can be. To/tli the c-soaxiu. iisi;A/es. 1ore .i iiiislciit S~lei.z-Llis-1 (oi/. Linfdellscliffitt,Ape Co SPrING FURNISIG SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENT We iav euei oa nYfa College Caps and Gow s FOR DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS WYJE iwoutd suggrest that ycc li-aier- odersc and iteat- iin t befoalieeApril tst to insu hii ni - iiiiiiii l-/i f ii i i- --t. T'ha-c tap- and (Gowns-are esl imade-ii attry\r(d(r ati i -ioft1ac1y variet--s hi-i-cfoerpatesaos-ut-i- tioi5. 'The newvest effects inisMaehtt, irtsrI- AeakW(-r, -- I i Hiery, Novelty Hasntkicrchiefs, Sprirn/ recta / SPRING HEADWEAR All the n sic chaps.andlshatdas in theibst it i i KNOX, STETSON and BEACON Reule, Conlin& Fiegel 200-202 S. Main St. I a (i ( i h" i c. I' (; UN IVERxSToY N*OTICES-r.g w if a wea.r. ii tiit si 41 X134 } I Matinee ari ;;; h 3 0 Iltii A- It i -l oii ii t~i It iillaliii - tllc. (" tiltW YNI. tv itii - il . I -. E , I I ii Rossow Midgets and Fio Adler MONDSAY INUNT MAXIM MODELS WI ITH [HE YOIUNGWHIRLWIND.P s AI. (tF i3Nl Ait III S. V1' Cor. Btroadwsay, at 54th St. *i i it i a NFNN7 YORK ei , I. NEXT THURSDAY ALBER'S BEARS $1200.00 At Coming Soon Gennaro Band D. A. KILLINS HARD WARE STORE KEPTF BY A COLL ECGEMAN College Men Alwacys Welcome Special Petrnstfor Col eTeams Ideal Location. Near T heatres, Shops so e aPartk New, Modern, Ab geiil y Fireproof TransieteRate-,$ 0ci it, and Up. All Outside G ( toklet. We a --/ b~uift Cars - c/e -ae ~ ~ F, .- t 1' ty':A 1 ir tiilltaking ordesifor For All Deipartmonts IIII- COK S s ~e atre showsiiig in rxten- ,is-i-line (ifI UN' i i i- c Ii P1111t0 Thel tsfsit tmieiit cioiprises erxerythI itgili iut ii s viI tyi ll t- desigii, coiloir atI liuality. Wi,,e ii s s I aitt (i c i-ri- ii our slotk this-year is tie mun t Ii l-iiiii ri ii ii t I ts~ow it a 1 sswill readlily tappeal 4.o the iiost-l ittuilit it it~w REACH Baseball Goods, Roller Skates, and Rifles. PHlONES - 1ell Phone 1610 Home 212 lat MORRILL C I~. TYPEtWRITING I' -I ac-n ii rl HARIS'BIi El SHOP, Uinder Hluston Mtilliard Parlors ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBERilS H0)11 GEO. V. STOLL, Pcopt-c k40V MOE'S BARBER Sl~ 706 North Ui~aversity Ave. 0. A. MOE. Hairry P. Std sota, lforiierytwith lotel Ii- R. J. Biroh iir. fr(,- MEXICAN INDIAN BLANKETS -.w r .witt t -I St itt io. i- mwsT~ uC-. w U (,vs. in. Wtl.l n ~i 71t. Sin. x tit. Oin.. .... - . . 3.5 .0 51t.01a. x J2ft. Sin--. .. ..: a.. s.5 StIoit thireo o fat si ze)tr 10.00 AN55YYWHEIRE, CARIRIAEE PI Pi, I Order Today.SMoiney OnI. t S C'ii MEXICANFBI TANgKrl-TCO., A'VA~ it NIie iiii l'a raary I ci, Itiidesiri-u- i-l-lI(. ~ a acit , O :cHit, ii~ar y $0.0 W. Ef iC D'j e.Td RLX 0osn.tit~iO o I FA M LY -a.. ___________________._____._____ __,_ __ _. -A ALWAYSA AHEAD IN STYLES s tp 1 F^ T R TiltGEI F EVER~Y I iNNTALIN