THlE MICHIIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES r. it' s No "Came" ofChance when you order your suit at ..... .. 5. . . .; _ 't l + F 4 k Se't' i l i r a ..<-'' l F \t(-ciiil"c cc rsl cII- c c(r )c 1 ~ I 1 I r is n sIIi lii; i- n iiI I;- -~cIl ih n i ;t, I il , cl -:Iai a(,k1 'Cciii n~. \11-s. Fcrii an nci n1n ouh ' Ir ic l ip t , ; 11\I cIII ci ccif hein iii I I; I cci n ii n c c It oii . III (r~it SUCCL$:SS]I" 11 Rii I I. 24th ANNUIAL TOUK P uCf Y f V"=T Sweeping all Before it in a Tidal Watv. i ilIII Our array of Spring Woolens will make a home run hit with you. Our battery of modish models is the sightliest ever. SCORE one of cloths content- ment by looking TODAY. J. KARL MALCOLM, 118. Liberty lscee:ftrkctto rts iii li dci < is i 1i lit111111ld, I toy Ili:;,tt Cy. -. rarc tlc ci ilintoi 1 lIs - licr 1, 111 1 65-- POMINENT P 6 5 Granger's School of [)ancing EastTerme IiniciTuesdayi-cciiinn. April 5. 1;t. C1 -( s f)r 1i s by ic a p intcment,. inor ;particular, -aiat11m, cad ily() ho ,'1 . lI PRICES, . 5-~- AI LYTHAR ccliuin;forcsplchesiccandiiso ii c ,the Stil-*;bm11111 i c c1 hiiir ii;Icfe ii to thiii i af-I(I hl-iii i fc°r cr it - C MEXICAN INDIAN BLANKETS liii ci; ill ci iiiNi' In cfor nnurCoiepvc, Roomniii ii, Otil-inn-n ii -IcIloomicforCnoesncciii Coci Ci ecP rtov iii ',11l;; ins GORGEOicUS COLOR EFFECTS!I BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS ! in- ( cc ciii , oy I ~i is riounndiii~il {'I i - t1 - lue Icc; . -i Gre-e-cc - I ite c lc c l - 71. Sin. en Sft. l0in. - --.......$ 5.00 tWt. Sin. x att. 41n..- --..... .3.50 51t. in. x 21t. in. - --........ 2.50 Set of three (one oteach size) 10.00 SILK SCARFS Wi i--i, i~e . WIII; or1 i- sj ci l o i i ui-i iThe I I i'i I' lIii ci fo iii ;Le, i; ane i F iat} di1 int % (, r PRICE $10.00 SENT ANYWHERE, CARRIAGE PREPAID, ON R ECIPT OF PRICE.. Order Today. Money Bark it You Want tt. MEXICAN IALANMKET CO., AGVASCALIENTES. MEXICO. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOPI CHARLIES' IBARBER SHOP ElkccnicI ci-c htim liccioiom Under FHuston Billard Parlors G;a. V. STOLL, Proprietor icc - itihc cicI~ c afor I :.1 r t y . Too()ifleifltitt cn In \- c rcccnt act of ii; c cci I.l iii0 c i i P i i f th i c c i ii i $1 ii isc hre loi l -nn cici li i for in wor- ,111 e ch ts1111 Plc d fr - \ . C iOI ciRS I i I= [--\I). ccce sudni r dcccii;;; cli{)11nthir occiii; dilicc o ccnl 1 a c c 1 d i11 c Iii in el aii n c cd l; i;liii i ccl. ()\-e-i tc olc 1n hyc N\lii; rin cl th proi ion ii c - 1 n il in ii c i 1 iiiic f tci; li lx ccciii n i o cii lic i i II st den. c - 1 cici ici ii i s°I-ini 11()ci 1 ci theii i -dI c i o i - iI aIi -cl tc cc alcdu11i ; 11 -esedi1 DON'T MISS THIS!2 The Eagle and 2 tte Girl TONIGHT---5 fBIg Acts I COMING TOMORROW Grand Prize Boxing Carnival Togethrwioth Rossow Midgets and Hlo Adler You remenmber her. The Girl with the Singing Boy in the Box MONPAY NEXT R nagmn MAXIM MODELS New Pictures, Including "tVenius at the Bath" MWOE'S BARBER SHOP 706 North University Avce. O. A. M OE. Hotel Cuni.",' .W, Cor. Broadway, at 54th St. <-r/ KEPT BY A C ¢,Kt " College Men Alvv Special Perms for Ideal Location.N New, Modern, A Transient Rates, ~ i(1, .'All Outside, Rioc UNDER 'THE MANAG 05" x' Hlarry P. Stitrnsoni, fcrmeriy cccihlinHod R. i. n gqhekl ., * In r1 SimThe Tran Why isSHREDDED WHEAT JISCUL training table of nearly every collciad i in the Unite'd States? Becaus n -rc te.t amount of mucle-buildin am r'trial with the least tax upon th =.6CPc You can't build the perfect hun c il :CIJ SS TIL Oif N YYORK M, EAN u'l p. f r_ . c_ _._ - / - -!c. n out.s 1 grat andl' - cdC - IIthe The ciniolce ictan ii Idiii A fragraii bled ofliiuici tI icci .iai lcli.ciitliit pl~easstlhi taskc '\~ Ibere are tcclc cf iin ea c jiinn c 1/ - uEALi c1 K - 1 c di elttdd I(1O ('10. cii / r/ - c n hooks or sermons. ShreddedW-'d iIS C ftotd Cof athletes and invalids. Ah i ii onF, to wiork on, to play on. Alwy cialins pure, always wholesome._ c Ui_ ,w I' All the Meat of the Go , a7, :r'-; :F+' i*' k . THE SHREDDED WHEAT C A NIAGARA FLS. N. Y I 11 mmmmm mmm -rrmrnomior r mTrnorv r ALW1 AYS AHAD IN STYLES A., r i 1 ''A SU vd RD F TAI" LOR T"lING IN TAILO. RING