-41 0 1 Z: - S F Yp k fi ' Wl ail . ,NN ARBOR', MICHIGAN, 21), 1910. No. 13.5. \'ol- Xx. 'VARSITY WAITS CASE GAME GONG Squad Home After Taking Four r Out of Seven From Teams In Dixieland. SHOWING SATIS -FIES RICKEY. c li t ~maito(fssitti c li1t hr cti 11 15111 coric l eait il 111 lici 55111-5 hall c~un r ttra cd 1 rci i s ill> ;i HNI s a lcaadcr 1117", aild hittins " a cra ;c. ']'l t c ;md Hill slim cd clcl and at hai. 'VARSITY FATHERS I HAVE BUSY FSES'ON ll'crl stn)II ,-, 'I llcv 1 ittpiti, tit51111; SE C i ON OR. m-11 I Oidititfratllmitta a adtefoilotelin( Ill thut S, HoillistillCaltol-Ni t MICHIGAN GAINS 11, c>>() cl s i > t>>111 .111 11 -) lc 1)11 li . tttt-i1 cic stiI I" Board of Regents Grant Leaves of Absene and Raise Salarios, CENSOR CONM!TTEE CREATED. l-:1irrv-I,. iiuartL,. e elts 1. Fatt wk ofther T(xda\ the c 1) Ferri- Ile]( cl til'st for (MIC SCI, tI-i~ctit(- Ilitil P. Work, l',lkhart, htdialla. Frw11 the class of igio: Fclris N. Smith, Pontiac. l[ich. Jolm T. Holmes, Buds(,, Mich. I (clip S. L'arfhralc>nlctiv, Lansing- y; 1111 C i l I ,t i~tI1) dittt ti S sc 1 111111 l tltrs {f ill , di ll111$12,000t Ni it-itipti Dr Ni tit I litti ed - Nil~r T e lc h'sae f icll i! lpais iCtt Illin ill i 11ic111111 wicih Ils is ill cIn itinin~C 1 f~lI~cPil1ilti 1 tXi, iibt Isito t lased etitreily 11110I ill l~r henisI 1111111 tiiforth1yitt it tiio baI 1. iii itt c"I 111i i'I l-I) tre iii til X;tVS 1 c, C'I':LF truct ,l- a STRONG TEACHER prof, Reeves of Dartmouth Will Occupy Chair of Political Science. SUCCESS OF COURSE ASSURED. Jesse Siiidaii Reeves of Dartmouth, ills 1b511cieced to the professorship of its teptaritentiofipoiticai science by te regentis. LU. Reeves' tretaraijoniaid training for tiis ipositiinihas een ganaed from the itusiiness woriti as welt as from tiii cits room. In z&)stie received his ibacielr of aris degree from Amherst, -titt iwas a gratiae sudet in history, juisrueneiiaenii econonmics at Johns Hoptikints Uniiiersty uinti 1894, when ite wstm aite a iocor of philosophy. Tue foloweig itwo years were spent in speilstsuts andt research work in Watshiigoii.In 18916 Dr. Reeves took tip the sudy tf law at Richmond, In- diiiaaiiand sas adtittedt to the bar. 'ie tratiieed lasw at his home untit ttrtmtii 89 to ioo5 e served as com- missionier ttf te Unitect States District Ceutt Ind tiana, and11 friin 1905 to 1907 tias presidleit of the tordt of police tcommiiissionier s of Richaiaond. Besides thits tiesas te Alert Staw ecturer tttttipitiitill history, John Hopkins, onte 5ear a1111 assisantiptrofessor of pltil isciecee, Dartmaouth Cotege tip tt the tresent. Pitesidenet Hutchinis, in speaking of the "I amersonialy acqaiiited with Dr. Reeves antoit noiot hesitate to predict that1 tiiiter hifs leadership Michigan wilt soon1t haves an uniusuati- strong poiti- sat scieniseideparmnit. Besides being iii efficienti teacher, te is a man with a tdisiiit personatlite ad charn." SII:[PY H-OLLOW NOT AVALABLE. Under ie leiiership of geaerat ch irman"llp"IfHaskns, plans for cap 111111ht r tibeingrap ilicimpeted. The funtii 11ottwil liteetldiniFricay-eveeninlg. A iffteulty coifrtiits the connittee ini regard ti the otaininiig of Seepy 11111110 toe the ocs ~io. Previous cccrtitots tiavepiictiaty rnied the sdintmaintpttaces aidbecause of this, tile otffiesofttfhe girs athletic asso- ctiatltionhae eeii compeed to take some tSepl towaetd rotetig tteir field. The ecommiittees wsil be annouced Vt COOS OF CAMPUS ATTRACT STUDENTS. "Asifars I cait judge now, this is g111it te bannt iter -ear of the sun- titer se ssioni" saed Prtf. Jotn S. Ef- lnedattf the stmmner session, iesstiit I ";ey idictationi points to gret in~crease ii in enrollet over that tf last seii. Al est, intnyi ipeolethave signifed tirietinil of1th tt tenletg, ant the ofit iteo te at is bing delugec daily wtill Iuetssforinfttrmations regard- i11g tetitlae1Crieuinireimets aditoter iiifetrmai tiinswhichi te posective stu- detisiwishtlloiintw. Thoste isb-re- tis yer ae adopt- lda ew ftriitof tuleta for the sum- tier sessuiI. liste-ai of a bare an- noittitc 1111 tf courises s tas been the cstsmtibefiorettis iear's annonce- liltlso t ntatins aii lIrge nimber iof Ann111Arborm scenes I itit \Nitee l}tt Phila lc 11 1 'tilillllt1C'c' ( l l'11 y<'c 71t't.l' 1It'11 \'' 1i i ii ()X I, "niwl DR. SELLARS RETURNS Fl ilosoplsical Staff Also Adds Dr. .barker. ;)_'c ra Ch n! c Wil oc 5 is 111111 currnlit t )- in lt 1511 tcIl lil 11p -Ii ll1 )r1111 ' r t 11111fo tica scltat tilctttit1 esieofPrs it-1 ut Ii - - -'.ll>;iit elt n h Join in Octo~h r, is tilt . i. 11. Parkir E is 1 il 1<11c enire c ar-cof 1th 1wor es il Iof~i alcl awic i p iloits till. ii lic