lTHE MlcIt(;A14DAILY You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Buying O,, NE asbt go to a tailor, pick out a pliece of goods, and~ wait for three or four "try-ons"' aud in the eod run the risk of anu niutelligent fit. The other is to come to us--and get a STEIN BELOCII Smuart Suit or Overcoat-try it 00 Once before a mirror-see the garment complete in all its careful wvorkmansbip---determnine how the pattern looks on you immediately after you pick them out--get a garmeut that is actually ittade for you, so accurate aud neat is a STEIN-BLOCH Fit-and tie style is far more tip- to-date titan the merchant tailors cant be. Takce[the timic-savig, iiskless, i5or(c tisJaclorr/ Lilldllschmitt,Apl&Co SSPRING FURNISHINGS SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS College Caps and Gowns FOR DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS W E wiotid sitgcithat youi icave eat'rordets atid ea'uemet before April t_ to ic-are the promept d lure 0 o-arisie ft 'Tfiese C(ale atidi (owns are cribyiimadicto your order,. ;am ple o i iv e varieties here her fiatrones inispec'tioni. Ifie tteiest ceffects itiin ahittnS~i its, -eckwerar, Gloves, Itosiry,Nosvcity fHandkertcihis, Slin-cei, 1 1 cuires ta is SPRING HEADWEAR Alittenew shapsanaides i t cl t Ii iiki KNOX, STETSON and BEACON UNIVERSITY NOTICES T us~y.~ sli li -i i ii~7i Z iirfci . r; n,: - ,,: ,.w: , . iim toda. Oathi lte inroom iAis(" Alcc 5 il the A iiice IiMs4t 'la li ,iI f i 1 1 c 1- ;II t ( ff)c- ls I \ii11 Iicr .. - JUL 24h ANNUAL TOR' E tI Sweeptog all Before it in a TidiI al ve P cci rit 1 Ilm Iine th t h I ii11- to Siiioo icu: t l c cIl ii1 eiiiiis hI -ir-. I ii~c. 1,w as) ; t al l d i11 fo h r ia Ail IYLII -,Oe Go e y_ . rx R r1w 811 A 14i m 65 war as PROMINE;N L' x ' w° r r C od d ( i(( s ouiii iiii i D. A. KILLINS .STORE RE3ACH Baseball Goods, Roller Skates, and Rifles. PHONES Bell Photte 1610 Estee 212 Blue S. W.. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., 'sc iii h S. suuicyuuand f(._ KEPT BY A 1OtFF AN College _Mxen AI.l -V1ecorne Special terms foCo le; 'Teamns a 1W YORK Ideal Location. and New, Modern, Transient Rates, All Outside Roo .' errs, Shops rieyFireproof 11 i td Up. Doni't fail to seec ilutic.Conlini & Fic - a 30 20-0 .Main S. Fee We are still taking totders let Caps and Gowns For Al Departmenets \\fac,42' i itc t Ia~ lr ,I r>t ,.:lit .I -in c i '~ ~tk ki MACK & CO. I G*o to Major's is,- a 's y-(i ' cii irsisi 5 to 411 /s. W e; ~- I Iir°t to iiSt-e cliUisi Pc rc lu-e the-c toi price: Iii5dnaiir ot ovr t .i1iu''i i' lific-ul. ira ;le a1ln $1.25,half l]Ion. 65c, 1uaittc. lt ua Ictes o iii h-pi raili'Paints. 21 1 1aI )u t FAMILY ^YL2.. YT~H:-:.-EATRE i41V1" . . . . CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Huston Billiard Parlors ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Op o ii- I cii' i- it IM1i ii,.,m GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North Unilversity Avme. O ,A. MOE. Meets clos and stays closed j HALLEY li T HE styli mitt but nct the ts INOCORD endttess bt- tonthetes-'- iasyi-to-i ttici and unbiutton-itey don't it s. G iiiiii.]tr; 5 _,;ojJ, VNIDER THE MAMA,- Harry P. Stlrxisorn, iiriiicry ityhiiI ~ i. C (OMMENCING T Three Days of joy andy ic . .* Array of StupendousV Present aaeecc< V ou tI Laugh ! Y ou'll S uer T e (11 t r mssegan---Shirley lot I ' Mondaye Thurs. Apr,. 28 Ten Wonder.LutfAnti WANTED%' _ C ii of- l ticin - .1 0 l riday Aprl 28t. i.iMcraafinnciM _ other ,mr s c,, Rt .. Ac~tttlt Pitue . .... O O" ACT . ,:. ALWAYS AHEAD IN QT VIl±% ALWAS AHAD I Til: BII OFtVER ~TVI ~ TIINO ITAIII Io Tli 3:w EVERY T "INfix r 4 4.If)QIN i