vj F FANFEST FORCED . BY WEATHER Aw.N Bailmen Discuss Southern Trip and Start Love Letters Southward, I:a['IN' T I NCr i1 ( 1;1 1\ (, 'I Ni- k i , kcal rx1 cmo i-sir] ri- rc_l rrerrr C' C'1 It sill to brl" rIlc i it 1' it Nrlxrr. i thiii I i()1' eii t I - t ii tis C i 1 e .1il NAil 01 N I] i TGN, I UI)AVi Ni PNI, 11.::WILL PLK RELAY 1 hA MSTURDAY Men Showing Best Form will he 1C{ Sent to Eastern Athletic Carnival. te111,JOE HORNER SURE COMiPETITOR. Pll" lc i i e 1) il) M ~iit illth the lr-r .i 11cid tni r c d ini the tre a r e rilr c No. 136. 'C l BADGER REGENTS 10s" )fccolo, CONSIDER PAXSON ri ilsu Junior Professor May be Asked 'W111MIutsl - to Head American History v lst~uts. IIIallDepartment. lost of therse re TURNER GOES TO HARVARD rJJ tibut there_____ i FIELD AND STICK WORK GOOD. ,I Krr pt iiol torsi v t sirr-rt \V'Ncrirr of m-crr tile ( irrri o rrl sotlthvl c J r l III --4 1, 1r. 'i e (f dac cr- ireas f'Jr-s. l~ th Jrf ti x rct Jr ( C { } at rh 1" i - . 11 at scĀ° d 1, r j E_ 3 t f?? ;t rl c t:l (lrrilllt irrrtl Il'\ tit re tirrl - nlxcl-I o) '~t WNitli aJ rirrwer boar tie classes cart he quickly carrriedi tor iiiyiiiit otnthe lake. Jrerrrwill ire noi deltyin iitheir work becus riialog rowr or stormiy weath- Ctrr PIIII'finiger reprorts that thre regis- tr-rio ir r couerrses nit thre Biological sionrrr irlrger iairiirughrt rearsonably Jbe ii exetdn soerly. Thre delightful locationJof thre-staionriris attractingomanty frrimitire ireir sourthierly states, as - rerrir studen its tire enrrilled f romu. N rLii1giri,, D. C., K'ansas, Mississippi ind Nerw York. elll rr t a Jrss Jr r'J h t" , ill rtrtr 4 ~iir . ;111r br 11111 Jru t JrC Jr1 1 ()blt tillvd tit co 1>()rtt co III a I I 1 )ti ii f irom fli etrit Alotor